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Yesterday I found a vote poll have been pump by someone ( Quiet has 150 vote but my Patrons have 120-130 patrons)
and 2nd is Syndra have a little wired too.

first Poll Resault

At first I will draw Quiet without polls because I just End Metal gear Solid V lol
and draw a first vote too.
but  I will pick a top 4 of last poll and vote again .
Syndra , Riven , Poro and Quinn

NEW Poll

 and this vote will end in 24 hours after this (in my country is 8.25PM 9/11/2015 and vote will end at 9.00PM 10/11/2015)

Please forgive me about my unthroughful

P.S. Hardcore vote will publish on 14/11/2015 for Hardcore patrons
you can pick couple and activity they do




A poro? Really? Why are people voting for a poro i don't understand, who the hell wants to look at a naked poro? On another note, PLEASE DO BATTLE BUNNY RIVEN!