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-Bring Back to Monthly Reward
 in 2019 I do a nexflix style when you  subscribe you can access all 2019 reward.
It seem unfair for supporter who pledge until January 2019.
 So I have to change to Monthly Reward from this month [January 2020]
- Both method to Send Reward
  from a poll Result is 50-50 between the same method and send via message after charge next month .
So I do both :p
******Same method is bug so wait for Patreon's suppport to fix it sorry for this *****

-REALLY REALLY BIG SWORD Tier will Reward 2019&2018 pack
 Supporter RRBS Tier can chose 2018 or 2019 Reward 1 pack per month  
 * Please send a message to me*

So thank you everyone for support.
if you have any Question feel free to talk.


Alma Vanilla

That good new, but i had 2 question, i was before in diamond ande ven you sopped diamond i had stayed at it, i will be in the new tiers and how i will be able to choose old reward ? I wonder its only 2018-2018, there cannot be some older ? I think i have maybe all 2018 and 2019 already :D


Hi Alma. -I just change a name "Diamond Tier " to "RRBS Tier" You can tell message me to choose a reward(I think you are already got them all lol) -I don't have a file that older than 2018 because it's in very old harddisk and on Gumroad only [ I can't download my file at gumroad directly , I need to buy my own work :P any way Thank you so much for big support :D

Alma Vanilla

its a pleasure to give a big support to you. I guess that will be like usual i'm in this tier to only support you then ^^