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Hello everyone!
I hope the holidays have been treating you all well 💕

You can read at the bottom for my life updates ^^
TLDR: I'm recovering from con crud again, but will be back to work very shortly!

Meaning nobody will be charged between Jan 1st - Feb 1st, and billing will resume automatically after Feb 1st. This is to allow me time to catch up, set up new branding, website, and give people time to consider the new tier changes as well. I have a whole post on these changes here , but for easy access, here is a quick refresh:

    $2 Tier
= Early access to art & commission openings, hi-res versions of all SFW images

$5 Tier = Prev Benefits + Poll access, WIPs, SFW Timelapses, Tutorials, 5% Commission + Shop

$10 Tier = Prev Benefits + All NSFW alts and other content, 10% Commission + Shop Discount

$20 Tier = Sketch Gift Tier (3 Slots per month) Access to all previous benefits + Once a month  
         timed 30min art of the character of your choosing (I'm lowering the starting cap to 3 people
         for this tier, just to keep things easy for myself- if this goes well I will raise it back to 5 <3)

With the additional possibility of a physical rewards tier that could be added later this year! 😋

LEGACY TIERS- Anyone who STAYS subbed at your current tier and does not cancel- these people will continue to receive the same access with no changes! (Ex: If you are currently a $2 patron, and you do not cancel during this change, you will *continue* to receive full access to all content by the old tier settings. Please be aware though, if you have to cancel at any point I cannot re-add you to this tier! You would have to resub at the new tier after then.)

I really want to thank you all for supporting me in my first year of this journey 🥰


Read here for life deets/long version!
Unfortunately I did get sick again after coming home from Holiday Matsuri on the 23rd 😭
I've been slowly recovering, and I think I'm finally at a point where I can sit down and handle business things again. There's been some exciting stuff going on though...

I'm currently in the process of acquiring a large set of printing equipment in partnership with my dad, and we may begin running our own merch printing shop out of my garage. Likely also will be used to fill orders for my boss at Creative Workshop - pretty neat!
This means I also may have a great way to do my own art prints at home, along with T shirts or other things, so maybe this summer or later I can offer these on a storefront- or maybe even as part of tier rewards? 👀

As of now, I'll be using the month of January to catch up on some things, figure out what my work schedule will look like with the print stuff going on, and hopefully work on a rebrand of my website, and nice little things like tier images. I've been dying to give myself a refresh like this, and sadly just haven't had the time :')

For commissions - things will stay pretty much the same for a while longer. Sketches and small things like emotes will likely be the only thing I take on, until I get more of those larger pieces out and delivered. Again- I am *eternally* grateful for the patience of my clients at this time. I know the ups and downs of my life haven't been the most pleasant to wait on, so I apologize 🙏

As another heads up, February may be a busy month for me irl- I'm not certain at the moment but I will likely be working another convention from the 9th-11th, and then my family is bringing me on another trip from the 19th-29th (I'm not very happy about the length I'll be away, but I'll at least have my surface pro to work on some things, and I don't know how much longer I'll have some family around... so I'd like to yes when they ask me to do these things <3).

Anyways, I wish everyone a Happy New Year! Hopefully not *too* many are sick like me 😩
Party and have fun if you can 🥰



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