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Hey y'all! So I had an idea for a YCH but the more I ponder on it... I don't want to add more large pieces to the queue if I can help it, at least until I whittle down what I have haha.

Therefore I'll be solely focusing on sketches this month once again!
However this round I'm actually open to Half or Full bodies as well ^^
I'd love to get some more anatomy practice, and examples for these two options specifically since I don't really have any atm.

If you are interested in a sketch style commission for:

      $80 USD for Chibi or Bust (Ends just below the shoulders/bust line)
     $100 USD for Half Body (Anything above thigh is visible)
      $120 USD for Full Body (Anything below thigh is visible)

Please fill out the form below! (You will be discounted at the $5 and $10 tiers ofc <3)



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