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Hey from the beach!
I figured I should share a bit of what I've been doing, and its my sona, Mika 🥰

Lord knows I'm never 100% happy with my ideas for her, I just keep slapping stuff on the wall and hoping it sticks hahah. But this is where she stands for now and I think its pretty nice. A bit heavier on the dragon side but she's supposed to be a twin-tailed fox/noodle dragon mix. And finally gave her glasses bc I'm a blind bat lol (but they're cuter than mine hehehe) 💕

I've also been working on my partner's sona as well! He decided on a husky, who I've also given some cool fish/dragon traits since he really enjoys water and swimming irl. He's really happy with the result and I'll share some stuff with him soon 😋




I gave Iris some glasses for the same reason!


her hair and glasses look so cute and suit her so well! and hope you're having a great time at the beach too! ^^