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Since I haven't really made one yet, I'd like to offer an official post for you guys to suggest characters for the polls!

I'll be doing the poll for May in a few days probably, so feel free to suggest in the comments below ( or via DM if you prefer is always okay!)

But that being said - you can definitely use this post for future months as well, or I can make a new one every month if that's better :'D

I hope everyone is having a great week so far!<3



How about Something from the classic Robin Hood maid marian and Robin Hood stir up some memories for people

Archantael Clow

I honestly think Amaterasu from Okami would look gorgeous in your style <3 or a dual piece with anthro Okikurmi as well.


Okami!! Gosh I need to go back and finish that game, but yes I'd absolutely love to do that! 😍