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Here's my full set of notes that I took while watching Breaking Bad. It's 27,000 words, and so it's a bit much, but if you are interested than you might find it interesting: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yyjQjdA_sDPcdwMK6DbFamJzg_IZ4pnZ6xKAoDKQVWw/edit?usp=sharing

Let me know what you think!



Wow this is a really cool read. Seeing you make connections to the show with a story/characters the writers didn't even think of yet is kinda trippy to see. But it just shows how amazing the writing is across both shows. This is also a fanatic analysis in general. Thanks for sharing!

What's Therapy

thanks for checking it out and supporting the channel! It was really fun watching and keeping notes honestly, it was a challenge to not write down every thought I had lol


Best dollar I've ever spent lol, this is an awesome read