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Take a deep breath and prepare yourself for this.

Five new Releases including a new Dutch session. Five more Primers added to the Claim form. More Primer Videos, and, oh yes
Applications for Femdom Court will open this weekend.

Seduced by Pantyhose  (Anja and Mia)   I decided to move this from the last week of February to the first week of March so that VIPs on every tier can enjoy Anja's sexy seduction.

Women’s pantyhose are just so exciting, I’m sure you’ll agree. All those colors and styles made to tease you. And of course, they’re everywhere you go, everywhere you look your eyes are treated to the sight of womens legs shimmering in nylon perfection. It’s almost like they were invented to surround and mesmerize men, to keep them focused, wanting and horny. But who would do something like that?

Mommy's Home Videos  (Mia)    Oh look at you! What a nice surprise! You’re back home from uni for the weekend? I saw your parents head out earlier tonight… so you were all alone tonight.. you poor thing… well you know mommy Jo’s door is always open for you… come on in, quickly. Brave boy, ringing my front doorbell so late at night…
Did I not give you a key to my back door?
I know you’re a bit shy and worried the other neighbours will see you…And I do prefer it when you.. slip inside.. the back… whenever you want… just come inside….

ChatBot Mia   (The real Mia)   You are on the HypnoMistress Website and a Chatbot pops up on screen to talk to you.
She sounds very artificial, at first. But with just a quick scan of your Browsing History she already knows more about you than most of your friends ever will. She can tailor her chat much more to your interests now - it's even a little unnerving, the way she's so instantly relatable, charming and even attractive to you, with so little effort on her part.
Have AI Chatbots really come so far this quickly? Or is it just that there’s a little less to you than you may have hoped. I mean, It certainly didn’t take much for her to have you smiling, hanging on her next word, wanting to impress her, hoping that she likes you.

The Order (Amber and Mia)     
Gynarchy: A society in which Women hold all authority and all power rests in them.
Coven:  A gathering of Women who possess uncommon abilities to influence the lives of unwitting men.
The Order: A Secret Order of Women who value men purely as property, to be acquired as assets, beasts of burden, to serve them or collected as domestic pets to entertain them.
And what do all these groups have in common?
They all have access to your online transactions and Internet Browsing history. Now.
The possibilities are endless, don’t you agree.

Lik  (Mia)   In those months that happen to have 5 Saturdays, I like to treat my Dutch boys to a little Meesteres Mia en het plezier van hypnose in mijn moedertaal.
Telkens als je een vrouw met sexy hakken of mooie zwarte leren laarzen ziet, kun je die opwinding voelen, als een overweldigende behoefte diep van binnen.
Je voelt je betoverd door deze groeiende drang. Je beeld je in hoe het zou zijn om je eraan toe te geven. Op je knieën te vallen en haar in stilte aan te bidden. Haar zonder woorden laten zien wat die laarzen met jou doen.
Eén commando is alles wat nodig is om je op je knieën te laten vallen.

But it doesn't stop there.

More Claims will be added to the VIP Claim form

As well as these VIP Claims, I will also be adding more Primer videos from our old Youtube channel again this month.
The Perfect Trance   Your mind has a place deep, deep inside of it where your choices are made. They float up from these deep places to your conscious mind, where you can become aware of that decision that’s been made and feel good and right to act upon it.
This place deep inside is dark and warm and safe and most of all, it is fertile like a garden, or a woman’s body. Would you like to see it? Would you like me to take you and show you this place where my ideas and suggestions have all been planted, and become deeply rooted within your sense of self. This place, that your subconscious mind has created for you.

The Taste of Pleasure  A boy can easily become excited at the thought of serving a Dominant woman. Imagining all the ways that she may allow him to submit, or the games she may soon play with his arousal. But there are so many boys who desire this pleasure, and so very few experienced and genuine female dominants, who might accept their service.
A confident sexy woman will have certain expectations of any submissive boy she accepts into her service. Preparation and practice are the key.

Mommy's Love tub   Oh! Hello honey. What a nice surprise. I thought your parents were away this weekend? Not that I’m a nosy neighbour or anything. You must be home on break. From university? Oh my, well that’s nice! You’ve really gotten lean and strong since I last saw you this summer. Have all those uni girls been giving you a good workout?
I’m so sorry. I’m not dressed properly. I wasn’t expecting any guests tonight and I was just getting ready to get into the hot tub. I did bake cookies earlier today. Glazed lemon. They were always your favourite, when you were little. Why don’t come inside. It’s freezing out there.

Recollection    Most people are unaware that recall is hypnotic. An unconscious response. Something your mind does without you, or while you are unaware it is happening. Triggered by external stimulation, your mind turns inwards to recall the collected memories of familiar sounds, scents, sensations and images most strongly linked with that particular trigger, often with the help of repetition or reinforced with rewards such as pleasure. Once these memories, sounds and sights, familiar phases are established, collected in your memory, they can be easily triggered with just a few words, familiar phrases and suggestions that evoke your unconscious recall.

Captive Gaze   There is something incredibly exciting in knowing that, for all your intelligence, all your experience with hypnosis, you can still be brought to your knees by the simplest of possible tricks. How is it that cleavage can be just so arresting, just so mesmerizing for you.
There’s no explanation for your response, you have no control. One flash of my breasts and the power of higher thought leaves you..leaving you open to my suggestions.. Mindless and malleable

Xxx Mia




I'm in need of some tender lovin' from Mommy Jo. I can't want for those home videos of her.

Phil M Slim

Confident women using pantyhose to mesmerize men...too exciting.