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No matter whether you celebrate Christmas or not, this is a time when we can all be a little more kind and a little more giving. At this time of year my home has an extra special warmth and welcome glow, from all the lovingly wrapped gifts and twinkling decorations that adorn my tree. Giving is also how we can bring joy to ourselves. Especially if you are a sweet submissive pet who longs to pamper and please the women you adore.
Tomorrow, I will be giving all my VIPs the gift of Christmas, an invitation to come spend a special evening with my friends and I at a magical soiree. Perhaps you will get a Xmas surprise, or maybe you will be that surprise for someone else. Giving or receiving, In the end, the best gift is the one makes you feel special.
Mistress Christmas



Hans Koster

That is a warm thought..❤️


Nice Christmas thought, hopefully i can listen too.