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I'm sitting at a coffee shop working on homework for a post-graduate degree. It's a humbling experience because for the first time, I'm really having to work to be successful... This program is very difficult and academic wise, I usually have to put forth minimal effort to reap the maximum benefit.  This isn't the case this time around...

Because of this, I'm feeling challenged (and admittedly am a few decisions away from giving up)  and I imagine that many of you, in some aspects of your life, are also feeling challenged and are at the brink of defeat yourselves.

This has inspired my next general session... writing it for me... recording it for me... but then also wanting it for any of you wonderful souls who are, or may be, struggling, or having a hard time with a challenge. I definitely need a little pick-me-up right now - do you? 

With the right mindset, we can overcome anything.  Let's not give up when things get hard. 

Thank you for being the subconscious push that I need to persevere.  I appreciate you...and your support is helping me with tuition.. so I can't let you and me down. 




Lukas Spilka

Anytime Scarlet :D We believe in You and in Your success... And a little thing to add... it is simply not possible for You to let us down... ;) You are too good to let that happen... :)

Epic Stone

Scaret, Great idea and we all need encouragement at times in our lives. Am glad you seemed to have emerged from your valley to a place of hope and resolve. I feel I have walked that exact path when I pursued my post grad work at a very rigorous program. It required me to learn to function at a far higher level than I ever had before, and that turned out to be a great gift in my life. As the great philosopher Woody Allen said, "80% of success is showing up", so let's keep showing up!


I greatly admire your drive and determination Scarlet, and I know without a doubt you will persevere and be all the stronger for it! You are accomplishing things that I was never able to, so please know that for what it's worth, I am indeed cheering you on, knowing you will succeed! Thank you for sharing sweet Scarlet!


I am in almost the exact same situation. English Comp II can kiss my arse.


With a huge final project due in the next two weeks for my doctorate course this semester, this is exactly the type of encouragement that fuels my fire. So glad you've stumbled upon us here at The HypnoMistress. Mia and I are lucky to have you. xoxo Scarlet