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My HypnoMistress Patrons can request Madam Fate 2 with the red VIP Claim button here thehypnomistress.com/product/madame-fate-2/  as one of your October VIP Claims.

Sometimes when you are told that something will happen to you, that it is in your future, your fate.
The idea can take an irresistible hold over you.
Your fate is something that you have no control over.It lies waiting for you on every path you take. It’s inescapable. It’s no use trying to avoid it. And no matter how hard you try to avoid your fate, everything you do only draws you closer and closer.

Xxx Mia



James Mac

My fate is to surrender, submit. obey, and serve sexy dominant women, especially Hypnomistresses! That is what's best for me.