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I've posted on our VIP site, but I'm considering venturing into the realm of doing some ASMR recording with a binaural microphone. It would be a considerable investment, so wanted to know your thoughts on this before I start setting money aside for this new audible venture. 

Curious? Are you familiar with ASMR and enjoy? What are some of your favorite sounds? 

Have you experienced any 3D Hypnosis sessions?





ASMR is fantastic. I love the sound of a whispering voice.


Big fan of ASMR, but not whispering. Love kissing, licking, breathing, rubbing sounds etc...


Ryan - Is there an aversion to the whispering or are you just more of a fan of the 3D aspect of the sensations produced by the other sounds? xxx Scarlet


I also love the ASMAR recordings! Some recordings just go back and forth from ear to ear and some are truly 3D. This would really add to your already fantastic recordings. I would love for you to venture into this realm.


Oh, Abe. I'm glad to hear that! I'll be sure to reach out to you and get more of your ideas when I get to the point where I can invest in the equipment. I think exploring this niche could be really EXCITING. xxx Scarlet


I've never gotten into ASMR but you certainly have the voice for it. I imagine 3D hypnosis would only add to the intimacy of a session.


ASMR: Here's my penny's-worth: * I'm currently loving your conventional hypnosis so much - and trying to improve the depth and effectiveness of my trancing - that to divert attention to ASMR would be a distraction for me. Hypnosis is fascinating and thousands of years old: that's enough to keep me busy for the time being! * I wouldn't want to see your conventional output diluted at this stage, while you're still building up a head of steam. Are you risking trying to do too many things at once? * Your voice is so musical and voluptuous: would you be playing to your strengths? Disclaimer: I haven'€™t properly tried ASMR, so I don't have the full picture about what I'm 'missing.' Hope this is helpful xxx


Let me put it another way, Scarlet: when I go deep enough for you, everything is already 3D - no gadgetry required. I'm so excited right now at exploring what can be achieved through the limitless power of the imagination alone that I prefer not to prejudice that by introducing special effects. You have a finite amount of time and energy: I'd prefer to see you invest it in building your repertoire, depth, and conceptual 'wholeness' as a hypnotist.


Personally, I love the intimacy of occasional whispering in a hypnotic recording (no advanced effects needed). It's a modulation of the voice and encourages exact listening. It can used when saying something particularly important. Also, I enjoy the many aspects of your voice.


Actually, I love clicking sounds of handcuffs or chains. I also love the sound of high heels.