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Available in the Hypnomistress Showroom www.thehypnomistress.com

You know very well that I am fascinated by the power of the words that I use, to invoke changes deep inside of you. As your own desire becomes entangled in this fascination of mine, so many more things become possible. When you feel my voice carrying you below the threshold of conscious perception, your own active, conscious awareness, can give way to a much deeper sensory response. In this state of Subliminal Mindlessness you can feel your response to my influence become so much stronger. And isn't this exactly what you truly desire?

Some of you will know I have used the word Subliminal before today, in several sessions. Perhaps these appealed to your impressionable mind, or perhaps you've yet to discover them. I've shared the cover images again here so you can find them in The Showroom.
All three of these sessions are perfect for looping, either on their own or together in a playlist.

I will be sending the full session out to all Patrons on the HypnoPet (and above) tiers this week. As always, my Collared boys will receive their copy tonight.
Once again I am taking the opportunity to restore more of your favorite primers to the new Youtube Channel so I wont be releasing a Primer for Subliminal Mindlessness.

Xxx Mia




<p style="color: #008600;">There is no doubt that your power of words really has a huge impact on many minds)) You do it the best!</p>

little fly

Thank You so very much Mistress ❤