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Life is change. As each new season approaches we feel the stirring of something inside of us that tells us the world outside is turning again. New life, new change, new opportunities, new experiences. That is what being alive means for me.
So it is with November at the HypnoMistress. I know that some of you will be finding your way inside my Little Black Box. Others will be immersed in my Date Night competition, matching your wits against mine, hoping to win the ultimate prize of a one-on-one live hypnosis session with me at the end of the competition. And of course some of you will taking the plunge and placing yourself at the mercy of a Femdom Court Judge.  By the time the Judge finally releases them, those boys will find themselves transformed. Not the same boy who went into Femdom Court.

Change is healthy for everyone, even a HypnoMistress.
So I will also be trying something brand new in November.
A collaboration with another writer. I know that some of you share my enthusiasm for the classic erotic hypnosis on the Mind control Stories archive (MCStories).
I'm curious to see what will happen, if I pick one of my favorite stories and adapt it, from something that you read into something that you can live.
Imagine one of those stories wrapping right around you and drawing you inside.
I asked Jukebox, one of the most popular authors ever on MC Stories, if he would join me in a collaboration, to adapt his original Story Body Language.
I'm just as excited as you will be to see the results of this new adventure. And if it works out, perhaps we can all pick out our favorite MC stories and bring them to life in the same way in future months.

***Only 2 days left to apply for Femdom Court before applications close.***

New Releases in November

Firstly - A very special mention here, to those of you boys who did manage to make it all the way to the to the end of Loctober, with a little help from MMMe. Your own releases may very well be the biggest Release of the month  - for you at least.
Well done! I'm a very proud Mistress and have been enjoying your devotion to my pleasure every mmmorning.

Body Language - Mia with help from Sophia and Alicia 

The HypnoMistress has teamed up with one of the most popular writers ever on MC Stories, JukeBox, to create an audio version of his classic, Body Language. This steamy little story has been given the HypnoMistress treatment, with a little help from Sophia and Alicia. I cant wait to see what you think of this. 

New Neighbors. The second day  (Mia and Alicia) 

I’m taking you all back to Wisteria Lane. It seems like your attractive and over-sexed neighbor would like to see you again. Literally. It seems like she really enjoyed the way that you were just so accommodating, helping her and her husband to play out their kinky little game of voyeurism. It seems that Alicia also enjoyed herself with you boys and she wants more. I’m not sure who has the stronger sex drive, Alicia or your neighbor. One way or another you are going to put on a show.

Cock Tales (Mia and Amber) 

I'm going to take you to a cocktail bar with my girlfriends and I. No, it's not the Klub DejaVu, you'll all have to wait another month for that. This is just a local cocktail bar where we like to let our hair down. I take pride in how well trained my boys are. I know you'll be on your very best behavior for my girlfriends, You want them to see how well conditioned you are, how well trained and compliant. I think you'd be up for anything with these girls.

Vitality (Alexandra)

I like to take care of my boys at TheHypnoMistress. There's been a lot of focus this last month on the part of you that's been locked and slowly loading. But I know there's a lot more to you than that. Hypnosis can be such a positive element in your life and I want you to be be happy and balanced, full of life and enjoying what you do. So I've asked Alexandra to make a session you can enjoy any time you want to recharge and revitalize yourself.  

Sessions added to the Claim Form in November

3 Wishes from Sophia   (30th October)

I wonder what you would actually do, if a fiendishly sexy woman offered to give you three wishes. I’m sure you’ve thought about this moment. But if it ever actually happened, I wonder what you would really do, knowing that with Sophia, nothing is ever off limits. That you really could wish for anything, anything you could imagine or fantasize about. This is your chance boy.

Silken Seduction by Katya

I love to wear silk and not just because of how sexy it feels against my body. Silk is perfect for seduction and there are so many ways you can be seduced by the allure of silk. Silk sheets, silk stockings, silky sheer camisoles and teddies paired with sky high heels.
For some reason, silk and seduction will always go together in your mind and after listening to Katya, you may become much more aware of the very powerful effect that silk can have on your own arousal.

Real men don’t Kneel for Women (Alexandra)

Imagine yourself stationed, in your proper place, at the feet of a sexy confident woman. Kneeling and looking up into her smiling face, feeling all her power and feeling so good to be there on your knees for her. Feeling that longing desire to serve her. I know that you love this feeling, that you always want to kneel at the feet of powerful women. That's right.
Kneeling before women feels so right for you, so perfect and it triggers your submissive arousal like nothing else can.

Ritual Tribute 3 (Alexandra & Mia)

Listening to Ritual Tribute 2 has prepared you for this moment. Ritual Tribute 3 can prepare you in readiness for our upcoming Femdom Court Program.
Ritual Tribute 3 will be your chance to show me that you are ready for this. Ready to demonstrate total submission, to worship your goddess in the way that will please her the most. Are you curious about signing up for that experience?

Locked & Loaded (Mia)

Perhaps you have been considering the challenge of Locktober but you find the idea of a whole month of Chastity just a little daunting. To help out all those boys who want to take the challenge, I have a game we can play together, to make it more interesting for you and a lot more pleasurable for me.




Reading about having to wait til December for Klub DejaVu til December brings a smile to my face and deep deep appreciation. Thank you, thank you! Change is wonderful and TheHypnoMistress has been changing for the past few months. New adventures, new ways of surrender and new feelings of arousal. I’m really excited to read through these sexy descriptions for November’s lineup. I’m really looking forward to experiencing your new ways to entrance me


I can't wait to experience these exciting new sessions and possibly, if I am accepted, the life-changing intensity of Femdom Court. It is so exciting to be taken on this incredible journey. Every new month you grace us with new experiences. New adventures. New horizons to be explored in our own minds and beyond. Truly, I love being a submissive pet of the HypnoMistress with every fiber of my existence.