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New Release Sessions coming in September

3 Wishes from Sophia

I wonder what you would actually do, if a fiendishly sexy woman offered to give you three wishes. I’m sure you’ve thought about this moment. But if it ever actually happened, I wonder what you would really do, knowing that with Sophia, nothing is ever off limits. That you really could wish for anything, anything you could imagine or fantasize about. This is your chance boy.

Silken Seduction by Katya

I love to wear silk and not just because of how sexy it feels against my body. Silk is perfect for seduction and there are so many ways you can be seduced by the allure of silk. Silk sheets, silk stockings, silky sheer camisoles and teddies paired with sky high heels.
For some reason, silk and seduction will always go together in your mind and after listening to Katya, you may become much more aware of the very powerful effect that silk can have on your own arousal.

Real men don’t Kneel for Women (Alexandra)

Imagine yourself stationed, in your proper place, at the feet of a sexy confident woman. Kneeling and looking up into her smiling face, feeling all her power and feeling so good to be there on your knees for her. Feeling that longing desire to serve her. I know that you love this feeling, that you always want to kneel at the feet of powerful women. That's right.
Kneeling before women feels so right for you, so perfect and it triggers your submissive arousal like nothing else can. 

Ritual Tribute 3 (Alexandra & Mia)

Listening to Ritual Tribute 2 has prepared you for this moment. Ritual Tribute 3 can prepare you in readiness for our upcoming Femdom Court Program.
Ritual Tribute 3 will be your chance to show me that you are ready for this. Ready to demonstrate total submission, to worship your goddess in the way that will please her the most. Are you curious about signing up for that experience?

Sessions added to the Claim Form in September

Real Men can't get Hypnotized (Mia)

Real men are always so cock-sure aren't they. All that bravado, bluff and bluster, puffing out their chests and strutting around like peacock's to impress the females. So confident that they are in full control of the situation.

I'm sure that a real man would never actually let himself be hypnotized, would he? Especially not by a pretty girl. Oh, I know that he might just pretend to let her hypnotize him.   Clever boy. Playing along with her and letting her believe that she might be hypnotizing him so the she didn't notice he was simply ogling her body while she droned on about relaxing .

Permission for Pleasure: FLR Night School 3 (Alexandra)

In a Female Led Household, the woman is the only one who decides when it is time for her boy to experience the pleasure of orgazm. With sufficient training and her reinforcement, he may soon find that he desires her control, that he wants to feel her control over his pleasure, even more than his own physical desire for pleasure. And once a woman has successfully conditioned this desire to become a permanent part of him, the male may discover that he cannot cvm at all without her approval.

On the other hand when she gives him her permission, he will feel wonderful, filled with an overwhelming sense of bliss, of euphoria and pride that he has pleased his women. He will know that he is a good boy. And with enough practice good boys can be trained to cvm on command.

Forbidden Tastes 2: Prohibition (Mia)

Do you remember when you were young, if someone ever told you that a particular place was out of bounds, off limits to you, how much more strongly you wanted to go there? How your curiosity was aroused by the knowledge that it was Prohibited. The delicious excitement you felt when you contemplated breaking the rules, stepping out of bounds. History teaches us, that when ever something is forbidden, people will only lust after it that much more. Forbidden fruit can also be associated with the idea of original sin. Forbidden pleasures have always been entangled in stories of foolish men losing their way, straying from the path of good sense, becoming lost in their own desire, fascinated or fatally fixated on a desire that they don't even understand.

Therapie voor de Onderdanige Man (Meesteres Mia)

Have you ever watched how excited a puppy gets when he hears his owner’s voice. He instantly recognizes that sound, the voice of command, She who controls. With an untrained puppy, the tail will start to wag and wave, as an overwhelming excitement takes hold…

If you are curious to see the naked effect of my hypnotic voice on your mind, you may like to experiment with this primer, listening to my voice in a Dutch Language Hypnosis file. I wonder what will happen to you. Will you feel a surge of happiness? Will your little tail start to wag for me, in that moment when your well-trained subconscious mind hears the sound of my voice. Perhaps there will be some other responses.

Xxx Mia




"Three wishes" seems to be a very exciting concept. And I definitely look forward to feeling the silken seduction.


You might think at some point a kind of routine would settle in for me as a subject but far from it. The sense of awe and wonder gets rekindled with every new session that you and your lovely hypnotic girlfriends release. Another set of mindblowingly exciting wonderful hypnotic experiences await us in September and I can't wait to listen to each and every one of them.


Wow, September is going to be breathtaking.

david hanratty

Interested to see what me 3 wishes will be blinded d

david hanratty

Blinded by the Silk on my kneels ready to tribute