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I know that some of you boys have realized by now fractionation sessions are not only wonderfully restorative for your mind, but that they are also deeply pleasurable and perfect for promoting your mind's capacity to go deeper for me in trance.
Those lucky boys who joined me for my Live Trance session last year can attest to the transformative effect of allowing me to fractionate your mind over and over and until it simply gives up and lets my voice take you gently under my control.  

With Sink Snap Sleep, I’m going to entertain your mind with mindless entertainment.
I’m going to find that little space in your mind where your thoughts linger, and use fractionation to turn your body and mind into a relaxed pool of disorganized order. 

Sometimes your mind just needs to recover from everything it has to deal with everyday.  
Let me seduce you into a deep state of trance. A place of safety, where you are free, and feel at your best. Where you don’t have to think for a while, where you can just be yourself in your purest state – free from stress, anxiety and worry.

Sink Snap Sleep
is available for purchase now in TheHypnoMistress Showroom 

A coupon code for free access will be sent out in a private message to all our Mia's Playthings Tier and above boys ($20)  here on patreon in the next day or two.   

xxx Mia  






Taigh Dupp this is robert from OKLAHOMA THANKS for al of your HELP. STILL having trouble. Not your falt hackers in gooogle. Some where.any way . Just fell like im dieong all over again. Tell MISTRESS MIA. THANKS for making me feel alive once more. & ill always be in dept too her she well always have my mind on a sliver plater , i hope she gets it be for i do die. Just saying. MISTRESS MIA iv always belonged to you, you know it