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My last audio poll was a huge success, and so much fun that I've decided to do another. This time with a sci-fi/fantasy/horror theme. So head on over to the showroom and listen in to four of my strangely outer-worldly erotic fantasies, and then come back here to vote for your favorite. You have exactly 2 weeks; voting closes on the 21st.

xxx Mia



All hot scenarios - it'll be a shame that three of them will 'lose'!


2 or 3. 1 and 4 have absolutely no interest to me haha.


2! Total Damnation and Surrender to all human beings


I liked #3 a lot due to intense horror atmosphere. If you are one of us who has experienced this (https://howtolucid.com/sleep-paralysis-demon/) then you must have certainly pooped your pants when you saw the shadow at the corner after waking up. Thank GOD it was an alien and not the shadow man. I liked #1 too, mainly because you can't anticipate either the outcome of this "chase" or Mia's true intentions. Is she just joking on your weakness or is she serious ? Difficult to say. There's this contradictory in the playfulness of her voice, making it look like a game, but on the other side, the near-miss stomping attempts makes you wonder if this is not a game but a horror you're trapped in.


All fun fantasies but the choice between option 2 and 3 was the hardest to make for me. I dont think all options contain hypnotism, but i know for a fact option 3 does. Also the word ‘snakelike’ got me pretty excited but thats more of a personal preference :)


I liked where option 4 was going, but my penis voted 3

Lagaz Dagrsen

have to say that a Hungarian noblewoman bent on global domination is a tempting option, but the fog & nothingness experienced on the memory foam examination table sealed the deal.


I very much liked Options 2 and 3, but I am too Intrigued to find out how Option 4 plays out so that is my vote.


Gotta vote 2 - orgies!


I love this format introducing some fancy, exquisite concepts and enjoy the creativity. I voted for option 4, Mistress Mia.


I voted for option 4, the sexy, dominant android!


Oh Mia. Magical and so much fun. I love your mind. I left my comments as testimonials in the Showroom here https://www.thehypnomistress.com/product/mias-sci-fi-fantasy-poll/ instead of writing them here - I hope that's ok Mistress. I cant make up my mind so will have to listen again (and again and again ;)


OMG options 3 and 4 are tied! I’m so excited to find out which one wins. I want to hear both 😂


Will I vote for the combination of Morathi and Helebron, or is this new Android device of some use ...

James Mac

I loved all four options! I hope they all will eventually become full sessions!