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Those of you who have tranced with me before should know that letting go and surrendering yourself to the deep unknown, is something that feels wonderful. Losing yourself in a moment where there is just my voice and your mind taking in my words like a sponge. Your body is relaxed, your mind is blank, and you are temporarily not you, but a version of yourself- one that is truly happy. 

Deep surrender is erotic. Losing control is divine. Escaping reality is transcendent. Your mind is where this is possible, and therefore, your mind is beautiful

If I were to tell you stories of my experiences in trance, how hypnosis, meditation and tulpamancy have taught me the power of my mind and given me more pleasure and happiness in a form that is lasting, would you want a taste of that?  To be able to feel that blissful freedom that comes with the breaking down of your identity and segregation of your mind in a way that is positive and beneficial to you?

It may sound daunting, but it’s not. ZERO Thoughts, which I’ve just sent out to my boys, is part one of a series that will ultimately enable you to experience a form of temporary depersonalization. Part one is safe for all those who are fascinated by hypnosis and mind control. It offers positive reinforement, and will make you feel fantastic.

Happy trancing, and have a wonderful weekend.

Xxx Mia




A true cleansing of the mind and soul this session is


Mygod, I feel so humbled. I completely forgot that feeling existed or how it felt. This deal sounds amazing .. I am speechless ..


I love that this will become part of a series - that feeling of something marvelous opening out in front of me. Of knowing that Mistress will take me to a place of complete surrender and that it keeps going deeper in. Thank you Mia.

Lagaz Dagrsen

Tabula Rasa & Mind Wash on steroids. That thin as a sheet of paper awareness, and just that extra encouragement to let go even further. Swan dive into Mistress's world there between zero, and one. Yes, a very enjoyable file. Thank You Mistress.


Mia, you never cease to amaze. Thank you!!


Where do I access this file?


You can find it in the Showroom on the THM site. It is an amazing session.