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Thank you to some sweet boys who alerted me of issues with the denim file - what a shock to your systems that it ended so abruptly. 

The love/hate relationship with technology, oh... and living rurally with spotty internet service. The woes of 21st century life.. lol. 

Below is the new file, for everyone...enjoy the treat. 


VIP boys, I'm missing you. Let's schedule a pillow talk session soon. 





Guess the time difference was in my favor rhis time. Hadn't been able to listen to it yet. And a pillow talk? I can't wait!


Scarlet. I still don't understand how that happens. I wasn't really that interested in this topic and skeptical about whether I would enjoy it. Not really that into denim. Now I am completely changed - I feel very differently to the what I thought I wanted before I listened. I'm loving the images you left me with. Very exited about your denim jeans. Unfortunately, I think I might need to return my own jeans to the store. They have a lump in them that won't go away.


Dude Personson, lets throw our Jeans Fetish Basket his way, shall we?