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Lately, it’s like bad thing after bad thing is happening, but remembering that “this too shall pass” is always a great reminder.

Yoga is something that I turn to to stay grounded and I can’t help but feel better when I put on a stylish sports bra and some comfortable leggings...lay out my mat and flow in and out of poses.

I did just that this morning, I hope you enjoy the top half of my selected apparel, then I’ll end my evening with a chat with those who plan on joining me. I’m looking forward to our pillow talk.





I want to say something but I... I can't... I'm speechless.


I'm trying to think but nothing happens...(Curly)


It's often said that men aren't capable of concentrating on two things at the same time. But I'm not having any trouble doing that right now!


I find those lips quite distracting from other obvious things.


Oh Scarlet, you look beautiful.. thanks for sharing with your boys. Yoga truly is a special way to take the worries out of your life!


I've heard that Tantric sex in a group setting can be a very effective stress relief technique Scarlet. Can we offer assistance today in our dates. You know we only want to help.