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Something you might not know about me is that I read before bed most nights (unless I'm exceptionally quiet). I like to turn off all electronics and just escape in a book. It can be fiction, it can be non-fiction, a book of poetry...it really doesn't matter, as long as I connect with it in some way. 

I shared with Martin one of my favorite modern poets, Tyler Knott Gregson and he surprised me with one of his poetry books, so I wanted to share some of his poetry, along with a rambling of musings...some personal information, along with some hopes for my sweet boys who listen. I've talked with many of you who love the idea of being able to listen to my voice, without necessarily being engaged in a session...just hearing my voice is comfort enough. I'm thankful you feel that way.

I hope the audio (nearly an hour) gives you some sort of escape when you feel like you most need it. 






Thank you, Scarlet!


I realy like this unscripted kind of recording, it's very natural. It's nice to hear you share some thoughts like this.


Most enjoyable! It was like lying in bed with Scarlet talking to me about life and love, wants and desires, heartache and loneliness. The poetry about ships and the sea really got me...at one point I was drifting off into trance until finger snaps woke me (former sailor/submariner don't ya know) :) Look forward to listening again (especially when I need a coping recharge); Thank you so much and do more please...


I promise to do more of these. I will look forward to it, but will have to explore new modern poets to share!


For me it was just plain enjoyable to be in your company relaxing and it made me feel really close and connected. It's a different experience to listen when it's not my subconscious in the driver seat. I feel like I spent time in your company, not my Id or whatever and it was really enjoyable.


I have been on a 'program' of sorts, self induced - skipping a glass of wine many nights and the second latte at work a lot days. Twelve 'forbearances' add up to around $60 which allows me to top up my monthly subscription by $5 each time I hit this milestone. Makes me feel good and Im getting healthier!. I listened to this file whilst exercising and it made me wonder whether a motivational loop is something you would consider recording.


Taigh, that is very sweet of you to forgo something you enjoy to spoil Mia and I. We are blown away by your support and generosity and we would love to create a motivational loop of sorts. Are you wanting a general session that taps in to the desire to get healthier and do to so for your own benefit and because Mia and I like our boys to take care of themselves? xxx Scarlet


Well, I'd love to hear what others think about something like this as I can only say what works for me. I do often leave my own needs until last, taking care of business and other people's expectations first. So this something about me, and hard to change. The one bright exception to this is listening to your and Mia's voices. I always am able to push everything else aside, without any internal struggle, and make time to listen your sublime voices.


(Cont) it's easier somehow to do something for myself, that I Should do, when there's an element of doing it for someone else. This is ESPECIALLY true when that someone else is my Hypnomistress. Bedtime Stories is a fine example of this. Because YOU SAID SO there's no longer any hesitation in getting to bed and getting enough sleep. Whereas on my own I was really not taking care of that. I think a session that can ties self maintenance and pursuit of personal goals to my desire to obey my Mistress would be really effective. I also would love to have another extra opportunity to spend time with your voice. The time in day when I exercise, or do household chores could become so much more. I guess it would work best as something that ran in the background of my mind so it sinks in without needing to overly focussed on - perhaps some mantras, refrains or layers would be effective.


Perhaps other people here more experienced than me can add their ideas to make this better.