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February and March were difficult for Mia and I, but how wonderful it is to be supported by some of the sweetest boys. I’m so happy to be welcoming April, new beginnings and fresh starts.

This month was a bit rough with a few hospitalizations and an auto-immune diagnosis (no fun for a gal who is generally healthy and very active!). I’ll be navigating a new normal and have turned to meditation. It’s incredible the power of the human mind.

This week I’m on Spring Break from school and since I’ve feeling SO MUCH better, I can’t wait to get a few scripts recorded, editing and in your hungry ears. I’m looking forward to spoiling you and thanking you properly for your encouragement, patience and support.




I'm glad to hear your attitude towards your diagnosis. It can't be easy, but nothing worthwhile is. Support for you and Mia is something I, and others, are proud to do.

Hunter Oaks

Good to hear your feeling better. Lots of love!


I'm honestly having a hard time finding words. I feel for you. And my ears are almost ravenous.


I'm so glad to hear you've chosen to pursue meditation! I've been practicing zen meditation for 16 years, and I can attest to the power it has to do good for one's life. Not only has it helped me with a number of rather severe difficulties, but it has expanded my life and the boundaries of my perception. What kind of meditation are you looking to practice? Especially if it's zen, please let me know if you are in need of any guidance or support in that area.


I would like to hear about your experience with meditation, if you are willing.


I am so sorry for your diagnosis, but keeping a positive attitude is everything. Keep fighting that good fight, and know that we all love and support you! :D


Be kind to yourself Scarlett. You are fabulous. I bet you can probably do Anything you set your mind to,.