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I’ve gotten so many fun emails while I’ve been recuperating. You boys are so very thoughtful. I can’t say enough how thankful Mia and I are for our good, patient, supportive good fucking boys.

Now with that said, I’ve been brainstorming some new triggers to spice things up. Have anything hot you’d like to share? If you don’t feel comfortable here, send me an email.




One i had that sadly is worn off - whenever i was called a "good boy" i'd feel a rush of pleasure and arousal. Enough mentions and i'd start to get near an edge without any other stimulation - it was a wild feeling :)


One that freezes you in place


Well, maybe a trigger, or a series of triggers, that would set off a sense of confusion? A little contradiction during a session would be so hot! I'm so glad you're feeling better! I'm sure I speak for all of us...WE MISSED YOU!! Now don't get me wrong, I very much enjoyed the pictures of your pussy, but it will be wonderful to hear your sweet voice again as well!! JMHO


I once saw a file on YouTube that hypnotized the listener to think they were a dog and the only way to turn back human was to hump the furniture to completion. I always wondered what that would be like if done by a *real* hypnotist.


Make me do things in trance. Stand up, walk around. Make me do things I usually wouldn't do.