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Many of you have asked about what my bedroom is currently like...and I’ve always obliged.. as I evolve, I find myself desperately needing a change.

I’m drawn to soft colors, juxtaposed with some harder elements. Here’s a tease of what I’m changing to...envision this paired with a lingerie ensemble of black - leather maybe? Latex? Fishnet? Doesn’t really matter, but I’m loving the hard and soft.





Oh, thank goodness. I saw that heading in my e-mail, and my heart skipped a beat! I'm thinking, "Oh God...who's decided they don't want to do HypnoMistress anymore?!" LOL I couldn't imagine HM without either one of you! Ok, so, crisis averted! I like your color choices! Muted, inviting colors have always appealed to me as well. I gotta say, I love how your mind works! ;)