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Some of you might have noticed that a month or two ago, we changed one of our tiers from personalization to - send in your own script.

This has been a lot of fun. I've voiced a Dutch and German short session in the last month, and while I've decided to keep the first one private.. I have been encouraged to share the German one with you. You will find it in our VIP library.

I would consider this one a primer, that is all about trust; trusting both your Mistress, and yourself, and trusting that your subconscious mind will know which suggestions to absorb, and which to let go of. It's also a session about surrender, anticipation, and bliss.

I encourage you boys to try your hand at writing. While my only two native/fluent languages are Dutch and English, I'm willing to give both German and French a shot as well.

Are many of you boys non-native English speakers?

xxx Mia



I understood German as a little boy, but not any more. My grandfather spoke it to me, but he died when I was six and I lost almost all of it. I pronounce German words well with little English accent but don't understand much when I hear it.


I am from Germany. Native german speaker


That you're speaking German us great news for me, since I am from Germany. But I am considered to be a native English speaker. I will gladly listen to every English and German audio you create.


Im from Norway so i speak Norwegian and English :3 sometimes i think i speak more english then Norwegian cuz i play alot of games so i need to used english more :3