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Available now in The HypnoMistress Showroom

Perhaps you are one of those boys, anxiously waiting for Alexandra's next session, 'The Marriage Councilor',. it's been quite some time since she released The Reluctant Cuckold, and this series seems to exert a powerful sway over the imagination of many boys.
We decided it might be more 'productive' then to hold the session back, and let even more of you get exposed to the allure of this, by releasing it early in the month when it can be enjoyed by more of my Patrons. In the mean time, there are things you can do to prepare yourself, body and mind.
When a woman wants to play, there’s any number of men she can have. You know what I say is true. It’s undeniable.
Yes. It’s easy for women, but men have to work for it, if they are ever to win the approval of a woman, they have to earn it. This is the natural order of things and there’s no use trying to resist it. You know that Pussy has all the power in this world. Sure, It's not really fair. But let’s face it, Men have a biological drive to mate, to compete for the attention of a mate. The sooner you learn to please Pussy, the more competitive you’ll be. You want women to consider you don’t you? If you’re going to have any chance, you’re going to want to be more flexible, more adaptable, and not just in your mind.
Come join my Yoga class, I’ll have you bent into shape in no time.

I will be sharing the coupon code for Pussy Trained to all VIPs on my ObedientBoy Tier on Tuesday. My Collared Boys will get theirs a little sooner.

Xxx Mia



Lagaz Dagrsen

A beautiful Cover image. That secret sauce work is lovely

James Mac

I thought I already was pussy trained. Anyway, very much looking forward to further training!