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Upcoming arc. Bet you guys missed her...hahaha..also still no fanart friday, been taking a break from it to focus more on S.EXpedition, sorry to those that's looking forward to it.

Completing Jinx x Vi x Jinx 2 really took a toll on me, physically and mentally...so taking it slow right now




We never forgot her, she was always there in our hearts.


Take your time we care about you more‼️ That creative mind of yours deserves rest 672 pages is a fantastic feat! Creating masterpieces isn't easy. Do what you need to do outside of S.Expedition or Jinx stories to get in tune with yourself until you're ready to put more energy into things. We love you and want the best ❤

Doppler12 (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-28 19:57:18 More Yvette would be incredible, she is the best! Too bad she isn’t with Jack :’(
2024-02-28 06:43:41 More Yvette would be incredible, she is the best! She needs to get back with Jack.

More Yvette would be incredible, she is the best! She needs to get back with Jack.


Damn she really filled out her cups ;D