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S.EXpedition page 166



Rose Radiuju

Aww, and I kinda hoped it'd be rose to take the knot xP Well, even if he's trying to come off with a bit of a power trip, he's at least trying to be accommodating ^^;


One: you are a tease. Two: you are a tease and three: if this becomes one of those "gets raped and overly enjoys it to point of corruption" I'll just skip over this part,l. I'll still support but the "corruption rape" isn't my cup of tea.


I agree with gamerdude I dont think thats what will happen but I would not like to see it in this comic just wouldnt fit but also you are a tease Hope things continue at a pace that we get to see a resolution to the captured area keep of the work I'll be waiting with anticipation


Nah, storywise, the woofmans is on thin ice for various failures. I doubt he'll get what he wants for long before screwing it up somehow and giving an opening to the girls. OR, we'll see the catgirl again. She was looking for the other Terragen species about afterall!


It's not my place to say where the story goes. I'm here for the story, no matter what twists and turns you throw at me.


I agree 100%with gamerdude. I dislike characters we've grown to love being scarred and tortured... But it's your story and character. I'll be skipping over this part but I'll continue to support you.


well.. this is my character, so I'M enjoying it! XD but i would probably agree with you guys, if it WASN'T my character!