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hey guys. don't be shy to give any feedbacks or comments ok? or what fanart you would like to see from me, anything. Talk to me guys. I feel its too quiet here =o


Cody Neumeister

Is your S.EXpedition series still in the work? Just haven't seen a update on it in awhile.


yes. we are up to page 92 in patreon. Only supporters in patreon get extras and faster releases. Page 88 on hentaifoundry


depends. minimum is 4 update per month i guess, When I got more time to work on my stuffs I can update every 2 days. Rewards and extras will be sent out every month for 5$above patreon.


Signed up to say you big thanks for your work! Really amazing stuff. Keep doing your webcomics it`s really cool! And let`s play LoL 1 day xD


But... Silence is bliss! =P Though, for a more serious post, I like your work. It's really good, both artwork and concept. I think most of us here are just the silent type.


Actually I'm the slient type too..haha..just trying to be more outgoing for now...Anyways, that's good then if you're happy with it. Seriously guys, you're all awesome!


I'm good with any fanart you want to do because what I've seen from you is great all ready.


Your works pretty fantastic, personally I'd rather you continued with what you got than put your focus on random fanart. Unless that is you want to do it to give yourself a break, then that would be the healthy thing to do.