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I have blocked the "person" on hentaifoundry. After the last comment I can't stand it. He is a really toxic, he think of himself is right and doesn't give a shit about others. 

It's better to stray from people like this right? this isn't about my work anymore. His mere existence make me want to vomit. His words are like daggers, I wonder how he survive up till now. 

Now that he is blocked and he can't access my comics at HF, and I felt 1000% times better. Good Riddance!

Also I have gotten myself a writer and helpers with the comic, so progress might be slower than normal but surely will be better in the story and dialogue aspects of the comic. 

Thanks for your patience.



listen i dont even talk to my parents much and filter and sort block them out my life because their toxic. removing toxic people out of your life is by Odin self care.


Proud of you, like Dave Chappelle said: F***'em


Now the sick one will know that you can do a firm response.


Good for you! Keep up the good job!


Problem is: he can create multiple accounts right?


It's always best to get rid of troll and negative people. They are a drain and live off negative energy.


Thats definitely the best choice. Hopefully the guy stays away now. Im glad you didn't remove the account. I checked out HF and you have a much bigger fanbase there than I thought.


This is the best news that I've heard from you since I started pledging to you. Not the fact that the idiot kept pestering you and making your life miserable, but that you've actually taken a step towards fixing the issue. I hope what Njiall mentioned above does not happen, and that you'll get piece and quiet from now on. Or, at the very least that you get to keep going without that idiot pestering you from now on.


Good job dude! Nice to see people taking initiative instead of just taking the punches


well done :)