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sorry if my break takes longer, it's a hassle to turn on my pc nowadays, normally I just let it sleep. 

Sometimes during sleep mode it turned off by itself and I can't get to windows, disk error or whatever shit I don't know. Maybe it's about time I get a new one I suppose, but I'm too used to this, so I'll wait until it finally died on me. 

My PC had a temper of its own, the bitchy kind, sometimes I get months of problem free usage, and sometimes can't even run properly. 

Sorry for the delays if anything. Thanks for understanding



Take your time man. As an IT I know how PC's just do their own thing. If you ever want advice just let me know. As always have a good day.


I don't mess around with hard disc errors. If you haven't recently, back up your hard drive just to be safe. If it dies...that can be it...gone. have to start from scratch. If you have a back up, all you need is a new pc to plug it into and it's almost as if nothing ever went wrong.


Seriously, you're worth the wait. All of your work is right in my strikezone (except your short stint with NTR... that was bad) Looking forward to when you receive a new comp!


Your power supply is starting to die. Mine did the same same things about two weeks ago until I replaced it.


Dont worry about it I think you push your self too hard on our account you do amazing work and we understand life happens sometimes so figure out your PC or get a new one and we will be here when you get back