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I have gotten back the money that was stolen when my account was hacked last month all thanks to patreon support team. Gotten an email from them saying they have retrieved the money back. I still can't believe it. . .am I dreaming? haha

I've already lose hope but never thought it can be returned. Also I have gotten past it because of the support from you guys I continue on my work

for those that increase your pledges to help, you can adjust your pledges back to your previous amount. Thank you so much  ❤ 

lesson learnt : check your account properly, make use of authenticator if there is any, better safe than sorry



Congratulations I'm really happy for you


Congrats bruh glad to hear things worked out in the end!


That's awesome to hear, I was really concerned to hear about the hack. Yay for good support teams~

Some Body

I Still reccomend mocing the money elswhere but totally up to you. graz anyway.


Im really happy for you.

Henrik Åstrand

Im so happy for your sake this worked out in the end!


thats amazing! I bet its a load off of your shoulders

Stone Quillian III

Glad to hear that. Looks like luck is on your side.