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The most misfortune thing has happened, my patreon was hacked and two months pay is gone, I'm so sad and has lost the will to work. 

Sorry in advance for the lack of works, might be taking 1-2 weeks break to get through this. . .hopefully I will get through this. . .

Thanks for understanding. . .




I've already done the Nova fanart so its scheduled this friday


Wow that really sucks :( take all the time you need. Can't Patreon do anything about it?


=( maybe if you speak with the Patreon support they can do something


Jesus... man I'm sorry to hear that.


I'm not sure how you would be feeling sorry to hear. I'm sure there is some way to get the money back. Either way as a donor I support you because I like your work a lot. I often find myself excited to see what's next. I would urge you to continue just based off your fan base.


This really sucks. I am very sorry to hear. Don't give up and definitely go to patreon to put a kind dispute order to get money back. I love your work!😍


If Patreon doesn't have an answer for this then maybe they should, definitely not going anywhere on my end.


I'm sorry man. I hope you get to feel better soon and somehow Patreon or your payment system can recover the funds.

Henrik Åstrand

I am sure you will get through this and feel good again after some time, it sure sucks thar it happened and i hope it wont affect your real life (economaly(probably misspelled that and other stuff) to much and with that said. What kind of lowlife hacks a Patreon account?!!!


Awww... that makes me sorry and upset. Hope you get better soon. By the way, who could do a sxxxxx things like this?

Ivory Sai'ee

:( I hate that someone has done this to you and probably other artists as well


Stay strong friend I know these are tough times but I believe things will work out for you