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Hey guys, I've started a discord channel,

1$ supporters - Random Citizen -

Join in lobby chatroom, read comments from the Agent Headquarters but can't post

5$+ above supporters - Agents 

Join in Agent Headquarters, read or post here, also, can suggest your ideas here. (read instructions before posting)

or just talk about anything here, I'll try to reply to everyone if I can


Edit. I've just implemented it so you guys probably need to wait till next month to get the link, don't worry it's just few days away


Rose Radiuju

Never got my link :P


I just realized I never did get the discord link either...


if you just added it to your rewards center it wont send the link in the emails blue someone would have to rejoin but you can copy a join server url and post it on a locked post like this one( least from what ive seen from other patreons that added discord at some point)