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Iona knelt in the chapel, her head bowed in prayer, her hands clasped around the shaft of her axe.

Selene and Lunaris, I pray for your guidance and grace. Light the way forward, and help me through the trial I am about to undertake.

A raspberry blew in Iona’s ear. Selene wasn’t amused by Iona’s prayer.

You know exactly what you’re doing! Have faith in yourself! Selene said.

You know yourself as well as we do, and nobody knows your own heart and offerings better. Lunaris added. We can’t give you good advice here.

Yeah, you’ve got this! Selene chimed in.

Iona’s heart was serene, and she continued praying, explaining herself a bit.

Believing I have all the answers and not seeking counsel is pure arrogance. Down that path leads me in a direction I don’t want to go.

Well, check us off the list! Selene answered back. You’ve talked with us, we believe in you, there’s no need to worry. She said.

You should worry. Lunaris’s words sped Iona’s heartbeat right up. Selene’s been up to mischief with your [Paladin] offerings. Don’t read too much into them, she just wants a laugh.

Hey! Selene protested. Don’t tell her that! I wanted to see her reaction without it!

For all you know, she’d actually take it! Lunaris argued back.

Iona smiled, at peace with herself once again, as the two goddesses argued in the back of her mind. Her future was secure, her way clear. The goddesses had indirectly reassured her of one of her deepest unspoken fears.

She would still be a [Paladin] when she woke up from her classing up. It was a small fear, a silly one, but one she harbored anyway.

We should tell her. Selene said.

Well, after you’ve directly messaged Iona that, of course we have to tell her now! Lunaris sounded annoyed. Which was fair.

Iona lifted an eyebrow, her stomach clenching in fear. The goddesses had been nothing but open and kind with her, seemingly keeping no secrets. What more could they possibly add? What was a secret?

The air above the altar shimmered, and the two goddesses partially descended into Pallos, creating a pair of small avatars, the size of a doll, of themselves on the altar. Iona’s heart started to race.

This wasn’t a casual ‘hi hello’. Whatever this was, it was serious.

Selene in yellow and Lunaris in blue held hands together, starting to Speak. The words were for Iona’s ears only, their divine might preventing anyone else from getting the message. They spoke at the same time, their words and voices overlapping in perfect harmony.

“Iona, our blessed, our chosen. We believe in you. We have faith in you. You have strong potential to go the distance, and one day in the future, when your strength has finished maturing and you are at your peak, we will make a request of you.”

Iona’s heart felt like it was going to evict itself from her chest it was beating so hard.

“What is it?” She whispered.

“We have asked many to try over the millenia, and clearly none have succeeded. Know that failure won’t diminish you in the slightest in our eyes. Know that simply trying will elevate you to the highest position of esteem. We don’t expect you to try today, this year, or even this century. Wait until the end of your long life, and try then.”

It sounded like a suicide mission. At the end of her life? Iona had no problem going out in a blaze of elderly glory, versus slowly declining into dementia and more and more problems. Sure, Elaine would do her best, but Iona didn’t want to be an old dottering lady who couldn’t even feed herself. It felt wrong to her.

They paused a moment, letting the tension rise. With one last blast of light and noise, they laid down a sacred quest for their [Paladin].

“Free the moons.”

Without any fanfare, the two of them vanished, divine sparks slowly falling to the altar.

Iona continued praying and meditating over the quest the entire evening, not shifting even when her joints started to protest. The goddess’s divine mandate continued to echo through her mind.

Free the moons.

There were so many ways it could be interpreted, but the most obvious one was also the hardest one.

Slay Lun’Kat.

Slay a dragon.

The fact that the goddesses had declined to even mention her name wasn’t lost on Iona. The first thought her imagination jumped to was Lun’Kat simply flying over and eliminating the potential threat before she had time to grow and level.

That was merely the first thought. It wasn’t lost on Iona that she hadn’t been ordered to slay the dragon - simply free the moons. There were other ways that could be accomplished. Her first thought was an equally powerful Radiance classer dispersing the illusion - although the distances involved were intimidating. Persuading Lun’Kat to stop it? Iona had faith in her silver tongue, but she doubted it was that good. With time, maybe, but if Lun’Kat was open to persuasion, it was likely someone would’ve succeeded by now.

Other plots, other plans danced their way through the Valkyrie’s head throughout the night as she continued praying. She’d need to talk with Elaine about all of this.

When dawn came she stood up, stretching her joints out, then briskly turned on her heels.

Iona was a little surprised to see her wife snoozing in the back of the chapel on one of the benches. Elaine could be sneaky when she wanted to be, and not everyone had overpowered perception skills like she did. Iona smiled and unclasped her cloak, trying to wrap Elaine in it.

She stirred, her eyes snapping open.

“It’s time?” She asked. Iona clicked her tongue - she’d hoped Elaine would keep sleeping. Rest was important for everyone, and if she wasn’t safe here, where was she safe? There was no point in arguing it.

“It’s time.” The Valkyrie confirmed. She debated not telling Elaine, but no. It was too important.

She took a deep breath in.

“Elaine, I’ve got something important to tell you. Something the goddesses just told me. Are you ready?”

Elaine shuddered, and patted the seat next to her. Iona took it.

“Glad I’m already sitting down for this.” She joked. “Alright, hit me with the bad news.”

Iona explained everything. The Goddesses’s mission. Lun’Kat. Her thoughts about it not mattering right now, but at the end of a long life.

Elaine got very quiet as Iona finished, and the Valkyrie recognized the look. Elaine was thinking hard, working through everything Iona said, and all the implications she could figure out. It was one of the things Iona loved so dearly about Elaine, although she found it adorable how Elaine could utterly miss some things that were so obvious and clear to her.

Finally she shook her head, and cracked a forced smile.

“Well, I’ll just have to come with you, won’t I?” The funsized healer couldn’t fully hide the tremor in her voice.

“You don’t have to.” Iona’s heart was breaking a little bit. Her life was one thing, but her lover’s as well?

Elaine nodded, the stubborn set of her jaw showing she wouldn’t be persuaded otherwise.

“Forever and always.” She said.

“Forever and always.” Iona echoed, then went to the most basic of Elaine strategies: Distracting her with something new.

“Classing up time!”

Elaine jumped up.

“Hang on! I need to finish my prep work!” She shouted. Iona chuckled and walked slowly to their bedroom, giving Elaine a little more time. As Iona arrived, she saw Elaine moving so quickly she’d be a blur to basically all mortals, rapidly throwing down a few dozen more wards around their bed, getting them all hooked up to the villa’s core.

Iona took a few steps, quickly speeding up before doing a beautiful dive over the layers upon layers of overlapping wards, hitting the bed in full armor like a shot out of a trebuchet. Elaine winced as the boards creaked.

“We really need more reinforcement skills.” She muttered before shooting off, putting down another ward.

Iona made herself as comfortable as possible while being in full armor, making sure her shield was over her body and her axe was in her hands. It was overkill, and they all knew it. At the same time, classing up was a time of incredible vulnerability, and it was worth being prepared. Just in case.

“Love you! Can’t wait to see what you get! Look around and tell me the other options offered!” Elaine waved Iona off as she fell into the world of her soul.


Iona opened her eyes in the grand temple, quickly picking herself up off the floor. Her guide was there, herself as a [Priestess], one of the potential futures Iona had once had.

“Third class. Can you show me the [Paladin] options?” Iona briefly thought of Elaine’s request. “And one more?”

Priestess bowed.

“Follow me.”

They began to walk through a grand hallway, a dozen altars offering various classes tucked into nooks along the walls. Iona murmured a brief prayer to various gods and goddesses who were represented at the altars, politely paying her respects to the divinities in question.

It cost her nothing to do, and was only polite and respectful.

They arrived at a room with three altars, each one dedicated to the Moon Goddesses. [Gravity Color] cloths were on the central and left ones, while blue braziers burned on the center and right altars. The name of the class was etched into the stone of the altar, and upon each one was a small prayer book that offered deeper insights into the class in question. Iona stepped directly up to the central one, the burning lamps and cloth clearly indicating that this was the natural upgrade to her [Paladin] class.

[The Relentless Paladin] spoke of valor, bravery, and never ever giving up. It was how Iona had been trained by Alruna, a fighting style that let her just keep on going and going and going. One of her skills, [Relentless Pursuit], was called out. It was the easy, obvious upgrade, the one Iona came into the class up expecting to take. The stats were nice as well. +140 Strength, +140 Dexterity, +220 Vitality, +140 Speed, +120 Mana, +120 Mana Regeneration, +280 Magic Power, +280 Magic Control per level.

Barring a literal miracle, it was the class Iona was going to take. She took a brief look at her other two offerings, making sure she wasn’t passing up something interesting.

[Nymphomaniac Paladin - Ooze] was obviously the joke that Selene had been working on, and Iona barked a laugh at seeing it. She wasn’t wrong. She spent a little bit of time flipping through the book, appreciating how there was a strong element to drawing involved. A custom-tailored class for everything Iona enjoyed doing.

The other offering was clearly due to Iona’s request to see a little more, and she got the general gist of it to share with Elaine.

[Champion of the Meek] revolved entirely around Iona’s work in the Han Empire, protecting villagers and other innocents against the endless soldiers marching through the lands. Feng featured prominently, her actions given praise in spite of her failure. Nina was also mentioned, but not as the slayer of Feng, but as yet another member of the meek that Iona had protected, raised up, and championed.

It was a strong class for Iona, and reading it filled her heart with pride. She wanted to remember and keep the words for Elaine to write down, so she could read it back again. A little like her drawings.

[Unyielding Zealot] would take Iona’s devotion and fanaticism all the way to 11, making her entire life about the goddesses. They hadn’t mentioned the class to her, and it wasn’t blue.

Iona loved her goddesses, but there was more to life than religion. Elaine, for example, Fenrir and the Valkyries. Drawing and good meat. She didn’t want to lose those parts of herself and her life.

End of the day, her choice was easy and obvious. Iona became [The Relentless Paladin], and after joining Priestess in a short prayer of thanks to the Goddesses, moved directly onto her second class up.

There was a fine line to walk between pious and practical, and Iona had just spent the entire evening in prayer to the goddesses.

“I’d like to see my Valkyrie offerings now.” Iona said. Priestess gestured, and Iona stepped through another room to get to her offerings.

Six altars burned with lights of various colors, from yellow to light purple. Five cloths on the altars were entirely black with stars studded on them, indicating that every offering was Celestial, and the last one was layered red-and-black. Iona initially thought it was Lava, but on closer examination it was a Crucible offering.

[Legendary Realtor] was easily the worst class offered, although it was related to the Valkyries. In short, it was about how the Order Valkyrie was now housed at Iona’s home, and completely changed how she operated from a warrior, to a keeper, administrator, and protector of the home. If she was a [Lady] of Rolland, Vollomond, or just generally in charge of a castle, fort, or other fortification, the class would be perfect.

[The Flexible Knight - Crucible] leaned into how Iona had used a solid mass of mallium for over a decade as her armor, and occasionally her weapon. It was a weak side-step, the only saving grace being the elemental change. Iona was entirely uninterested in changing from Celestial, so the class stayed.

[Champion-Errant] was a less Valkyrie-focused knight class. It was effectively the ‘I don’t want to be a Valkyrie anymore’ class, and Iona was perfectly content being one.

[Fury of the Moons] was a second [Paladin] offering, focused on doling out brutal vengeance on behalf of the goddesses. Iona suspected part of the offering was the quest the two of them had just laid upon her. She was already their [Paladin], and while devoted, knew that life was more than religious, fanatical devotion to a pair of goddesses. She was faithful, but she was no [Zealot].

[Valkyrie’s Hope] was starting to get more like it! A pure Valkyrie warrior class, it was about Iona being the bright and shining hope of the Valkyries, the strongest of the destroyed generation. The one who was forging a future for the Order, not simply clinging onto the remnants of the past. It immediately went to the top of her list.

[The Valkyrie Paragon] was the final offering, the one Iona had saved for last. A pair of burning purple braziers promised power, and it was another ‘direct Valkyrie upgrade’ class. Less so about being the hope blazing forward, the class was about Iona being the Valkyrie’s Valkyrie. As Sigrun had dubbed her, ‘one of the best of us, the one we all hope to be.’

Iona frankly felt more comfortable as a [Paragon] than a [Hope]. Maybe one day she’d take up a greater burden, but for the moment, simply being the best of them was enough for her. [The Valkyrie Paragon] offered strong stats - and merged in her [Vow] into her main class. It wasn’t something she ever intended to give up, and the minor boost was nice.

With a brief apology to the Goddesses for not taking [Fury of the Moons], Iona took [The Valkyrie Paragon]. +200 Free Stats, +400 Strength, +400 Dexterity, +1000 Vitality, +400 Speed, +100 Mana, +300 Mana Regeneration, +50 Magic Power, +50 Magic Control per level.

“Onto the third class!” Priestess grabbed Iona’s hand, and the two of them cheerfully walked over to the third room. Under different circumstances, if it wasn’t a temple, the two of them would’ve probably been skipping. The most recent class Iona had picked had felt good. It had felt right. She was happy with it.

The last room was the most complicated one. Iona had gone into the class up with a strong idea of what she’d wanted for her first and third class, but the second was a little more up in the air.

[Frozen Huntress] was a natural upgrade of [Traveling Archer], focusing on tracking down large monsters and slaying them. The class’s name was deceptive for how powerful it was. Full credit for killing an adult wyvern boosted the quality to an incredible degree. It was a little more focused on the ‘huntress’ aspects, but that wasn’t the worst. The [Paladin] and [Valkyrie] class got a little more credit for fighting elvenoids and other intelligent creatures, while [Frozen Huntress]  focused more on killing monsters.

[Rime Battle Mistress] was all about fighting in a dozen different styles.

[Justicar of Ice] was a more bow-focused sniper and rapid-fire class, where Iona would lean into her bow and archery a little harder than she had been.

[Dragonslayer Aspirant] was almost immediately rejected by Iona. The goddesses had said at the end of her life, and Iona was still at the beginning of hers. If, by some miracle, she made it to old age, she’d look at dragonslayer classes again with a critical eye.

[Wyvernrider Frostlady] was the Fenrir-related class, and the one that caught Iona’s eye. Her companion bond would move up into the class, and it was all about fighting in tandem with her partner. It clearly distinguished the class from the rest of them, and made her decision easy. +300 Strength, +300 Dexterity, +300 Vitality, +300 Speed, +300 Mana, +300 Mana Regeneration, +300 Magic Power, +300 Magic Control per level.

[Hailstorm] sounded like a fun upgrade to [Blizzard Shot] to boot.

Looking over her selection once more, Iona gave a brisk nod of satisfaction.

“Right then. Let’s wake back up.”

Iona still needed to select all her skills, but a quick look at her stats made her smile.

[Name: Iona]

[Race: Mostly Human]

[Age: 35]

[Mana: 114,185/114,185]

[Mana Regeneration: 174,591]


[Free Stats: 12,536]

[Strength: 163,816 (+3,503,205)]

[Dexterity: 164,032 (+3,507,824)]

[Vitality: 314,875 (+1,829,424)]

[Speed: 185,912 (+3,975,728)]

[Mana: 114,185]

[Mana Regeneration: 114,185]

[Magic Power: 162,964]

[Magic Control: 162,964]

[Class 1: [The Valkyrie Paragon - Celestial: Lv 830 ]]

[Class 2: [Wyvernrider Frostlady - Ice: Lv 820 ]]

[Class 3: [The Relentless Paladin - Gravity: Lv 790 ]]

Yes, Iona's stat sheet is incomplete because she has a lot of choices to make and is currently offered a bunch of skills.

AKA I need to work out all her new skills lol



yo. first.


Is there a Google doc with colors?


Yes! I knew it! The dragon slayer ending


What color is [gravity color]?


Both her vow and companion bond are merged into her classes? She has some general skills to choose in addition to her class skills, which might take a while. Also, I assume "[Gravity Color] cloths" needs a named color.

william wallace

Im voting for an april fools chapter where she takes the horny ooze class. For reasons…😜


I am a bit disappointed about the lack of class descriptions but it is Iona so I don't mind as much.


" mostly human" is hilarious!

Matt H

Iona's decision to immediately discount the dragonslayer class (and other related ones) seems odd. Classes and skills aren't retroactive in this world. So if Iona is determined to take on this quest, as she appears to be, she should be working towards that goal *now* and not later, especially if Elaine is going to insist on accompanying her. Being anything less than as prepared as she can be suggests a pretty cavalier attitude towards Elaine's life. She might not care that much about her own death since she plans to join the moon goddesses after death, but she knows that Elaine doesn't feel the same.


"Onto the third class" when theyre picking her second class? That is confusingly written.

Stephanie Washburn

*laughing in chat about how many banked points Iona has*

David Johnson

So judging by the stats I'm guessing... violet, indigo and blue for the three class colors. Also, kinda interesting how high level divine classers need to decide between ditching their divine classes or falling behind in class quality.


I don't imagine Iona class will be somehow hidden. If she reveals her intent too early could be game over when a dragon sees the future threat


These are probably all really good classes and all, but man, seeing the stuff Elaine has really twists one's sense of normalcy. Black classes are something else. The numbers...


A dragonslayer class presumably needs to slay dragons to efficiently level. Seems like the wrong time to start doing that

Yuri Olmos

What combination of elements forms a crucible? I can't find it in the tables

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.


She would have to do dragon slayer related things in order to level it. She would be shooting herself in the foot with it. Better to wait until the higher levels to take something like that.

David Johnson

I think that's the new term for "magic metal," which I believe was fire+metal.

Matt H

At least one of the classes has the word "aspirant" in it. That would seem to indicate that it's a preparatory class with the end goal of slaying a dragon. Sure, she'd probably get a bunch of experience if she killed a dragon now, but she'd *also* probably get plenty of experience slaying monsters related to dragons like wyrms or otherwise increasing her power, both soft and hard, to the end of eventually leveraging it towards slaying a dragon. As for keeping her class hidden, it would seem pretty logical for a class that revolves around getting ready to slay a dragon to hide her goal from her adversary somehow until she's ready. And this is also a divine quest so it'd be pretty believable for Selene and Lunaris to protect Iona's status (at least, this particular aspect) from other divinely empowered people.


How is Iona so much farther ahead than Elaine in levels? I was under the impression they were closer to tied when they left the academy and now she’s like 1000 levels ahead between her second and third class. Am I misremembering how close in level they were before or has Elaine been slacking? (Or Iona going ham)


Iirc Elaine has been a little stuck in her butterfly/loremaster class because of the requirement to learn new/dangerous stuff, while being at war

Matt H

Short answer: Elaine has a longer horizon than Iona does. She's more interested in getting the best skills, classes, and stats that she can since time isn't *really* a factor for her while it is for Iona. As a result, Iona has (and likely will) experience faster growth (at least in terms of class levels) as long as they're both alive and healthy. Edit: And, frankly, Iona seems more in tune and aligned with her classes than Elaine is. Elaine is... capricious and absent minded at the best of times so it makes sense her advancement isn't as smooth or rapid. Elaine's classes also have essentially no overlap or synergy between them: she's supposed to be a healer, a fighting spellcaster, and a historian/advisor of sorts.


I'd personally like to see her Oath skills wording change when it hits moved to a class skill to hint at the Elaine->Lux thing somehow.


The Valkyrie Paragon: Mid Light Purple Wyvernrider Frostlady: Low Light Purple The Relentless Paladin: Low Blue


Thanks for the chapter 😁


Thanks a bunch! ʕ•ᴥ•ʔゞ゛

Kris Boxall

Hope to see Iona’s full sheet soon


So how many levels do you think it'll take for Elaine to match Iona thanks to her black classes? I think the third one is the only one that's not black and she's been holding off upgrading it, so it probably will be one in the end. That's a lot of stats per level. And her healing isn't directly combat related but definitely makes her more dangerous. Will she be able to match Iona soon in a spar?


Well it fits her character. Elaine wants to read all about it and read the "storys" of classes she will not take, but Iona just wants the results and does not really care for the stuff she knows she has access to, but will not take.

Ashley Patterson

She isn't holding off on upgrading Butterfly Mystic, she still hasn't reached 768 in that class. She is close though IIRC so I expect we'll see a class up for it this book since we've already gotten a bunch of phoenix based upgrades for it.

Ashley Patterson

Just checked and as of Chapter 520, Changing of the Guard 1, she is at 740 in Butterfly Mystic.


You can find a full list here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/43090911 tldr; pink, red, orange, yellow, light green, dark green, blue, light purple, dark purple, black (I think).

Ashley Patterson

She may be further ahead in levels, but her class quality is making her have less stats. Iona has 1,395,469 raw stat points, and Elaine has almost twice that at 2,586,789 (as of their most recent stat sheets, which were both mentioned in the last few days of story time)


Elaine has a lot of banked exp in her third class, so the difference isn't as big as it seems. Elaine also didn't end up using her second class much during the war, while all three of Iona's are getting exp from being a knight errant.


I just checked here, and the paladin class is intermediate blue. 73% of maximum statistics.


Ah yes the “[Gravity Color] cloths” my favourite colour


"Equally powerful Radiance classer" ... *glances at the Elaine, the future Phoenix Mystic*

Colm Ryan

Shouldn't her Mana be larger than that? P.S. Love this chapter


Purplish...reddish...greenish... bluish? With some yellow and red. And orange.


As children Elaine had Lyra who was a strong, outgoing, and religious person... exactly like Iona, and Iona had Lux who was physically small, socially awkward, and creative... exactly like Elaine. When Iona was introduced originally first thought was that it was a cyclical reincarnation thing and I'm still not entirely convinced it's not.


Iona's Valkyrie Oath Is called "Oath of Iona to Lux", her childhood companion who seems to Elaine reincarnated. She recently made a marriage vow to [arguably] the same person. Would be cool to see the name or wording of the Oath change to reflect "devotion to one," or something like that. Not obvious, but would be a funny ooooooh moment when the connection is finally revealed.


I misremembered that then. I thought she'd hit level cap but realized that she didn't have enough achievements in the class to go throgh with the class up.


And she does have [Persistent Casting] already. Now she just needs like a billion magic power.


I'm super hyped for her 2nd-class upgrade. It's gonna have some sweet options for sure


I'm honestly surprised that she's taking all her classes in one go. Do the increased stats from taking the class and leveling it up with banked experience apply while still in the soul realm to improve the quality of the next one? I'd have expected her to go under three times to choose her classes one by one. Also, why is [Paladin] still blue? Wasn't it mentioned that after the tournament arc it improved to light purple or am I misremembering that? Also, why does [Valkyrie Paragon] give free stats and so many at that? They are more expensive and Iona has mostly figured out her stat balances by now. Oh, and her mana pool should be 10 times her Mana stat. By the way, thanks to [Valkyrie's Valor] boosting class skills by 15% and her [Companion Bond] getting absorbed into her Ice class, Iona's about to be 15% more savage when she wakes up. Elaine better watch out!


Yes, should be [Mana: 1,141,850/1,141,850] instead, 10x her Mana stat.


Divine classes will always be blue, this is an established limit. The skills in return can be insane.


Huh, okay. Still not worth it after a certain point. We've seen what high-end black classes offer.


Well, I think it really depends. For example, a person with 3 divine classes might be very weak no matter how good the skills are. But in Iona's case it could work, as she has 2 classes that can support her in terms of stats while the paladin class focuses entirely on skills. But we have to remember that blue classes are not a bad thing. We are very used to Elaine's class offerings with very good colors, but Elaine is in the legend category, Iona is an ordinary person. Intermediate light purple, low light purple and intermediate blue in 768 is an incredible result.


It's very difficult to make a real comparison between Elaine and Iona. Because if it were a "serious fight", both would kill each other. For example, Iona can easily dominate Elaine in terms of combat, she can easily hurt Elaine, but let's be honest, hurting Elaine is useless, she simply regenerates. And Elaine's style is to fight to kill, like it was against Meng Ao, rapid and deadly radiance attacks, like a sorcerer, her offensive power is very good. So in short, the fight between the two without limitations would be Iona putting pressure offensively, and Elaine dodging and attacking heavily with magic. Iona could hurt Elaine multiple times, but Elaine is good at running away and healing herself. On the other hand, a well-aimed blow from Elaine is very dangerous for Iona.


Can I just say how much I love the ADHD representation in this story?

Fernando Roman

Is Iona’s stat sheet including her biomancy? Cuz I just checked Elaine’s stat sheet from changing of the guard and compared and she has almost double strength, like four times dexterity, more vitality, and like ten times speed. And let’s not even look at the magic stats. Elaine should be wiping the floor with Iona during their sparring sessions since Iona’s vow should not be kicking in there. With Iona’s vow kicking in, obviously a different story.

Fernando Roman

I mean just compared stat sheets and Elaine’s clearly way ahead of Iona as of this point. The only reason Iona would be ahead is if her stat sheet doesn’t reflect her biomancy. Compare this stat sheet to Elaine’s in changing of the guard and look at the “effective” stats. Doesn’t make sense that Iona is kicking Elaine’s ass unless there’s some trickery with the stat sheet or Elaine is just letting herself get impaled to train the armor skill. And she still has classed up her lore master and still a few levels away from classing up mystic. I’m very confused by the numbers I’m seeing.


I couldn't point to where it was, but I'm almost positive Selkie has confirmed that Lyra "is" Iona and Lux "is" Elaine, after some reincarnation and time shenanigans.

John Smith

If Iona's serious about actually completing the 'Free the Moons' task, rather than just charging at Lun'Kut at the end of her life (like we saw in the angel interlude), she should get over her prejudice against immortals and get Elaine to make her immortal. Then she'll actually have a chance.

Harry Hirsch

Ionas magic stats are surprisingly close to her physical ones. Even though she got the magic one so late.

Néstor Rocha

Holy hell, this puts into perspective just how OP Elaine is now. Iona has three classes at 830, 820 and 790 but Elaine still has live twice as many stat points as her with one class at 256. Let's be real, Mystic is getting a Purple at bare minimum and possibly a black with all of the phoenix stuff. Loremaster is also getting downgraded to Purple most likely. And Loremaster has been accumulating EXP for Years! That thing's getting to lv 500 or 600 the moment it upgrades. I'd prefer if it also became black if only because it'd be awesome for Elaine to have 3 black classes. I think Iona will have to do some downright legendary things to start being able to keep up with Elaine and get 3 black classes next class-up.