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I got poked in the side.

My consciousness briefly flickered to [The World Around Me], letting me know I was safe in my home. I groaned, rolled over, and stuck my head under the pillow.

I was tired. I’d spent most of the night awake, and I’d earned my rest. I didn’t want to get up, and I didn’t-

I got poked again, more insistently. I paid a little more attention this time, noticing the hand was disembodied.

Oh. It was Auri’s [Mage Hand].


I fully woke up, helped along by a generous dose of [Zenith Everlasting] helping me wake up. I threw off the covers and dashed to the door of the bedroom, where Auri was politely peeking in.

“They’re here?” I asked.

“Brrrpt!” She confirmed.

“Okay, okay. What do you need me to do?” I asked.

Auri looked up at me with plaintive eyes.

“Brrrpt?” She’d hoped I had an answer.

Iona chose that moment to emerge from the breakfast room.

“Want me to handle this?” She offered.

“Absolutely!” I was more than happy to throw this problem to the gorgeous woman who had [Social Lubrication] as a skill and thrived on solving these sorts of problems. I didn’t quite think I’d end up getting the phoenixes to burn our place down, but worse things had happened when I needed to do highly social things.

Iona stretched and cracked her neck.

“Alright, show me where they are.” She told Auri. “Elaine, I need you sitting down by the fire, visibly reading a book. There’s a kettle of tea ready, and Julius left us with some fine porcelain cups with flames on them. We’re going to be emphasizing a calm and relaxed atmosphere, with a love of fire in our day to day lives. Show that we like what they like. As they get a little more used to us, we’ll relax a bit.”

Iona’s eyes flickered a moment, and she grimaced.

“Auri, can you quickly turn off the water for the pool and eliminate what we’ve got there? A ‘murder phoenixes here’ room isn’t going to go over well, even if they’re understanding. I’m going to find Titania, I’ve got some more ideas to run by her. Chop chop, they’re here now, let’s get into position.”

Chop chop! I was happy to follow Iona’s orders, they seemed to make perfect sense. I would’ve… I dunno, probably had Auri bake them some food and given them a tour. Iona’s way of trying to align everything was beautiful, and I took some mental notes.

I wouldn’t have thought of our bath at all until walking into the room, and I’d imagine it wouldn’t have gone over too well.

Breakfast sounded nice, and I had no issues with ‘go relax and be an ornament’. If that was my job here, so be it! If it was always my job, that would be a problem, but now and then, for Auri? Yeah, I could make it work.

Tea was acquired almost as quickly as a book, [Rapid Reshelving] getting me everything, dressed, wood in the fireplace, and a quick spell encouraged the embers into a cozy flame. I settled in to read, and realized I had way too much energy to ‘only’ slowly read. I split my mind into a half-dozen parts, each thinking about something else.

One was obviously reading the book, while another was focused on listening to what was going on. Where were Iona and the phoenixes, what were they doing? Two more parts were working on what Night suggested - looking at my classes and thinking what I wanted to do with them, and while I was on the topic of Night and his suggestions, I was working on a few new spells to add to my spellbooks.

Where did I want to take [Butterfly Mystic] when it evolved? On one hand, I was really happy with the skills provided. [Scintillating Ascent] for flight, [Nectar] was an amazing mana regeneration skill,  [Solar Corona] had a stupid amount of work put into it, an unreplicatable passive, and [A Raging Tempest of Golden Phoenix Feathers] was strong. It had started as a sorcery class, and was still going strong as one. Sticking to a path was rewarded in many ways.

On the other, [Lepidoptera] and wizardry itself offered me endless options and possibilities, limited only by my understanding, imagination, and ability to find and write new spells. I could use an entire class for it! It scratched the itch of ‘all the spells and all the elements’ nicely.

At the same time, I was thinking about [Loremaster]. I liked the skills, I liked reading, but actually being a [Loremaster] was a little too much extra on my plate. I had enough things I was doing already - an entirely new job was just too much. I didn’t have the time or ability to properly work on the class, and be one. Like, learning everything was fine and dandy. I was happy with that, I liked that part. It was the ‘go out and actively warn and ward against the threats’ part that I was less than thrilled with. The knowledge wasn’t going away, the learning was fun. It was like… teaching. The time in class was fun, but the prep work and lesson planning wasn’t. I was lucky my companion bond with Auri meant I hadn’t stagnated at a low level forever, unlike poor Julius and his classes. Dodged a [Pebble Toss] there.

Usually, most of the time, my [Parallel Thoughts] were compartmentalized from each other, but this time, a spark hit. A connection was made between the two.

I leaned fairly heavily on some of [Ancient Loremaster of Legends] abilities for my wizardry. [Loremaster’s Library] was filled with my spellbooks, and [Manuscript Mastery] was most often used to instantly flick to the right page to cast a spell. It wouldn’t be insane to evolve the class to a wizardry one.

[Solar Corona] didn’t benefit wizardry spells, not even Radiance ones. The major loss I could see was writing spells. Spatial wizardry was awkward. By awkward, I meant slow and tedious.

Radiance was great for on the fly casting. I could carve runes out of glowing light in the air in front of me, or rapidly inscribe them at the speed my fingers could flick onto the page of a spellbook. Earth wizards could easily mold granite or other rocks like putty, easily putting down long-lasting enchantments. Water mages could conjure or manipulate water into the shape of runes. Fire mages could shape the flames of a fireplace, Dark wizards could manipulate shadows, etc.

Spatial wasn’t the only odd-duck element when it came to wizardry, but it was one of them. In theory, at the highest levels, with the right skills, I could bend the fabric of the world into the shape of a spell. More than a little expensive just to create the runes for a spell, which would then need additional mana to cast and create the effect.

No, Spatial had the plan B of almost all elements - quill, ink, paper, and the right skill. Spells would be harder to cast on the fly, but I’d still be able to do it.

Night had mentioned a few people he knew, and his ideas around getting a rune made explicitly to generate a set of the Medical Manuscripts was genius. I wondered if any of them happened to also be Spatial wizards? Meeting and discussing things with them before upgrading the class could only do good things. The combination was incredibly rare - Spatial Wizardry with Runesmithing? - but Night had been around forever, and Immortals tended to stay alive until everything went sideways. If he didn’t know a person directly, he’d know someone who did.

Wait - wasn’t Archmage also a Spatial Wizard? I should talk with her some more. She didn’t seem to like me too much for some unknown reason, but persistence and some [Social Lubricant] from Iona might make things work. Interacting with a few Spatial Wizards, learning from them, getting some spells, could be just the ticket I needed before upgrading [Ancient Loremaster of Legend].

Also, I wanted to sit and think on the upgrade for a bit. It sounded good today, but I’d been visited by the Bad Idea Fairy masquerading as the Good Idea Fairy before.

Speaking of Iona and her social skills, I was listening to her giving the phoenixes a tour. Not all of my ideas had been terrible!

“... over here we’ve got Auri’s hall of mirrors, and her arcanite nest.” Iona was saying.

“Brrrpt! BRPT! BrrrrrrrrRRRRRRRrrrpt!” Auri was super excited to show it off. The owl hooted, and I mentally added in another reason Iona was perfect for this - she could understand them perfectly.

Her blessing was frankly stupid.

[*ding!* Congratulations! [Butterfly Mystic] has leveled up to level 646->648! +8 Strength, +8 Dexterity, +70 Speed, +70 Vitality, +70 Mana, +70 Mana Regen, +70 Magic power, +70 Magic Control from your Class per level! +1 Strength, +1 Dexterity, +1 Speed, +1 Vitality, +1 Mana, +1 Mana Regeneration, +1 Magic Power, +1 Magic Control for being Chimera (Elvenoid)! +1 Strength, +1 Mana Regen from your Element per level!]

Oh nice. Showing off one’s nest was clearly a very phoenix-like thing to do. Enough so that it was worth a pair of [Butterfly Mystic] levels.

Perhaps I’d get lucky and get an [Arbiter] level as well?

No such luck.

I stuck my nose even more firmly in my book, and did the only thing I felt might help in the moment:

Prayed like heck to Selene and Lunaris.

I had ‘pray to Ciriel’ on my todo list, but I felt Iona’s patron goddesses might be more useful in the current situation.


By some divine miracle of silver tongues, only a single frying pan was the casualty of the phoenix’s first visit. I’d heard what was going on, but I’d only understood half the participants.

“Do I want to know?” I asked as I tried to pry the cooled lump of slag off the kitchen floor without bringing the rest of the kitchen with it.

Iona sighed.

Apparently, baking is ‘below’ a phoenix, and there was a big argument over it. The owl had to smack down the tupandactylus and the frying pan got the worst of it.”

That… was pretty tame, all things considered.

I’d had another thought rattling around in my head, one I’d gotten while staying out of the way.

“I’d love to see the heron cast more Radiance skills, but I don’t know a polite way of asking or going about it. I suspect if it comes out wrong, a melted frying pan could be the least of our worries.” I said.

Iona nodded, eyeing a sharp knife and the remnants of the mess on the floor. She knelt down and started scraping at it, her long hair falling around her as she talked.

“‘Let me steal your secrets’ can come off very differently than ‘I admire you and I’d like to know all about the glory and splendor phoenixes have to offer’.” She said. “Personally, I’d go the Auri route. Ask her to ask for Radiance lessons, or for a demonstration of skill, and simply watch with her. You should’ve seen the way they’re fawning over her, it’s a little worrying. If she asks nicely - wait, cancel that. If she asks in a way to have the heron prove he’s ‘superior’ to you, you’ll get the biggest, flashiest display in history.”

Iona clicked her tongue twice at the end there.

“Haaaang on, I gotta think that one through a little more. Where’s the closest village? The blast and danger radius might be a little larger than I thought…”

I snorted. It wasn’t funny, but for some reason it tickled the ‘inappropriate laughter’ bone.

Iona chuckled along weakly.

“On that note, congratulations! You’re officially no longer socially inept.” She said.

I spluttered at that.

“Wait, what do you mean?!” I asked.

“Well, you saw a delicate situation, identified it, then went to ask someone else how to handle it. All signs of someone with actual social skills and abilities. You’ve graduated. Cheers. I’ll buy you a drink at the tavern.” She said.

I preened under Iona’s praise. I was getting better! I knew it!

“On a radically different note, we need to do some wedding planning.” I said. “Since the phoenixes are here until then, and I think everyone wants the looming disaster gone.”

Iona briefly looked unhappy, and I held up a hand.

“I’m not suggesting we rush anything! Just that there’s a strong impetus to plan and execute, instead of waiting a few weeks to start planning. I’ve been looking at the calendar. Late summer next year perhaps? There’s an eclipse then, and if we send out invitations to Alruna and the rest of the Valkyries now, they should be able to make it by then.”

Iona, to her credit, shifted gears quickly and with grace.

“Can also get a message to Julius and Artemis at the School. Heck, if we’re quick about it, our letter will beat them there. That’d be quite something, wouldn’t it?” She said.

I met her grin with my own, and the two of us got Plotting.


“Brrrpt brrrpt!” Auri asked.

“Yeah, I think it’ll be a good idea if we’re around when the phoenixes meet Fenrir.” Iona agreed. I stretched and got up.

“Right now I assume?” I asked.


We all got ready, Auri joining the three phoenixes flying high above us. I stole the moment to once again study their flight, hoping to improve [Scintillating Ascent]. I’d studied the heck out of Auri, and I tried with the birds whenever I could, but I didn’t know how many improvements I could squeeze out of them. Why not?

Auri was clearly talking Fenrir up to her new friends, explaining how he was her ‘bestest friend ever’ and ‘totally cool’, and I noted that with all of her descriptions, she was leaving out a few critical details about what Fenrir was. Not terribly important most of the time, but these phoenixes felt a little more… wild? Feral? Unused to other species?

I traded a worried look with Iona, who’d noticed the same thing. We picked up our pace, breaking into a run.

“Brrpt!” Auri said, and Fenrir poked his massive head out of his cave.

Things almost predictably went to shit. The owl phoenix cried out a harsh hoooooot!, then thick beams of pitch-black Pyronox lanced from the bird straight to Fenrir’s heart.

Fenrir had triple spellblade classes, decent but not amazing at both magic and physically fighting. ‘Decent’ plus ‘the bulk, strength, and scales of a wyvern, plus a suit of armor on top of it’ translated to ‘fucking terrifying’.

Almost three thousand levels and pure mage gave a massive edge to the Pyronox owl, and my weak understanding of the northern continent implied these were the sorts of fights the phoenix regularly engaged in. The flames burned straight through Fenrir’s scales, through his muscle and bone straight to his heart.

I’d already engaged my healing, and Iona was diving headlong into the battle, shouting for everyone to stop.

Auri was screaming to stop, but Fenrir wasn’t going to take the attack lying down. He opened his mouth and roared in angry pain, firing Ice and Lightning up at the owl. The tupandactylus somehow intercepted both with his flames, the Fire and Ice exploding into a thick, hazy steam that coated the area.

It took time for cooler heads to prevail, but I was [The Arbiter of Life and Death], and I’d said everyone lived.

Even with my steep discounts on healing, and only needing to heal a single person, the sheer size of Fenrir, combined with the innate inefficiency of healing him, with the pure output of the phoenix had put a massive dent in my mana pool.

As the steam cleared though, I realized something -

I’d stopped a direct attack from a nearly-divine being cold in its tracks.

[*ding!* [The Arbiter of Life and Death] has leveled up! 770 -> 800. +400 Strength, +400 Dexterity, +800 Speed, +800 Vitality, +1600 Magic Power, +1600 Magic Control, +1000 Mana, +9000 Mana Regeneration from your Class per level! +1 Strength, +1 Dexterity, +1 Speed, +1 Vitality, +1 Mana, +1 Mana Regeneration, +1 Magic Power, +1 Magic Control for being Chimera (Elvenoid) per level! +1 Mana, +1 Mana Regeneration from your Element per level!]

[*ding!* Congratulations! [Butterfly Mystic] has leveled up to level 648->666! +8 Strength, +8 Dexterity, +70 Speed, +70 Vitality, +70 Mana, +70 Mana Regen, +70 Magic power, +70 Magic Control from your Class per level! +1 Strength, +1 Dexterity, +1 Speed, +1 Vitality, +1 Mana, +1 Mana Regeneration, +1 Magic Power, +1 Magic Control for being Chimera (Elvenoid)! +1 Strength, +1 Mana Regen from your Element per level!]


The heron - the phoenixes were real jerks, not even dignifying us by telling us their names - was impressive, and I’m pretty sure the top of the mountain we’d claimed was glassy smooth by the time his demonstration was done. I had a dozen new skills to pick through as well!

[*ding!* You’ve unlocked the Class Skill [Radiant Golden Sunfire Halo]! Would you like to replace a skill with it? Y/N]

[*ding!* You’ve unlocked the Class Skill [Blazeheart Phoenix Aura]! Would you like to replace a skill with it? Y/N]

[*ding!* Would you like to upgrade [Nova Lance] to [The Rays of the First Dawn]? Would you like to upgrade the skill? Y/N]

[*ding!* You’ve unlocked the Class Skill [Infinite Lightfeather Illumination]! Would you like to replace a skill with it? Y/N]

[*ding!* You’ve unlocked the Class Skill [Searing Dawn Solar Wave]! Would you like to replace a skill with it? Y/N]

[*ding!* Would you like to upgrade [Scintillating Ascent] to [Wings of the Mythical Sunbird]? Would you like to upgrade the skill? Y/N]

[*ding!* You’ve unlocked the Class Skill [Luminous Starfire Veil]! Would you like to replace a skill with it? Y/N]

[*ding!* You’ve unlocked the Class Skill [Divine Rising Dawn Burst]! Would you like to replace a skill with it? Y/N]

[*ding!* You’ve unlocked the Class Skill [Cosmic Flame Resurgence]! Would you like to replace a skill with it? Y/N]

[*ding!* You’ve unlocked the Class Skill [Ethereal Firebird Essence]! Would you like to replace a skill with it? Y/N]

[*ding!* You’ve unlocked the Class Skill [Mantle of the Sunborn Phoenix]! Would you like to replace a skill with it? Y/N]

[*ding!* You’ve unlocked the Class Skill [The Glorious Rising Destiny of the Eternal Sun]! Would you like to replace a skill with it? Y/N]

I accepted the two upgrades on my skills.

[The First Rays of Dawn] upgrade was pretty simple. It got flat-out stronger, I no longer needed to point with my finger, but I lost a little bit of control on how narrow and surgical I could make the beam. It was ‘stuck’ at roughly thumb-sized cross-section, and it did throw off a huge amount of excess light.

[Wings] had the minor downside that it no longer grew and evolved by studying flight, and the [Pretty] aspect was gone entirely. I traded it for raw speed, mobility, endurance, and they’d ‘last’ even when hit. The theming went from ‘butterfly wings’ to ‘heron wings’, but they still sprouted out of my back, giving off a faint glow as they did so.

I looked like an angel.

[Name: Elaine]

[Race: Chimera (Elvenoid)]

[Age: 31]

[Mana: 2,841,420/2,841,420]

[Mana Regeneration: 4,679,904 +(8,996,062)]


[Free Stats: 0]

[Strength: 12,689 (Effectively: 101,512)]

[Dexterity: 37,348 (Effectively: 397,682)]

[Vitality: 89,830 (Effectively: 1,403,594)]

[Speed: 77,062 (Effectively: 1,516,811)]

[Mana: 284,142]

[Mana Regeneration: 540,304 (+ 899,606)]

[Magic Power: 303,864 (+ 12,154,560)]

[Magic Control: 303,585 (+ 12,143,400)]

[Class 1: [The Arbiter of Life and Death - Celestial: Lv 800]]

[Celestial Mastery: 800]

[Aurora Curialis: 750]

[The Stars Never Fade: 25]

[Luminary Mind: 495]

[Universal Cure: 800]

[Etheric Aegis: 21]

[Shroud of the Stellar Sea: 615]

[Zenith Everlasting: 570]

[Class 2: [Butterfly Mystic - Radiance: Lv 666]]

[Radiance Affinity: 666]

[Radiance Resistance: 666]

[The Rays of the First Dawn: 666]

[Lepidoptera: 666]

[Nectar: 666]

[Solar Corona: 666]

[Wings of the Mythical Sunbird: 666]

[A Raging Tempest of Golden Phoenix Feathers: 666]

[Class 3: [Ancient Loremaster of Legend - Spatial: Lv 256]]

[Spatial Authority: 256]

[Manuscript Mastery: 256]

[Blink: 142]

[Loremaster's Library: 256]

[Vault of Ages: 65]

[Rapid Reshelving: 224]

[Astral Archives: 256]

[Lust for Lore: 256]

General Skills

[Long-Range Identify: 530]

[Parallel Thoughts: 335]

[Companion Bond between Elaine and Auri: 800]

[The World Around Me: 180]

[Oath of Elaine to Lyra: 800]

[Sentinel's Superiority: 800]

[Persistent Casting: 600]

[Imbue: 263]



I really hope this Angel stuff is leading to a twist where she changes her mind at the last second


Why die and become an angel when you can become an angel while living


Poor fenrir


666 on Butterfly Mystic is amusing, especially with the angel comment and possible class.


nice upgrades

Lorevi Q

Even if her wizardry class is the spatial one why can't she still make runes out of radiance? I thought the wizardry skill was more of a 'turn rune into magic' not 'make rune from magic' kind of thing


I think that at this point Elaine’s status sheet can be summed up with “Elaine very stronk.” And we can leave it at that 🤣


Well, butterfly is definitely going to get turned into either an Phoenix or Angel inspired class now. I wouldn't be surprised if she got a second immortality skill that lets her resurrect or something.


Good Chappie. Thank you.


I'm personally holding the idea that she will go back to the original concept of [Golden Crow].


On the contrary, imagine how huge of a boost to his levels, skills, and class upgrade options he just got for free? Can you get any growth better than an almost level 4000 phoenix genuinely trying to kill you and surviving? And he got some attacks off against the phoenix too, so those skills will also have leveled massively in one attack.


Boooo you didn’t have a reaction to the phoenixes seeing Elaine and Auri’s levels jump by 30


She could if she kept the lepidoptera skill in her radiance class. But if she were to make her radiance class lean fully into sorcery and have the spatial one lean fully into wizardry to benefit from the classes being specialized, it would be a bit of a waste of a skill, because the spatial class would have a skill for it too.


We need a section with tiny Auri berating the other phoenixes like naughty children. Really lean into their assumed importance of her. Maybe even demand a change of delegates from the phoenix home.

Lorevi Q

But if she kept lepidoptera she wouldn't need the spatial one so ultimately no loss. The only downside is that she'd have a 'wizardry' skill in a 'non-wizardry' class which I don't think matters but idk?

Max E Malekzadeh

I think it's more along the lines of if she ditches Lepidoptera(which would be the point of taking a wizardry class in spatial) she wouldn't have a radiance skill that allowed her to make light into shapes anymore...


It's to pick a class theme. You are more likely to get stronger skills and combination of skills when the goal of your class is clear. Instead of a hybrid class that may give you a ok skill that needs to accommodate for the two aspects that the class wants to do. The only question is if Elaine should replace her Wizard [Skills] now to grab one of the Phoenix's skills or wait until she has proper skills in her third class.


I am still holding onto the Golden crow concept from the start of the series.


I'm pretty sure the Phoenixes had been too busy to cast [Identify] on a target that is not directly a threat.


Don't see why she can't mix and match with her spatial one not having a skill for it.


With [Scintillating Ascent] eating [Pretty] and now losing that part, I wonder if it will change how people see Elaine.


Thank you!

Matt H

Normally I would say that Auri isn't mature enough to do so. However, that would imply that she's currently immature. But since her system unlocked after what, a couple weeks, and she's spent years being personally tutored and then educated at The School I'm pretty sure this is as "mature" as Auri is going to be for a long time and what we have is what we're going to get. And since she idolizes these phoenixes nothing will happen.


Elaine just doubled her base mana regen in one fell swoop.


You know.... if I was any of those phoenix's I'd be seriously asking myself some questions about how Fenrir survived their attacks. Because the fact that he did survive should indicate to any of them that aren't to arrogant to think clearly, (likely only the Owl from what we've seen), that there is a lot more to Auri's friends and family than they seem to want to acknowledge.


Thanks a bunch! ʕ•ᴥ•ʔゞ゛


Back in her wizardry exam, she got points off basically for not having supporting skills to help her wizardry, just her one [Lepidoptera] skill. The Spatial Wizardry class would include those supporting skills but probably only apply to Spatial wizardry, not Radiance wizardry, at which point her [Lepidoptera] just becomes a worse version of whatever her Spatial skillset is, with the single upside of being able to write runes on the fly. If the Spatial class has a solution or compensation for that, then [Lepidoptera] would be a useless skill.


In a system that rewards audacious actions. Get hit by a God and come back swinging seems like it would be worth a lot.

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.


If Elaine's next class evolution is going to be Angel-themed, it could also go a similar route to Arbiter. She had contact with phoenixes (birds of life) and black crow/white dove (bird of death).


Thanks for the chapter 😁


Elaine's first idea was to have Auri show off her baking? With the reaction the phoenixes had to the idea of baking, it's a mercy Iona took over. If that had been the first thing the phoenixes saw, I don't think the house would have been left standing.


That is assuming they still have identify. More fire seems the phoenix answer to just about everything and identify does take up a skillslot.


Damn, Elaine just about doubled her mana regen in a chapter

Tyler Machado

Cool. We shouldn't be shocked though. Remember how bad Aurie was when she was a baby, wanting to burn everything down that she wanted such as farmer's crops. They are eagotistical creatures and I wonder if the first phoenix made the choice for their descendants to stay separate so they don't burn down the world. Dragons care about their treasure so stay in place unless pissed off where as these birds could burn everything and have the big temper.

M van Dongen

Technically she *did* get her Wish to have more Arbiter levels. But it was a stupid wish...seeing as to what gains her XP in that class.....


That 30 levels in her Arbiter class... holy statballs... Doing the math, she just doubled her base mana regen in an instant. 9000 x 30 = 270,000, and she now has 540,000. Her Magic Power and Control got a nice jump of 48,000 each, nearly 20% of her previous base, and effectively just under 2 million points in each when healing under her Oath. But her Strength stat was the biggest relative change - coming off the back of a fairly mundane Strength stat thanks to the trade-off effect eating away at it, it grew by an entire order of magnitude as a result of this feat. Honestly, that should take a bit of getting used to - I'd expect at least a passing mention of a few broken doorknobs next chapter as she gets used to actually having superhuman strength again.


"Only" 26500 beacuse she have to pay for her pysical stats. If I remember right 1 regen for every 24 pysical stat point. Yes new class is crasy!

Tatiana Saturno

I don't think she lost that aspect, remember that a lot went into her skin and apparence getting better. Besides, I would say that looking like "angel wings" classify as pretty.

Tatiana Saturno

I wonder when they are going to have a talk about Auri's new perception of aspects of fire that are bad.

Jason Hardman

I expect all the equivalent phoenix appearance skills to pick up the slack through their bond.

Tatiana Saturno

I am wondering how the talk with Auri new perspective on fire will be. Can't imagine going well with the bad aspect of fire and using it not only to destroy things topic. It seems that Elaine decision in taking the lore class is not paying off. I am curious though, can't a class for learning and exploring merge with a horder of knowledge one?


Imagine what Nights status sheet would look like.


Wasn't it mentioned that if you had Imortality it was hard if not impossible to get it again? I think it was mentioned with the elves?


Looking at the skills and how she healed Fenrir, does she still need [Imbue]? The arbiter upgrade to range of her normal healing and removing the restriction should cover everything she used it for. Or am i forgetting some other uses other than extend healing range?


I was thinking for a few weeks now that it would be cool for her loremaster class to straight up evolve into a wizardry class, and for BM to become a sorcery-physical hybrid class. My reasoning is that she should simply keep the affinity, resistance, nova lance, and solar Corona, and wings skills and then have the rest be physical skills. In fact, scintillating ascent could possibly become more of a physical skill, maybe aiding footwork or running speed(?), and then she would have an even split of magic and physical skills. I wanted this to happen because otherwise it feels like she's wasting her physical stats, which are actually very good, especially speed. Though, I am convinced she definitely won't go down this path and will instead go for the pure sorcery route, which is a bit of a shame in my opinion


I wonder if Auri have the highest formal education of all phonixes? Probably not considering that you can increase the quality of your class by education. Old birds should have a lot of experience simply by living.


[Embue] has other uses, but Elaine didn't explore it much, she only used it for healing. We have to know what Elaine's healing radius is with her current skill, and plan for the statistics when she upgrades her third class. With Embue, Elaine had a few kilometers of action, which is necessary for Elaine to heal the legion. If her new skill has a radius of action of about 1.5km, it would be ideal for Elaine to abandon [Embue] and pick up a general skill for another purpose. [trigger] and [twincast] would be good options.


By the time the wedding happens, Elaine, Iona and Auri will have managed to turn the phoenixes from unthinking engines of destruction into people who can function in a non-phoenix society. Hopefully. Edit: that chapter title is concerning...


No unlocks for hitting level 800?


I think ist wozld be possible for Astral Archives Tobias evolve into a whizardy Skill from wich she vould mind cast whizardy


So Elaine gained 60 level on her highest leveled class by healing against ONE attack (before the 50% share with Auri), do it again!


Nectar is also kind of overpowered (even more so now with 9000 mana regen with each level of arbiter) so I also think it should go into the must keep skill list


Maybe fuse Astral Archives and Vault into one space inventory accessible on demand and you can have one more wizardery skill. (Also rapid reshelving and blink could fuse to have ne more)


Highest leveled direct attack she tanked by far (and on someone else that isn't even human) so lots of good factors for leveling^^


Pretty sure an advanced element, such as radiance, cannot merge again. So, no?


Phoenixes, unicorns and treants are not monsters though. Most of the guardians just tend to be magical and/or larger species who can take an increased-size skill and duke it out with fucking dragons.


Elaine has had great success with her healer class having a barrier skill, I don't see the problem with having one wizardry skill in a sorcery class.


Imagine what Night's status sheet looked like back in Remus. That is one of the greatest inconsistencies in the story to this day. Basically, it should have taken Night at least two millenia of regular life-and-death battles to reach level 256, at which point he would have gotten guaranteed black classes. So his stats at around level 500 should have been ridiculous compared to the other Sentinels, something like 500k in every physical stat depending on his build. But when you add his Oath into the mix? Assuming just a modest +2% to all physical stats per level, that's an 11x multiplier at level 500. Yup, that's about 5M in his physical stats multiplying his powerful vampiric baseline. Night should have been casually one-hit-killing Royal Guards left and right.


The [Pretty] aspect of [Scintillating Ascent] was more of a minor biomancy effect, I'm not even sure she lost it. It was physically changing her body.


She would struggle with her new strength, if her effective dexterity wasn't four times her effective strength. That kind of ratio will do wonders for her coordination and fine-motor skills.


Imbue will let her imbue her Celestial barrier with her offensive Radiance magic and replicate Artemis's new dark barrier and it's ability to eat projectiles. She can also imbue [Zenith] into [Aurora] to give her legion endless energy. Nevermind the ability to imbue her Radiance beam with [Rapid Reshelving] against wizard opponents without equipment skills to rapidly yoink all of their stuff and spellbooks.


@Selkie "Almost three thousand levels and pure mage gave a massive edge to the Pyronox owl" The owl phoenix is close to level 4,000 in all three classes, so not only is it over 3,000 levels, but when counting all three classes, it's actually over 9,000 levels they have on Fenrir. Just saying.


They don’t care about Elaine, but they do care about Auri. At least one of them has identify because they recognized that Auri was significantly higher level than advertised.


Imbuing her Celestial barrier with her offensive Radiance magic will only be needed for a short time. Imbuing Zenith in Aurora seem like a huge waste of mana (Imbue is not efficient at all on aura and giving a cup of super coffee to every one is much less miraculous than healing fatal wounds). Radiance + Reshelving is more or less a cool gimmick without any utility. If someone is powerfull enough to shurg off her radience and wizardery, they will also counter Reshelving. For me, one's she finish learning her new destructive barrier skill, she should drop imbue for a new skill that give her more utility (For example, if her normal healing range is not satisfactory the [Range] skill should be a far better choice than [Imbue])


One problem with becoming Gardian is that they are often sent for retribution against wrong doers and Elaine can't do that with Oath


Maybe not. Night might have leveled relativly easy until 256 as most people at this time got stuck in the early 200, than really struggled to level from there. So maybe he only reached dark green or blue for his 256 classes and so was very powerfull as we saw him but not cheated ?


It's not a problem per se. It's the question if she wants to dabble in wizardry like a hobby, the same as her shield is lackluster to a tank class. Or if she wants to commit and become *good* at wizardry by sacrificing skill slots. Both are valid choices. Have a look at her sorcerer class, there are four support skills to her two attack skills, and losing any of the four would hurt, because they make her attacks so much stronger. Now imagine her having similar supports skills to her wizardry after some class upgrades and skill merging in her bookworm class (currenly she has 4 skills related to storing and teleporting).


Maybe vampires get good quality classes less easily, the same way they level less easily.


It would be stupid. We live in a world of, let's say energy, information and money. I can easily find morally bad energies, bad informations, and bad ways to make money. Just because Phoenixes live and (don't) die by their flames, doesn't mean they should idolise fire in all its forms. ... But, these Phoenixes are jerks so I wouldn't put it past them.


I hope you're right. Since it was a skill that got better as she saw new forms of flight, it's maybe safe to say that the biomancy made her body better, permanently.


It's ironic since mist of the work on this new perspective was made by Auri herself.

Sam Redwine

Are the dominos mentioned in title classes and skills that fall (or more accurately rise) to better types one after another as the result of preceding falls (rises)?


yes, that would be the correct way to express it, but normally in history only the highest level is used as a standard. For example, Meng Ao was a level 920 enemy, even though he had a class of 600. Elaine herself is a level 800 classer, and the average of her classes would only be around 600.


But Elaine uses physical statistics, we have to keep in mind that against opponents of the same level as Elaine with physical classes, Elaine is inferior, physical combat is not just statistics, warriors have weapon skills, skills to increase the damage of their weapons, skills to improve combat, among other things. But yes, with the physical stats she will gain, changing her combat style a little would be good. Maybe she'll go back to training with the spear and the gradius she used on Remus, her armor skill also covers weapons.


@nicolas Night described being stuck at around level 15 when the first humans reached level 350. Even if he only needed 1,000 years to reach level 256 (and I think it took him longer), that's still a thousand years. Iona got a dark-green class for surviving the battle at Wobby Pass as a teenager. Night didn't spend the first two millenia sitting on his ass, he probably fought almost every night while defending his human tribe from nocturnal monsters, being severely outleveled all the time. And don't forget his achievements of being the first of his kind, witnessing and surviving Creation, and being the progenitor of a vampire bloodline, as well as the self-appointed protector of humanity. All of that carries weight with the System. Over a millenia of fighting and surviving through the dawn of civilization, a time which was far more dangerous than during the end of the Republic of Remus, only to get to level 256, has to result in black classes. Don't forget the water plant oddity gobbling up half his experience, increasing his class quality even more.


[Twin Cast] and it's evolutions would provide the biggest force multiplier. Multi-layered barriers and radiance attacks. I'm still hoping that she'll manage to merge [Persistent Casting] and [Imbue] into [Metamagics] and then add [Twin Cast], [Channel] and [Trigger] later.


@Cirvante, I agree that Night must have taken a lot more time then human to reach high level and that his classe quality should be high. But black is still the pinacle. Night isn't Elaine or Iona. He isn't reckless with an oath that force him to do the impossible. From how he is depicted, I think he will always try to be in the most favorable situation even if he must flee or use underhanded meens. That's how he is still alive after almost 30000 years. So I think it could be argue that while he did take a long time to reach level 256, he wasn't in a situation were his odds of survival were impossibly low as many times as Elaine or Iona. And if he were in this kind of situation, he would have retreaded instead of going heads down into danger. Concerning Night being lvl 15, while humans were lvl 350, that could happen in less then a decade, just see how many years it took Elaine to reach level 500 xD. So It's not a good arguments for Night reaching 256 after 1000 years. Maybe a hundered or a two, but I don't think 1000 years is resonnable when early levels or so easy to get compared to later on.


RIP [Pretty].


On the other hand, remembering the Vitality is a much toughness as it is health pool, Elaine is already at such a low strength compared to everything else that she might genuinely be unable to intentionally hurt *herself* at this level. Her stats do look good, and her Chimera status makes them count for even more, but this is a world and system that seems to heavily reward specializing, just look at the issues she got to see early in the war with the general versus Iona. Any weapon in her hand, no matter how fast she can swing with it, is unlikely to be able to even scratch a melee classer in her tier. Now, focusing more on the speed though. Radiance *is* the fastest magic, and she's getting pretty fast herself. Her best bet in a melee situation is to focus on avoiding what she can and responding with lasers.


It took him about five millenia to get to level 500 and he mentioned leveling about once per decade, sometimes more and sometimes less.


Anyone can be a guardian use of the reach, the right level and the right attitude.


Yes, but that's when he is already nearing lvl 500. Early levels are much easier to get. Just look at a typical ranger : they arrive relatively young (let say before 25 years) at ranger academy with at least 180 levels, than it takes them years of rangering to get to lvl 256, then they can reach lvl 350 after decades as a sentinel, but after that they are garanteed to die before reaching level 500 (as no sentinel reached that level before Destrucion at the end of the formorian war) So level get exponentially harder to get as they go up (If your not Elaine and don't actively pursue mortal danger). If Night has the same leveling difficulty increase as the average classer, he should have taken little time to get to 256 but gotten stuck afterwards as he became overleveled for this zone


Bro, your math skills are on Iona's level. Night said he leveled about once every decade at around level 500, which would be his slowest leveling in his life due to his high level. That was maybe around 4,700 years after Creation, the actual number is a bit murky because everyone counts time from Herculix's birth. But if he leveled at that pace for the last few millenia, then 250 levels would equal 2,500 years. Now, he did say that some decades he didn't level, so let's assume it took him 3,500 years to get from level 256 to level 500. That still means it took him 1,200 years to reach level 256. Plenty of time to reach black class quality as the premier assassin of Remus. At that point, he had survived a rampaging dragon and had survived and decisively ended a vampire civil war that lasted a century. And that's just the shit he told Elaine.


Does Iona split Fenrirs levels like Auri and Elaine?


Your right that the math on this particular sentence point to Night having his 256 class after more than a tousand years, but as you pointed out, Night level of power during the formorian war is inconsitent with him having two black classes. And the leveling rate of the normal Remus citizen also point toward level 300 to 500 taking exponentially more time to level then before. So I prefere the interpretation were this sentence isn't entirely accurate (if you try to extrapolate Night whole leveling rate from it) and the rest of the story stay consistent then the other way around


Considering his abysmal leveling rate, there's a very high chance that Night has an experience multiplier like [Learning] or [Self Improvement], something that most people lack. And as we have seen with Elaine, such a skill can offset the increasingly slower leveling at higher levels. At level 25, Night's skill would have only given him a 1.25x multiplier, then a 3.5x multiplier at level 250, and several millenia should have been enough for more than one skill evolution, so at level 400, he could have maybe had a 6x multiplier and a 7.25x at level 500. This would neatly explain his consistent leveling rate throughout the first five millenia. His powerlevel during the Formorian War is a separate issue. Only us number-crunchers really notice it in retrospect anyway, normal readers look at his supersonic movement feats and rightly assume a powerful speedster build. Only now that we have an idea of how broken black classes are and how powerful the vampire baseline is, can we extrapolate that the description of Night was actually too weak.

Stephanie Washburn

I wonder what physical changes will occur now that she's ditched pretty?


I think you overestimate experience multiplier skills, they are good, but they only increase experience linearly and not exponentialy. I think Elaine leveling rate is mostly due to her insaine Healing erea and feats of nullifing attacks from people much higher level than her. Those feats became better and better at an exponential pace as her level and capability increased (+ Auri cheats to xp her other classes). If you multiply by 7 a small amount of xp, it's still a small amount of xp, it's only when you obtain large amount of xp that xp multiplier become very good. Contrary to Elaine, Night doesn't do mass healing/killing, he is surgical and assasinate only his targets so his exprience rate should not increase exponentialy as he level. Even worse, contrary to Elaine who quit the low level zone to meet high level Dwarfs, Elves and dragons as soon as she hit lvl 256 then fastfoward 28000 year in time when she become too high level for her time, Night has stayed in the low experience zone for the whole 5000 years. Sure he must have found some challenge from time to time but from my understand, appart from the very begening when he had to hid from dragons, the only real challenge he faced was the formorians and they didn't give good xp after lvl 180. After all no high level being want to go in the low expereince zone. Some occasional monster with High level might have appear from time to time but most would be handled by other ranger / Sentinel as Night was more the Assassin that deal with people and politics. So one's his level outstripped every human, he must have faced almost no challenge at all until the end of the formarian war and begining of the shimagu war.


Elaine currently gets +768% to her exp, it plays a huge part in how much she levels. As an example, saving Fenrir from the owl phoenix would have only given her maybe 5-6 levels instead of 30 without [Lust for Lore]. Without an experience multiplier, Night would have leveled maybe once every 75 years rather than once every 10 years. It makes a huge difference. As for leveling opportunities, Night was the assassination Sentinel. Any powerful rogue classer that the other Sentinels couldn't handle would have been killed by him. Furthermore, he mentioned how he regularly had to kill vampires who defied his orders. He also regularly culled the thieves, any assassins who targeted Rangers or Sentinels, once had to hunt down the rogue assassin Rangers, kill anyone who learned about dragons and anyone who could become a threat to Remus. This would include rogue governors, rogue S-Rank adventurers and rogue Ranger teams and monsters that Hunting couldn't handle. And the way the system works, punching up is very much possible, so even with his ridiculous stats he wouldn't have been invincible. All it takes is a [Void Mage] with a [Bullet Time] variant to ruin his night. Even assassinating the gold curse senator cost him a finger.


I think we explored all the arguments on this subject. let's agree to disagree.


Being pretty is completely subjective. I would assume the trait simply influences people's perspective without making physical changes. Makes you ask weird questions though... If someone had [pretty] and you made a painting of them... Would that still look pretty? What if they ditched the skill years after the painting was made?