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Silver Qiao Zhi was a busy, busy man, but he always had time to hold onto the brass love charm Lin Lei had given him. The [Battlefield Observer of the Threefold Reflection - Radiance] was attached to [Tactician] Huang Ling in [Great General] Pang Nuan’s army. Zhi swelled with pride as he considered how important his job was in the grand scheme of things.

He would win the war. The Mandate of Heaven had blessed the Yan, and it was through Qiao Zhi’s efforts that victory would be obtained.

Zhi scanned the battlefield, looking for promising young flowers. The [5000-man commander] and [Generals] of tomorrow. Those with subtle skills, those quietly slipping under the attention of the rest of the army.

Not the brass-plated woman breathing a cone of Lava in front of her, decimating her opponents. Not the bronze man wielding a scythe. Not the [Beast Tamer]. The megatherium was coated in iron plates, and carving a slow but steady line through the center of the battlefield. The dullahan clad in copper, standing near the back lines with an absurd fishing pole might be worth a mention. The man was casting his line, artfully snagging the occasional head left behind, then reeling it screaming back to where he and his friends quickly smashed it to death, before casting out again.

It was worth seeing if he could get some merits for reporting it.

Qiao Zhi turned to Huang Ling, cupped his hands, and bowed. The decision saved his life, as a whirling blade of all edges and no handle went buzzing through where his chest had just been.

Everyone took potshots at the command post. Any person slain there, from the grand [Tactician] or [Strategist] overseeing the battle, to the smallest [Banner Carrier] or [Messenger] was impactful.

The near miss didn’t faze Zhi in the slightest. The heavens were with him. He’d have his revenge against his good-for-nothing father.

“Esteemed [Tactician], this one has a small matter to report, one which I believe you have already seen but I would be remiss in failing to mention.” Zhi half-shouted each word, enunciating clearly to be heard over the din of battle.

Huang Ling glanced down at the bowing dullahan, his silver armor under flowing robes marking him as a member of the Scholar class. He gestured his commands, and the banners shifted their signals. The troops started to slowly shift and move around in accordance with the new orders, and Pang Nuan, along with his elite cavalry force, began to carve a route through Biao Gong’s troops, intent on plucking the latest flower he’d identified.

“Speak.” Ling commanded. Zhi remained bowing, his hands cupped in front of him.

“The [Fisher of Men] located in the rear lines appears unusually competent, and his style is promising to rapidly gain many levels.” He reported.

“I am aware.” Ling coldly informed the upstart, refocusing on the battle. The observation was valid, but so obvious as to be nearly useless.

The [Observer] bowed deeply and returned to his tasks, the man’s mouth moving as he shouted to the troops while scanning the field.

The [Tactician] briefly reconsidered his words. Qiao Zhi was new enough to the observer role that he should be encouraged when possible, and the only error was in the obviousness of the target. Otherwise, he was entirely correct.

“The target was good. There is a plan. Continue bringing me observations like that.” Huang lied. All warfare was based on deception. In order to fool his enemies, he first must fool his allies.

There was no plan for the [Fisher of Men]. He was too well ensconced in the back of the army, and barring a lucky shot, they would not get him.

Pang Nuan had a plan, a sure-fire way to win the war. In his boundless wisdom, he knew the war would not be short. It would not be won in a single decisive engagement. It would not be won this year.

It would not be won this decade.

His plan?

Lose the battle to win the war. Sacrifice the battle to identify and ‘pluck the delicate blooming flowers’. In a decade, the Chu would wake up one day and find that they had no Talents. No powerful ironclad warriors to take the field, none who could stand in the way of the Yan’s next generation.

Pang Nuan wouldn’t be alive to see the day. Such forward thinking, such dedication to the task and war, such nobility of purpose, almost brought a tear to Huang Ling’s eye.

Qiao Zhi got to his tasks with vigor after being harshly scolded by Huang Ling. They could not afford for a dullahan to only have a single task. Each member of the Yan army had multiple roles, multiple tasks they could fill. Those fighting had two fighting classes. Those at the command post had two different jobs, ones carefully selected that could be done at the same time. Be on guard and raise banners in communication. Be ready to run messages and bathe the area in Radiance, stopping illusions from trying to misdirect the leaders. Observe the battlefield and be the [Speaker of Truth - Sound].

Qiao Zhi did not need to use his mouth to watch the battlefield. Instead, he used it to motivate the nearby troops, reminding them why they were fighting. Spreading the unspeakable truth of the vile Chu.

“The Chu are less than filthy pigs! Rabid dogs have more value than a single hair on their head! They are a vile pest, one that must be exterminated with vigor, for the good of all! They are dirty, savage and uncivilized! They live in mud and squalor! They take the land that is rightfully ours! They can not be trusted, their every breath a malignant lie! The only good Chu is a dead Chu! Their whores are diseased! Their very bodies will corrupt and corrode our noble and pure Yan! Like a parasite, they must be excised!”

As Zhi was extolling the troops, a large, armor-clad wyvern landed on the treacherous cliff bordering the battlefield. For reasons he did not fully understand or need to know, the two sides weren’t fighting over the ridge that would give unparalleled access to the battlefield. His lips curled up in distaste as he saw who hopped down from the beast.

A Valkyrie. One of the meddlesome warriors who kept sticking their nose where it didn’t belong. Lin Lei had been brutally slain by one while on a simple foraging mission. If he somehow survived getting his father killed, his next goal was to hunt down each and every one of the women. He’d slowly make them suffer before releasing them to Thanatos.

A cold shiver went down his spine as he checked on her level.

[Warrior - 530].

Pang Nuan would be able to fight her, he was sure, but nobody else in the army was capable.

Zhi turned away. Not his job, not today. All he could hope for was Huang Ling deciding to get rid of one of the meddlers when she was neatly in massed crossbow range.

Also, that was one big wyvern…

Zhi continued to shout encouragements at the troops, hoping against hope that some of his words would reach the Valkyrie, she’d see the error of her ways, and die fighting the foul Chu. Wouldn’t be the first time he’d set two of his enemies against each other, wouldn’t be the last.

Zhi got back to scanning the field, and his eyes narrowed as he started to notice a pattern. His [Heaven’s Eyes] helped him see that which was hidden, helping spot anomalies. In one spot the mighty Yan were being laid low by base Chu treachery, their valiant soldiers stumbling a moment before being cut down. His gaze sharpened on the area, the truth revealed to him.

Small vines were quietly emerging from the ground, wrapping around an ankle and causing people to stumble before quickly retreating underground. A common strategy.

What was uncommon was how well it was working, and Zhi forced himself to carefully look at the disgusting Chu, attempting to best identify who was causing the issue. It was rare, but not unheard of, for people to deliberately offset the center of their effect, and… ahha! One particular 5-man squad was being a little too protective of an iron-member in the center of their squad, who kept subtly twitching her fingers. Even as Zhi watched she gained two more levels, and shrugged off a crossbow bolt to the shoulder.

He whirled to Huang Ling, cupped his hands together and bowed.

“Qiao Zhi reporting!” He shouted again.

“Speak!” Huang commanded. Zhi rapidly detailed who’d he’d seen and where. Huang smiled.

“Most excellent! Scribes! Mark three more merits for Qiao Zhi!” He commanded, before giving out a series of orders. Banners were moved, and the entire army shifted.

Qiao Zhi felt the intoxicating thrill of power. He had caused this. His words had made the entire army shift, and now Pang Nuan was off to pluck another delicate flower, and trample her into the dirt where she belonged.

Qiao Zhi imagined executing his father would feel the same way. The same feeling of power. The same intoxicating rush.

His family - his true family - were brass, marked as members of the artisan class. Life was going well until a passing court official had taken notice of his mother, and demanded a night of entertainment. Qiao Zhi appearing four months later, clad in silver instead of brass, had torn his family apart. An appeal to the court official had ended with a hefty fine for his family daring to slander the official’s good name.

His siblings had resented him, marked as an outsider, marked as different. Marked as the one who’d destroyed their family. Zhi was eight when his mother couldn’t take it anymore, and the only small blessing in life was that he was marked as silver, as a scholar.

It wouldn’t do for a scholar to be toiling in the fields, no.

He’d gotten his chance. His chance to learn letters and numbers, and a path forward.

Anyone, copper to brass, bronze to silver, could join the ironclad ranks of the army. Obtain merits. Kill his worthless father, who’d destroyed his family. Bring his lifeless head to his siblings and true dad.

Place it on his mother’s grave, so she would know she’d been avenged beyond the grave.

The praise, the merits, the intoxicating thrill of power pushed Zhi to new heights, to new efforts. He scanned the battlefield twice as fast, shouted invectives against the Chu twice as hard. He spotted another subtle effect, one that was actively hindering the [Great Generals] progress.

People on the left side of the battlefield weren’t dying easily. Most dullahans, as part of their very nature, could survive being decapitated. Every one was born in armor, and even the most meager of bronze farmers died hard.

But people just weren’t dying. Only the most blatantly destructive of injuries were causing a death. Qiao Zhi witnessed a spear being elegantly thrust through a Chu’s heart, only for the man to strike an underhand blow back instead of collapsing.

Oddly, the Yan soldier also survived the blow, and the two were pummeling each other to no effect. Zhi noticed the effect wasn’t localized. The vine-tripper’s efforts to trip the [Great General’s] horse was completely in vain. She tried to dive out of the way of the general and his personal guard. Pang Nuan used his mighty sword to cleave the woman in half, with the rest of the horses trampling over her as he finished his strike.

She got up again, along with the rest of her five-man squad. On the other side of the battlefield, Biao Gong was carving through softer troops, making his way to the command post. Huang Ling whirled on Qiao Zhi in a fury.

“Explain!” He ordered, drawing his sword and putting it on Qiao Zhi’s throat.

Zhi started to sweat. He didn’t have a Spatial element, he couldn’t survive his head being taken off like so many other dullahans could. He frantically scanned the battlefield, getting a quick idea of the radius of the healing effect, and immediately finding the center.

Amazing what one could do with a sword against the neck. He squinted, bringing the full strength of his [Heaven’s Eye] to bear, and pointed with a shout.

“There! Next to the Valkyrie! There’s an invisible [Healer]!

“Two demerits for Qiao Zhi!” Huang Ling shouted, sheathing his sword and giving out another set of orders.

The [Great General] and his entire escort began charging towards the cliff.


Thank you corner!

Thank you Samreay for suggesting BTDEM on reddit! Top post, top of the list, a big thank you! https://www.reddit.com/r/ProgressionFantasy/comments/16bd79a/stories_with_badass_female_lead/jzckpfh/


Erik Hansen

lol, why did the observer get demerits at the end.

Simon Andriessen

Because the healing was around where he spotted the vines earlier, and he failed to report it, resulting in a failed assassination of the vine-user... I think? Really, such things aren't always logical. He did however get 3 merits and only 2 demerits, so maybe the commander just chose to lower his merit because the assassination failed, and the earlier information wasn't actionable.

Wizard Tim

Not impressed with that strategy, tbh. Losing battles usually means losing territory. Losing territory means finding your logistics disrupted and resources throttled. So if you're willing to lose battles to assassinate "promising individuals", your priorities are shot. There's a reason no chapter of "Sun Tzu's The Art of War" is focused on individuals, and instead focuses purely on terrain and logistics. It doesn't even mention the enemy commander other than to convey a need to predict their intentions. And while you can make an argument that personnel are a resource and promising individuals are a logistical target in the long run, I'd consider that resource a renewable one. Especially when applying the pendulum effect. If you're in an army and someone else is swiping all your experience by ruining the other sides day with vines, your own chances to excel are diminished. If they are assassinated, the rest of the army they're part of has to pull their weight or perish, dramatically shifting the experience in their favor. The targets these guys ignored, the ones actually causing significant damage to their forces, should be the priority. It's like dedicating your forces to killing a lone sniper and ignoring the tank battalions thundering across your battlefield. Seems like the commander is just feeding his own ego, only interested in special individuals he can smash rather than actually trying to fight a battle.

Lorevi Q

I get that the Oath is a thing but interfering here seems rather incredibly stupid? Her entire deal with the Sixth is to hide her presence so people can't determine who is doing the battlefield healing; and now she's just revealed herself to TWO hostile armies who can use their skills to tag her and identify her in future. (Especially since it was shown one of them seems to have an entire class/skillset devoted to identifying this info). And for what? It's entirely pointless. The armies aren't going to stop fighting each other because a random healer showed up and she's not really saving any lives; just delaying their deaths until after she's gone.


I mean yeah the commander probably is just feeding their own ego, but also good to note that Sun Tsu never had to deal with they system or magic which adds extra merit and importance to personnel. If Elaine can heal an entire army for hours, that solves some major logistics and war problems with one person alone, given that most of the Earth war casualties are from things like disease and infections rather than fighting itself.


I'm guessing its either a test bed to determine her functionality in a real war that won't cause consequences or they were flying by and her oath compelled her to start fixing people.


Had another leveling cheat thought. The Stars Never Fade. IIRC, it doesn't make people unkillable-immortal, just makes them younger and age much more slowly. (Which only really makes it age-imortal with repeated applications) So, in battle, use it on the other army's elites. Suddenly the level x warrior decimating your troops is seven years old and cursed, and she hasn't technically harmed them...

Isaac Allen

That Is brilliant and evil. Unfortunately I doubt Elaine will do that knowing how curses impact others she does not have the temperament to just go around cursing people while also blessing them.

Matt H

I get that Selkie doesn't (and probably shouldn't) give too specific of details of when, where, and why Elaine's oath forces her to intervene. However, I think at least some explanation is needed at this point. It can't be as simple as simple as "if Elaine knows there are people who are injured she needs to help". If that were the case she could NEVER do anything other than spend her life eternally traveling between large cities, never stopping without receiving Oath violations since there will always be people who can be healed. So where is the line drawn? Does she, personally, need to positively sense or perceive that someone is injured rather than just assume someone could be injured? From a narrative perspective that seems like it would be the best choice as it allows Elaine at least some degree of freedom in her actions. Although, if that's the case, intentionally getting closer to a battle she knows nothing about is utterly idiotic as it will effectively lock her in place until everyone either stops fighting, everyone on one side dies despite her healing, or someone knocks her out long enough for the battle to end and the armies to move somewhere else. The concept of being an oath-bound healer was absolutely interesting at the beginning. But now it's to the point where Elaine is either well-meaning idiot, the "rules" need to be treated fast and loose, or Elaine and her party need to spend a bunch of time trying to munchkin around her self-imposed rules. None of the options seem particularly great in my opinion.

Benjamin Smith

I think it was pretty well-established when Ranger team entered Perinthus that Elaine needs to personally sense an individual in need of healing for the Oath to activate. She was free to sit in place after covering her eyes and ears. So when she looked down and saw people fighting, yes she needed to stop.

Matt H

I wonder how this will play out in the future, then. It seems that Elaine will be endlessly struggling between her ability to perceive injuries through increases in her skills and stats vs. her ability to heal those injuries. If her ability to perceive injuries ever outstrips her ability to heal them she'll be locked down unless/until someone knocks her out. Edit: And if she's aware of this potential "weakness" it seems foolish for a "Sentinel" like her not to be proactive and try to mitigate such things via scouting by other people.


Once Elaine gets [The Dawn Sentinel] to level 768, she can take a deep-black [Mother of Modern Medicine] and rake in stupid stat increases while the class practically levels itself. Between that, her black [Ancient Loremaster of Legend] and her original Oath, her healing and mana regeneration will become ridiculous. Her [Dance with the Heavens] and [Wheel of Sun and Moon] should also merge and lose the sun-and-moon restriction. The two black classes will then lift her [Butterfly Mystic] to at least purple. My point is, that her perception will likely never outpace her healing. The only true weakness of her healing, aside from strangulation, drowning and brain destruction, is curses. She will need to find a way to counter powerful curses that prevent healing.


I just realized that Elaine, along with her team, will eventually be able to bully entire armies into retreating. Like, they march up and start fighting, then a big-ass wyvern lands nearby and suddenly everyone becomes unkillable. The elites try to drive them off and get thrashed by her team. At that point, all they can do is go home. I sense great leveling and trolling opportunities in the future.


I believe the reason she got so close to this battle was to check and see if the sixth legion was there; because at this point she has zero idea where they might be and by the time she would know she would also become aware the various wounded and dying soldiers and the oath would activate and be forced to jump in and help. She does at least go about it smartly and try to avoid being noticed by being invisible when she gets close.

Matt H

I'd still argue that she acted impulsively and foolishly. In her party there are two other people who can fly and one person who can divinely view statuses. It would be very easy to drop Elaine off a ways away from the battlefield to first do some scouting. Just a little bit of scouting could've told her whether they found her army that she needs to support, or an enemy army that she gets stuck healing due to her oath. It seems she's never going to learn to be more cautious or careful until something goes wrong for her. So she's going to need to hope that her lucky streak continues to hold when charging into situations outside of her depths that people will continue to be merciful (Lunkat, Arachne, etc.)


By this point in the story it's pretty obvious she can somewhat arbitrarily draw a line around people as "patients" that she can defend with lethal force, with the rest of the time she has to at least try to be non-lethal with genuine accidents allowed. This is just the first time she's actually got enough power compared to the immediate area to actually make a conscious choice in the matter. She even explained a little bit ago that she can consider the 6th as her patients until the battle ends, then she'll have to treat any enemy survivors.


@Cirvante the brain destruction isn't a super valid worry since she has '3' brains in 1 in the head and the 2 in her hips to mitigate instant death from a headshot it just hasn't been tested yet


Elaine has gone over this a few times - in short, it's anyone she sees and knows is harmed. BTDEM numbers MEAN something. I know exactly how much mana a particular injury takes to heal, how much mana and power Elaine has, and what her regeneration is. She's also at a point where her range is pretty long, and it takes minimal effort to just throw a long-range heal at one person and be done with it. So as she gets stronger, she's got more problems, but more tools to throw at the problem

Matt H

Thank you for the explanation. Although, that just makes me more disappointed in Elaine for charging into a battle without further information. While some people may claim that it's a sign of the "goodness" of her character, we know she's familiar with the concepts of delayed action for greater results, triage, etc. The amount of lives she could save rushing into an unknown situation where she could die is vastly less in the long run than taking a more measured approach where she lives and levels. That's not to say she should never take any risks, but she knows better than most the Powers that exist. And yet, she changes heedlessly into the unknown. On one hand, I want Elaine to succeed because she's a "good" person, but on the other I'm so very ready for her to get smacked around and suffer a real, meaningful loss if that means she'll actually learn something and won't act so utterly impulsively. Her acting like a child was amusing when she first became a Ranger and the world was simpler. Now, I'd like her to show at least a little maturity and wisdom in response to the more complex world she finds herself in and her increased responsibilities. Edit: Thank you for the story, I'm just (obviously) irritated with Elaine's seeming lack of mental growth and maturity.


Well, seeing two armies clash to me seems to fullfill the condition of "anyone she sees and knows is harmed". Maybe I am wrong, but if not, Elaine didn't really have choice. Delaying healing was always very hard and situational for her. And the probability of her own survival isn't a (big) factor in that (else she wouldn't have had to heal a certain dragon).