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Hey all!

I goofed! Small goof!

Two chapters today! 

I tend to keep my chapters in order of posting on my computer. Got up this morning, dragged myself over, sleepily edited the 'next' chapter in the list, went copy-paste-post, and while I was updating the TOC went 'oh shit'.

Better than a cup of coffee any day. It's like dropping a table in production...

With newfound vigor and energy I went back, edited 465, and posted that as well.

It'd be terribly unfair to post 466 then delete it, so I'm keeping both 465 and 466 up. If my backlog wasn't doing so terribly (still trying to recover it post-moving), I'd post ANOTHER chapter on Friday. Sadly, I only have 5 chapters (I like having 9 or 10) in my backlog at the moment, and I'm feeling the crunch, so No chapter Friday, there were already three this week.

See you all Monday! As a reminder, there was already an admin week this month, so we're just going to keep churning out chapters and posting them in a steady stream. Enjoy!

The thank-you corner:

I've got a new thing I'd like to try! Lots of people say nice things about me on Reddit and Facebook, or leave good reviews on Amazon, Goodreads, Royalroad, etc. Well, I want to find and thank the people doing so by noting them and the nice things they say in chapters!


Oblivious Sage

@Selkie Have you considered using the backlog to smooth out the chapter release schedule? I don't know about other people, but I would be happy to give up 1 release per week to get releases on admin week, and maybe shorter between-book breaks? Missing releases gets people out of the habit of reading regularly, and longer pauses force people to go back and re-read a bunch to remember what's going on; I know I've dropped a few webserials that took 3 month hiatuses.


All kinds of goofs in life, it is the way of things.


I don't take between book breaks anymore! Admin week replaced that waaaay back in like... book 3? Wait, no, more like book 6? Either way, not a thing anymore! I have considered 'smoothing' things out, and I'm hoping to actually increase my writing pace to 4/week internally, then releasing at the same 3x/week, still taking an admin week but continuing to release then. I get that stability is important and slowly consistent releases and all that. My only concern is rocking the boat too hard, especially with how much it's been rocked recently.

zenot funr

Hey where's 466?