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Hey all!

FIRST - No changes to BTDEM's schedule, post frequency, etc. Everything remains the same there.

SECOND - This post has nothing to do with BTDEM. Just me as the author. If you're not interested, feel free to bail now!

THIRD - This will probably be the only time I mention Mango Media here on Patreon, apart from maybe an occasional mention in the monthly author announcements. You're all here for BTDEM.

Alrighty! WIth the disclaimers out of the way, let's talk about Mango Media and Dead Tired!

I'm not writing the never-ending story. I know what the end of BTDEM is, what it looks like, and I've got a whole roadmap from here to there. One day, BTDEM will end.

I like to think I'm a solid author, and that I'll write another good book or two, then dive back into another epic series. I also know that BTDEM's success is wild, and I can't count on ever replicating it. I need to diversify for the future, for myself.

One area I've always been interested in is the publishing side of things. There are very few players in the field, and I was looking into this as early as 2021. I was going to partner with a major name, but they kept delaying and delaying and putting things off, and I eventually said 'fine, I'll do it myself'. The landscape has changed considerably since then, but my goals are the same - help authors get the best deal possible.

Thus, Mango Media was born.

Obligatory links!

Discord! https://discord.gg/7ytpqzTRvh 

Website! https://mangomediapublishing.com/ (There's still quite a few WIP elements. The developer hit a hiccup)

My partner and I have been working on this, and we were almost ready to launch when it came time for me to move. That threw a 6ish week long delay into the works, but now, we're ready with our very first release - Dead Tired, by Ravensdagger!


The timing is awkward with all my other life events going on now >_< I can only thank my partner for being so on top of various things needed to make the launch happen.

Raven writes a lot.


Many of you already recognize the name. If you don't, well, he's got more stories than you can shake a stick at. His profile's here! https://www.royalroad.com/profile/147338

In the distant past, a time of magic and swordplay, there lived Harold, the mightiest lich of all, a master of arcane sciences, and a challenger of gods. After reaching the pinnacle of his power and finding it surprisingly bland, Harold waged a cataclysmic war against the gods, aiming to shatter the very system that confined him.

Then, he took a nap.

An incredibly long nap that ends with a jolt, thanks to an unwitting adventurer who trips into Harold's crypt. Blinking into the torchlight, Harold finds a world he barely recognizes. No more swords and sorcery, but a universe buzzing with cultivation, celestial sects, and far too many pretentious dialogues about the path to godhood.

Harold is no naïve cultivator, he's an ancient lich with a single ambition: to slide back into his uninterrupted eternal slumber. But the cacophony of quarreling sects and smug martial artists seems determined to keep him awake.

Undeterred, the sleep-deprived overlord is ready to confront this brave new world. After all, no aspiring deity, no grandiose sect, and certainly no self-righteous martial artist is going to rob him of his beauty sleep.

On a personal note, I love Dead Tired. It was my first Raven fiction, and got me sucked into the rest of his works. Give it a shot! You'd be supporting me AND Ravensdagger!

Also, made a reddit post about all this! https://www.reddit.com/r/litrpg/comments/15gvccb/dead_tired_by_ravensdagger_is_out_today_also/?

As previously mentioned, this is the last time I'll bother all of you here on Patreon about Mango Media this directly. You're all here for BTDEM, not to get plugged at for various other things.

Thank you all for your support and understanding!






Gotta admit, I was rather confused when I saw that Mango Media logo on RavensDagger's Patreon and couldn't find any info about it elsewhere.

Dion Crump

Cinnamon Bun Elaine crossover? Or did that already happen

Dion Crump

I’m really loving this book, that said though it needs one more pass through with a fine tooth comb. Just a few places here and there that used the wrong letter or word