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Hey all!

Communicating lots!

This week is admin week. Next month I'm taking off to do a big international move, buy a house, move in, etc. etc.

Frankly, I won't be done in a month, but I should be done enough to get back to writing.

Billing is now paused. Nobody new can sign up for Patreon (Whyyyyyyyyy), and nobody will be billed. People on a year long subscription should get an extra month added to their time. Billing will resume as normal on July 26th.

That is to say, if you signed up on the 15th, you got billed June 15th, you'll skip July's bill, and only be billed again August 15th. You will continue to get chapters as normal.

Speaking of chapters!

There will be three chapters posted in July. When? I have NO IDEA, it'll depend a lot on how everything shakes out. However, it's incentive to stick around :). Hopefully, it'll also continue to signal that I am here, I am alive, and I'm not going to vanish into the void like so many authors that take a hiatus. 

Cheers all, and I'll see you all on the other side of the pond!


Nate El

I see why void was banned this time around


Good luck with the move!


Best of luck with the move!

Tiffany Miller

Good luck moving stay safe

Phoenix M.

good luck! How does that work If i've already paid the year ahead?


I just re-read the last few chapters and I feel like no one is asking Elaine the most important question about this position - can she witness a large scale battle between armies of elvenoids and only heal one side?


If this is a void month does that mean it's going to explode and destroy a city?


This is quite literally the worst news I have received in months. I am devastated and my day is ruined. Good luck on the move, Selkie! We’ll miss ya!


We’ve seen examples of this on a smaller scale, but the answer is that during combat, she can be discriminatory with her healing. Once the battle is over, she’ll basically be complied to heal whoever she can. She can triage but just allowing people to die in the dirt because they are the “enemy” she can’t do. AFAIK.

Thomas Hendrix

look at it this way. you could be like my buddy who is not a patreon member and just got left on a massive cliff.


If you paid in March 2023, then you get chapters until May 2024, you gain one month.


Best of wishes to you and your family in this move.

The Uub

Oh goodness yes. Makes me want to check RR and see where they got left hanging

Thomas Hendrix

Based on what he said they got left where elaine meets Arachne, in particular where Arachne captures Elaine.

Felix Young

Happy trails selkie! We’ll be here when you get back :) remember to take extra time if you need


It depends on quite a few factors. The biggest one is "Is one of the sides actively trying to kill Elaine?" If yes, she's not obligated to commit suicide. If no, then she's out to try and help as many people as possible. There's more nuance to it than that, and naturally will be explored more in upcoming chapters.