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Hello everyone!

I first want to thank everyone for all of their support. It's hard to believe that two years have already passed by! This wouldn't be possible without all of you.

Book 8 has just released! At over 200k words, it's my fattest book yet! Now, Amazon is a bit of a black box in how it works, but the all mighty algorithm dictates what books do well, and what books it decides to ignore. One of the factors it strongly considers is ratings, and how well rated a book is. If you could go to https://www.amazon.com/Beneath-Dragoneye-Moons-New-Horizons-ebook/dp/B0BGQK6LGT/ and drop a review, that would be immensely helpful. Thank you.

Admin week is the 24th this month. Some people have asked if I was taking time off after posting the end of book 8 - no. Chapter on Monday as usual.

Litcon (litRPG convention) is this weekend/next week on Discord! I'm a panelist for two sections. Werewolves, Vampires, and Chimeras, Oh My! on Sunday at 2 EST, and The Royal Road to Publishing, on Monday at 6:30 EST. I'm also going to try to run an end of book AMA on Discord, probably Saturday evening, my time.

Podium is dragging their feet something fierce on book 7 and 8 audiobooks. I signed the contracts a while ago, and they just haven't gotten the dropbox information to me yet. Let me give you the manuscript already!! I'll keep you all in the loop.

Web comic! Legal delays are getting me all sorts of annoyed, and I'm seriously considering just signing with a company and getting it done that way instead. It'd be a bit of a bummer in several respects, but it'd also get *done*.

Anyways, it's almost midnight and I like sleep. Thank you all again for all of your support!!


elijah pickett

You got this! We all believe!

joss sim

You konw I'd rather wait for a fantastic comic that do well for you on every levels than something quickly slapped together. Take your time and do things the best way for you.


When will the physical copy of Book be available to order?


Probably after it fully hits RR, so I have the time to hammer out any last typos or mistakes

Wizard Tim

Reading your books has been an absolute blast and a half. Bought the first 7 on paper back for my niece for her birthday.