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A few hours of mindless library work, and a quick dinner with Auri, Iona, and Fenrir, and I was back in my mini office, continuing to work on my skeleton design.

I’d picked up the crumpled paper and brought it to Auri for disposal.


She liked my new project.

I was happy with my design, but something was nagging at me. I leaned back at my picture, trying to work out what was bothering me about it.

Eventually I flipped open the Medical Manuscripts, and started going through various diagrams. I groaned when I got to the elvenoid anatomy section.

My design was a few hairs off of the elven skeletal design. And with a few exceptions - like being able to entirely rotate my head - their design was better.

With some difficulty, I swallowed my pride and made a few corrections to my design. I wasn’t going to let hubris sabotage the rest of my life.

I checked my earlier notebooks on various skull designs I’d toyed with over the past three years. I remembered them all, but there was nothing quite like double checking things to properly center and frame my mind.

The pachycephalosaurus, or ‘pachy’, was a mid-sized dinosaur, which was to say its head, when bent over, was just a hair under mine. It was known for its incredibly robust skull, which it used to headbutt predators, and each other. The two pachys would line up, then charge at each other, colliding head to head at insane speeds. Their weight meant there was a significant amount of momentum that their skulls needed to absorb, and their entire heads were about being hard, thick, and with the right amount of padding for their brains so that they didn’t get rattled around.

It was perfect. I wasn’t going to take their skull wholesale - I didn’t want to look like a dinosaur head - but there was significant inspiration from their design. Even better, there was a type of saurian that was modeled after the pachy. One of my biggest fears was head injuries, and their protection was just what the doctor ordered.

That was enough for one day, and I called it quits, heading home a little earlier than I planned.

Time to unwind with Iona and the rest!


The next day was the details and practicalities of the skeletal system. I had the design, but that didn’t mean I had the materials.

I was throwing things at the wall and was going to see what stuck, and what modifications and compromises I’d need to make once everything was in place. For my initial run through, I elected to use Kun Peng bones. They were light enough for the titanic creature to fly through the air, while strong enough to survive the crushing pressure of the deep ocean. For bone marrow I was eyeing up unicorn marrow, which had a list of fantastical properties long enough that I couldn’t believe it was classified as a non-magical material. The biggest one though? The blood cells produced carried 50% more oxygen than most other blood cells. The marrow could absorb tremendous amounts of shock and impact, and just bounce right back, which meant blows would sort of get ‘absorbed’ into it, and stop propagating through my body. Other biomancers had noted that it easily took to small modifications, without needing to make significant tradeoffs in other areas.

Almost every part of Auri, for example, was classified as magical. In other words, it just didn’t work without some sort of special magic making it possible. If I tried to give myself wings of flame, I’d just get a brief burning smell, then a pile of ashes. There was something intrinsically magical about a phoenix that my level of biomancy couldn’t replicate.

I put a star next to the unicorn marrow, and added a note.

Confirm with Marcelle and two other professors that Unicorn Marrow is mundane, and the reference book I acquired didn’t have a typo in it.

Just to be sure, I checked the reference book in question, paging through it until I found the section on unicorns. This book agreed that it was commonly listed as a mundane material.

A consultation with Metallurgy and Meat was next, and bless the author. He’d listed the best metals and alloys to use in an elvenoid body at the very front of the book.

A number of magical metals started the list. Mithril was the ideal combination of strength and weight, while Adamantium was practically unbreakable. Orichalcum wanted to float, and Purium leeched impurities and toxins, acting as a panacea for poisons. Terrarium’s density was unbeatable. Starsteel amplified magic, while Lusterite had no weight.

I was practically drooling over all of them, but they had three problems.

The first was getting any magic metal in the quantities I wanted was insanely expensive.

The second was working them into something resembling the complex shape I wanted.

Those two issues were bad, but I could work with them. I’d be willing to work and save up to get the metals to ensure I could have the best future possible.

The third issue made me sigh and pass over them entirely.

Magic metals weren’t conjurable. If my arm got cut off, [Dance with the Heavens] would dutifully restore my arm, modifications and all - except for the magic metals. I’d have a gaping void there, with all the structural compromises, pain, and the rest involved.

It had to be mundane, and I facepalmed as the first mundane metal made the list.

Titanium. Specifically, a titanium alloy with a metallurgical notation that I didn’t understand, but I would. Most bodies didn’t react at all to its presence.

With a different colored pen - silver - I started to delicately trace a hexagonal pattern over all of the bones. I was tempted to take a shortcut here. After all, I knew what I meant, and there was no way the skeleton diagram wasn’t getting redrawn a half dozen times.

Down that path lay sloppiness though, and sloppiness in this project would get me killed.

Done properly was the name of the game.

I did make a note in a different color.

While the designs for my own body require frequent quantities of low-level healing to maintain, another reader may find replacing titanium with Purium to be a worthwhile trade, as most of the healing I am planning is to cleanse my body of toxins that are otherwise unhandled. The proposed titanium structure is simply for strength and durability, and the structure will take to a different metal with minimal fuss.

I circled the note, and added a note to the note.

Note to self: This is for my current plans. If I change how I want to use my healing down the line, this note needs to be modified to show how Purium may or may not work.

Once the titanium was drawn on the skeleton, I switched to a red quill.

My joints were up next. I spent far too long waffling between titanoboa and basilisk joints. Titanoboa’s were a bit more flexible, while basilisk;s were a bit more durable, and ‘held’ things together better. It’d be harder for someone to, say, get me in a joint lock and dislocate my arm.

I wanted to imprint some runes on me. Runes that I’d have access to, no matter how badly my life went, no matter what weirdness I came across. It’s why I picked up Carving Your Enemy’s Bones into Runes and Power by Amina Tagreb, a complete primer on ‘how the heck do I put runes on my bones’. Granted, the author had been assuming dismembering your enemy before whittling away, but the principles were transferable.

My rune philosophy came into play here. I wanted runes that would be with me for a lifetime. That would be useful forever. Combat-related runes were almost entirely out. A runic shield wouldn’t be as good as my [Mantle], and more importantly, the rune and array wouldn’t scale with me as I leveled. Sure, there were a dozen ways to mitigate it, but at the end of the day, they just weren’t worth it.

No, I wanted runes that would be as useful to me at level 4000 as they were at level 500. Utility runes were primarily the name of the game.

The first was a simple one, drawn in Octagony. Pure water conjuration. If I ever got stuck underground, or in a desert, I could conjure up some water and get a drink. An isotonic solution would be marginally better, but unfortunately, it exploded in complexity. The marginal utility from a slightly different solution wasn’t worth the dramatically increased cost of space for the runes.

I sketched them into my pelvic region, the mix of bones in an excellent arrangement to take the spherical shape Octagony mandalas formed.

The language was more complex to write than Anaconda was, but it was more compact. It would let me draw the runes even larger, giving them more time before they burned out.

I did need to look up a standard water conjuration rune set in the Overflowing Stack at some point, but that’s why I was doing this in the library. Bonus - anything I didn’t know I didn’t need to work out. I could just post the problem near the Overflowing Stack, and post a bounty of a few dozen coins on the problem. One of the more brilliant wizards could tackle the problem and provide me with the solution.

I worked hard at wizardry, but I wasn’t a genius at it. Octagony constantly gave me headaches to boot, and while I was confident in my ability to write anything I wanted in Anaconda, I knew when to back off and let the people truly passionate about the subject tackle a difficult problem.

Runes burning out was a problem for another day. I hoped [Lepidoptera] could adapt to refresh my runes. I hoped that [Dance with the Heavens] would properly restore the runes when I used it. However, if both of those failed, [The Dawn Sentinel] evolving into the insane healing class I’d been promised should fix the issue. The last backup was [Butterfly Mystic]. The class was all about acquiring skills, and I was sure with dedicated practice I could get another ‘engrave runes into my body’ skill.

After water was an almost pure oxygen bubble for my head. Pure oxygen could potentially poison me. This rune set was also going to be in Octagony, and I was centering it on my head. It made the construction of the mandala easier, since it needed to be centered where the rune was centered, and not displayed.

Air. Water. The third was food.

Anaconda was the language of choice here, and anything ‘biological’ and ‘wizardry’ immediately scaled to absurd complexity, for no good reason. Almost 60% of the bones in my body were dedicated to summoning sugar, a simple compound with an acceptable calorie density. Part of the issue came in that multiple bones were a piss poor way of constructing a proper mandala, and instead I needed to draw hundreds upon hundreds of small arrays, each one connected to each other.

That one I simply starred as a “To draw later” set of runes. I hadn’t even started and I could feel a migraine coming on. The complexity made me think there was a wizardry language dedicated to organics, and I put a post in the Overflowing Stack asking for a compressed way to generate sugar at a range. While also mentioning the runic bones aspect to it.

The fourth rune was a shelter rune. It would make a small metal “half egg” that I could barely curl up in. The longer I ran the skill, and the more mana I put into it, the thicker the walls. The idea was simple. If I was stuck in the middle of a sandstorm or something, I’d need some minor shelter to properly cast the right spell for the situation, but that could require some time, effort, thinking, or simply being able to peruse a spellbook to find the right spell for the situation. The runes I was making would let me have all that.

I put the runes on my spine.

Next up was a set of buffs, similar to Origen’s Inscriptions. Runes that slightly improved my strength, speed, dexterity, and vitality. There were two ways of going about it - a larger flat bonus, or a smaller percent-based bonus.

I went with the smaller percent based bonus. It was worse than the flat bonus - for now. As I leveled up though, the percent based bonus would scale with me, and continue to be useful, while the flat bonus would eventually get lost in the noise.

I was thinking of eternity with my build.

Food. Water. Air. Shelter. Buffs. My Radiance magic provided some minor heating, but more in the ‘melt something and use the residual heat to warm myself’ more than anything else. It was one area I was less concerned about.

No, I had a tiny amount of room left. I’d left my sternum clear just for this.

Jiwa was a solid language for highly specific runes with no flexibility whatsoever. It was no good for conjuring water, for example, because it’d conjure the water at the focal point of the rune - inside my body.

Jiwa was excellent for the next rune I was looking at, a skill that I’d danced around wanting almost my entire life. A skill I’d constantly grabbed gems for, and now I’d be able to use on my own.

[Greater Invisibility]

An upgrade from even Magic’s [Invisibility with Eyeholes], [Greater Invisibility] had it all. It muffled outgoing noise. I wouldn’t occlude sound, so echolocation couldn’t find me. It softly removed footprints. It removed my scent. It emitted light exactly the same way and amount my eyes absorbed, letting me continue to see without any telltale hints I was there. It was exactly what it said on the tin - Greater invisibility.

Getting all that done in another language would be dozens of linked rings at a minimum, each one densely packed with hundreds upon thousands of tiny runes. Jiwa did it all with a single symbol.

Studying the rune, and all the different ways it removed my presence from the world was embarrassing. It neatly laid out a dozen ways Lun’Kat could’ve detected me, painting in excruciating detail just how naive I’d been.

My skeleton was basically inscribed and layered twice over at this point. I had one small spot on my chin, where the Octagony air runes wouldn’t reach, and they wouldn’t be close enough to interfere.

There wasn’t anything super practical I could fit there, but there was a fun little rune I could include. It would rarely be practical, not with my skills and Auri, but why leave any space unused?

In a homage to my old love, my old skill, and my old element, I squeezed in [Fireball].

One system down! Just the rest of the body to go!



Wonders if Lun’Kat could be the final boss at max level or a potential teammate against a greater foe..? Could picture Elaine lecturing a dragon on the importance of living in harmony 😂 being considerate for "lesser" beings with Auri (fully grown) chirping in agreement behind her.


7now I have the image of a giant full grown Auri tweeting like a tiny bird

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter. Surprised she didn't make changes to remove breathing since it was one of the weaknesses she was planning to get around with gills etc.


So she's designed a magical way to make water from her pelvis. The wonders of convergent design. Also, pure water isn't just marginally worse than an isotonic solution. Drinking only pure water for a period of time would certainly dehydrate you and effectively make you piss out your electrolytes (it dilutes your blood, but your kidneys can't remove just water from your blood without also removing some other stuff with it). Maybe Elaine can just conjure those nutrients and minerals back again though. Though at that point, I don't see why she can't just heal herself to being rehydrated.

Melting Sky

She did remove the breathing problem via the air bubble rune. Completely removing the need to respirate would require a magical constitution that would be beyond her.

Joshua Little

That doesn't seem right. Even on Earth you have symbiotic breathing. Could make the first half of the respiratory system like a human and the other half like a plant.


Except a plant's photosynthesis is way slower than respiration, and needs large exposed surfaces dedicated to it, and needs you to be exposed to the sun.

Joshua Little

And unicorn marrow comes from the 100 yen shop. If anything, you agree with me that it works in theory and she just has to find the fantasy equivalent.

Christian Nouws

Hey Selkie, I am commenting here because i think there is a much more optimal path Elaine can take with what she is trying to achieve with runes on her bones. The air and sugar supply could much better be supplied by newly designed organs taking from both plant and animal biochemistry. With the addition of possibly being able to sequester nitrogen by herself with a properly modified liver. I don't know how much you know about the Calvin cycle aka the chemical process of photosynthesis that turns water and CO2 into pyruvate and it's derivative glucose. Well Elaine can cheat that. The light reaction of the calvin cycle she can cheat with her radiance magic. She should research a really resistant from of chlorophyll or a melanin like in radiotrophic fungi. Doing this in a specialized organ where she uses her radiance sorcery as a energy source with specialized pigments to produce ATP and NADPH from water to run a calvin cycle. ATP, NADPH and CO2 are the only required ingredients for the dark reaction of the calvin cycle where they are turned into glucose. The enzymes are producible by animals. The radiance sorcery powered light reaction will also produce oxygen. She might have to modify her kidneys to get rid of excess sugar and toughen her pancreas to hell and back but it should be possible. She could use one of her titanium bones as a pressure chamber to create ammonia or nitrogen oxides. This would allow her to add chemical cycles to her liver to turn nitrogen oxides into ammonia and ammonia and sugars into amino acids. She is immune to fire and titanium has a melting point of 1668C hot enough to form nitrogen oxides or run a haber bosch process. The process for producing hydrogen exists in bacteria and plants. Or the addition of a refractory alloy bone for temperatures to 3000C. This will allow Elaine with a water conjuring rune to only require minerals for survival. Only the addition of CO2 is needed if she wants to survive in the vacuum of space. Ps essays are easier to write on reddit.

Christian Nouws

She just needs to massively improve her kidneys and or make them able to storeexcess electrolytes to release. Her kidneys would need to only excrete excess nutrients and minerals. Then pure water would not hurt her.


I bet 100% that higher level biomancers have all sorts of magic/skill-interfacing bioreactors, but I think that for Elaine's case (low level biomancy, pass as human, retain mobility, entirely passive, permanent and can't tweak/control it later) it doesn't quite work. Furthermore, pressurised reactors are tricky business, let alone designing one with no engineering background and putting it in your bones to run passively. Fitting a chemical reactor into a total biological rework would certainly explode the complexity to unimaginable heights. The runes are only manageable for Elaine because their complexity nearly totally avoids interaction with the biological systems by creating chemicals outside of the body to then be processed entirely by the biological systems.

Christian Nouws

True but elaine doesn't need a fine tuned bioreactor and her control over it is with her radiance sorcery. She has permanent casting. Her being a high level healer also allows her to sustain quick and dirty instead of highly optimized to reduce long term damage. The photosynthetic organ is pretty controllable for elaine because she needs to put light into it. It will also not be that large. As she can create light in a volume instead of being limited to a surface area. 5 kg of radiance powered flesh leaf tissue will be able to sustain her and it can be spread around her body. Her butterfly mystic class is made for adaptability. Elaine is pretty sure going to modify her metabolic pathways to make all vitamins and amino acids from precursors. She needs to design that pretty damn well but her healing will make sure that she doesn't suffer long term damage from it. That was already her plan as you could read in this chapter. The nitrogen binding organs is pretty simple too. It's a small lung to put air into it. A sealing mechanism for the small bone. Then she conyers radiance magic in the bone to heat it up to hell. Then she let's it cool down a bit and unseals it. Then uses the small lung to absorb the nitrogen oxides and if properly designed the lung will have the required enzymes to make amino acids. She still has kidneys and her digestive system to get rid of waste and surplus nutrients. Plus she can heal away bo bo's. Elaine is the human equivalent of a cockroach. Selkie as used those words in the story. It's something she would do. I don't expect her to do things like making potions or poisons in her body. That would require fine tuned organs with skill and magic working together.

Christian Nouws

Elaine has radiance magic. So she can create plenty of light to sustain photosynthesis. Secondly she is immune to fire so she can run photosynthesis at a really overclocked rate. Elaine isn't as limited in her ability to gather CO2 as plants are so she can easily prevent massive amounts of photorespiration. Plants do their photosynthesis in a organel and Elaine can easily spread those through her body allowing her to avoid needing a large surface area by using radiance magic inside herself. Elaine can also produce her own light at night allowing full time usage of the infrastructure. Let's say she can use upto 10 000 Kcal per day. That is 2.5Kg of sugar with the oxygen required to burn it again. Plants can hit 6% efficiency with lumenocity of 1000 J/cm2/day. Elaine can probably go higher intensity because she has no CO2 shortage. She can also cheat that with conjuring radiance sorcery within herself for J/cm3/day. At 6% efficiency she needs 21 cm3 to produce 1 mole of sugar a day. 1 mole of sugar is 180g. 2.5 kg of sugar is 13.8 moles. 13.8 moles * 21 cm3/mole = a whopping 291 cm3 required within her body to sustain photosynthesis. This is a volume of 6.6cm^3. She can spread this throughout her entire body and its with the presumption that she uses 10 000 Kcal per day. With this the should modify her kidneys to get rid of excess sugars. This will also produce plenty of oxygen to survive on to the point she should consider just swapping out her lungs for photosynthetic organs.


I think the extra organs and all would require quite a few trade-offs in body space/ resilience/ potential combat ability/ complexity/ design time cost which might not be worth it for extreme environment resilience to Elaine considering her future plans. I think the biggest thing is she just doesn't have the time/skill to design something like that at this stage (since time at the School is limited and she's dropping biomancy).


I had a thought about magical metals, and the problems caused by not being able to conjure them with using them for bones: there's one bone in the body that's unlikely to get lost (the skull, which, even if it is damaged, is more llikely to be crushed and still more or less attached to the brain than completely separated from the body), so elaine could probably replace it with a magical metal, and a number that are optional - for example, elaine doesn't *really* need legs, as she can fly, and would still be mobile enough to retrieve her leg bones if she lost them.


Full life support. Immune system kidney liver gone. Shrink the intestines slightly who needs bone marrow when you can conjer blood. Use photosynthesis to boost oxigen level heck add radiance/plasma to you blood instead of whiteblood cells and make your blood vessels/arteries do photosynthesis. The problem of the rune complexity can be solved by directly summoning at rune instead of projecting you dont need to drink water an iv works. Also the pure water complaint has a point salt content in your blood could become problematic. Also remove sweat glands immune to heat and sweating out your body's entire salt supply would be stupid. I hope something here is useful even if it's just the confidence in knowing no one suspects what your going to do next ;-)


I was wondering if it wouldn’t be possible for Elaine to layer Runes. If she is making her bones new from scratch/building a supporting lattice of titanium, couldn’t she also build multiple layers of runes into her bones or wouldn’t that work for some reason. Also couldn’t she as a fallback design the runes to fit on the lattice structure of the titanium itself? Would offer her more surface area at least. On the other hand though, what happens if her bones are broken. The runes would snap, is there some kind of danger associated with that?

Hamasake Gagf

you would think after seeing bones in lugs dude she would go for a body that does not need mana and or skillls to keep herself alive


If Elaine wants to be able to photosynthesize, her skin would have to be green. There goes the whole “trying to blend in and look human” plan.


Maybe she has, there’s a cost for everything and the cost of not needing mana and skills to survive or prevent lethal wounds is likely more than she can pay


OK, this last chapter was jarring, as it seemed like it was written by a male gamer and not a young female with two skills driving her vanity. There is no way that someone with Auri as her companion and butterfly mystic driving her vanity that she hasn't spent hours in front of the mirror over the last years doing non permanent adjustments to her face, hair, bust, hips, legs and everything else to "correct" perceived imperfections in her form and driving her to achieve more than pretty and head towards "gorgeous" or "spectacular" or some other beauty skill word. Since she seems to be the beta in her relationship with Iona, she should at least be trying to achieve Iona's view of absolute perfection in her form. I see no way that someone as vain as she has been portrayed would do something like make herself freakish by being able to turn her head like an owl! Dense muscles, sure. Stronger bones, absolutely. But realistically, and having been around more than my share of college age women, I can't believe that there was no internal dialogue on how to fix her perceived imperfections, and making herself "fabulous".


??? 1) Elaine is confident, and knows what she wants and likes. She has an ideal of what she wants to look like, and being in a relationship with Iona isn't changing that. 2) Face and other looks are tackled at other points, but she's had [Pretty] for years, followed by dozens of levels in [Scintillating Ascent] - she's already spent hours and hours improving her appearance to her own personal ideal. She doesn't need to do a lot more work in that department.


.... Her Butterfly Mystic class doesn't make her more vain. It makes her more Pretty with every level her wings get. She's already fixing perceived imperfections with each night spent flying. Not sure there's anything left to biomance away. And what is this beta nonsense? People can have equal relationships where they don't try to fixate on what others want.


I was not denigrating Elaine by mentioning that I read her as the beta in the relationship. It is just that she is the one getting picked up and placed in laps, she is the one getting teased about what is going to happen to her in the bedroom, she is the one who is moving across the world to be with her girlfriend. No doubt she is the smarter one in the relationship, the better student and confident, it just seems that Iona is driving the relationship bus. In the context of the mystic and vanity though, have you forgotten her "need" to stay clean to the point that she took spotless? Have you forgotten the internal dialogues we have seen over and over about how Auri's vanity is bleeding through the companion bond? If she has spent hours and hours on her appearance (which I would totally find reasonable), then it must have been subtle, because there was no reaction to her changed and improved appearance when her friends who hadn't seen her for three-four years saw her again.


@Selkie While I don't see a problem with an owl neck, stuff like clawed feet as a weapon should be difficult with her vanity. She might be able to ignore her feelings and make a cold, rational decision, but there should be an internal struggle at least. If she just wanted higher performance, she could grow herself to Iona's size and put on 80 pounds of hyper-dense muscle mass. But that would also clash with her own beauty standards for herself. She might find Iona attractive, but she doesn't want to look like her. The same goes for things like hip size. A narrower, masculine hip ratio would be better for performance, but would sacrifice her femininity. Same goes for a blocky, muscular core, with powerful obliques. Great for performance, but doesn't look good on women. Even male bodybuilders are careful with oblique training because a blocky core would ruin their v-taper. Strongmen on the other hand will have massive cores, since they only care about performance. So for any changes that would make Elaine look less attractive and masculine, her skill-enhanced vanity should be screaming at her.

AntiClimax she her

Y'all have strange ideas of what a (likely) autistic woman who REALLY doesn't want to die again, bonded to a vain phoenix whose personality traits bleed through due to companion bond skill, should be thinking and feeling about her ideal body. Tbh the only thing guaranteed to break suspension of disbelief when it comes to women in stories is how they think about and treat other women. Otherwise, there's so much variation and overlap between genders that it's pointless trying to put real people into boxes, much less fictional characters. Nothing in the last 2 chapters struck be as un Elaine, particularly companion bonded to a vain bird. And that's my metric: is a character acting consistently with themselves.


I am extremely curious what makes you think Elaine is autistic. Outside of the mango gag device obsessive interest.

AntiClimax she her

Could be adhd, but I think autistic because of the near complete lack of social skills to the point the system denies giving her social related skills. Might not be autism, but definitely neurodivergent. Plus there's often overlap of traits and/or both are frequently present together. Also, the way she hyper focuses on some things, but is extremely distractable otherwise. She doesn't have it anymore to the same degree, but center of the galaxy like skills that curb her emotions seem similar to alexithymia. She has a hyper fixation on books and learning things. Her memory is interesting as well. She was different and awkward as a child, to the point where Iona/Lyra was her/Lux's only friend, and her parents didn't get her either -- and this happened both with and without Earth memories. I seem to recall that neurodivergence was called out by another character in a non-cannon crossover as well, just as Elaine called out Vita's more obvious neurodivergence in their crossover. I'm probably missing things, but it's early. And, yeah, i could be wrong, but really, she reminds me of neurodivergent people I know in certain ways, some of whom are autistic, some have ADHD and some of whom are both. Edit: Also, her neurodivergence or lack thereof was not a huge part of what I said before. Point is, i don't see wanting clawed feet and not an idealized feminine body points against vanity, certainly not hers in a fantasy world where she won't be judged for not being human.


There has been zero indication so far that Elaine has any kind of body dismorphia or wants to look vastly different other than 'prettier'. The only thing she might have complained about so far is her tiny stature, but she already mentioned lately that she wanted to keep it. Then she got a companion skill which increases her vanity and leveled it to 256. Making any kind of aesthetic changes to her body, other than improving her good looks (like straightening teeth, more symetrical features), should clash with her vanity. Selkie could claim that Elaine has always seen clawed feet as the height of beauty, but there has been no mention of it anywhere in the story. Normally a Biomancer could go nuts and give themselves claws, wings, optimized musculature and bone structure, et cetera, all at the expense of attractiveness according to human beauty standards. But if you give your MC a skill-enforced character flaw like vanity, then that has to limit things like her biomancy options. Giving herself inhuman features or appendages should clash with her vanity even harder than being filthy or wearing ugly clothes or armor, because it's not easily reversible. Unless she gives herself elven features or proportions, because in that case Selkie has already established that Elaine considers them superior to humans in terms of attractiveness.


Honestly, this comment is pretty weird. Mystical butterfly has 0 influence on Elaine's personality. And her wings skill just makes her physically prettier by her standard. Is Auri's vanity influencing Elaine? yes it is, but Elaine has a grip on it, she doesn't have Auri's immature mind, Elaine's vanity only goes so far as she's clean and tidy and looking cool, but she's also a Sentinel, she's immortal , she wants to stay alive, she's going to make the biomantic changes that help her to survive, as long as they're not too exaggerated. And about the relationship with Iona, this thing about her being beta, it's even weirder. I don't see Elaine as submissive in the relationship, Iona is just more aggressive in the way she shows her feelings, and about Elaine going to mortal lands, is Elaine going because of Iona? yes, but there is also Julius, Amber and Artemis living close by, and because she sees that there are more people in need of help in these countries, and Iona has a job, a profession that she follows, while Elaine has nothing to hold her in a place. As for the story of healers above level 256 being in mortal countries, Elaine has already made it clear how stupid she thinks this idea is, and she knows that wars aren't created just because healers show up, but that the Lords just want one. excuse to fight. And she will take many, many precautions not to be identified.


@Cirvante ,I think you're exaggerating the influence of Auri's vanity on Elaine. Elaine already has a mature mind, and she is a Sentinel, not a princess who was raised to be beautiful and perfect. staying alive is one of her top priorities. Biomantic changes that help her stay alive is definitely something she wants. And I don't think she's enamored of the idea of ​​perfect feet for example. And it's Elaine we're talking about, she's the type who likes cool stuff. Having an owl neck fits in with cool and useful things. Having modified feet also fit into "nice and useful stuff".


Well I guess we are going to disagree on our points here, and you are certainly welcome to your opinion, but I think you are thinking like a male gamer as I mentioned in the OP. You say that she has the vanity thing under control and I agree to an extent, but this is the same woman who took spotless instead of a survival skill. This is the same woman who is seriously considering a hobby class instead of a survival class. If you were correct about survival at all costs being her goal, she totally would have taken Phoenix Immolator at 32 instead of Student and "dabble". You say that she is immortal, but a) she really isn't, she has the ability to turn back the aging clock at the cost of getting cursed by White Dove each time she does it, and b) she is only 22 now and so even if she is going to live forever, she hasn't experienced any of the immortal lifestyle. I think we can all, as readers, sympathize with the idea that killing healers that are over 256 is idiotic, but that doesn't change the fact that she is risking her life to go to mortal lands. There is a HUGE social stigma to being outed as a high level healer, and the story so far has made it clear that the pitchforks will come out if anyone finds out. Will they? Iona has said that there are people out there who can see true levels, and she lives in Rolland, so she should know. There is also the idea that she has been on a intercollegiate sports team and going to college wearing robes that make it clear that she is higher than 256. Don't think some graduates from Rolland won't remember her. And this is before she outs herself in a couple of chapters as the true author of Medical Manuscripts. Yet despite all that, she is following her love to Rolland. Tell me again who is driving the relationship bus?


@Keith Symcox, I think we're really going to disagree then. When she "considers taking a hobby class" doesn't mean she has. And this is still a level 8 class that has ways to become a class with combat capabilities. For example, that book reader class, Elaine comments, is not a combat focused class. But it's a class that can easily allow Elaine to manipulate grimoires with runes, and that can be used in combat. As for her "taking a student class and playing", I honestly think that comment is stupid. She's not kidding, don't forget it was this same student class that allowed Elaine to take like 50 different classes in less than 3 years at magic school, and it's the same class that is allowing Elaine to do the biomancy modifications on her and on Iona. As for taking the Phoenix Immolato class, Elaine has already made it clear that even though she likes the class, setting things on fire and causing mass destruction isn't really her style, but she still keeps it as an option. And that's something you're disregarding, which is what Elaine likes, what she wants. And about you thinking she's not immortal, and that causes the white dove's curse. Dude, no matter what you or I think about it, what matters is that Elaine already considers herself an immortal, and makes plans with her immortality in mind. And having the curse, I think it's already something she's analyzed and given as a fact. And I find it even more silly to say that Iona is leading Elaine, and that Iona is the alpha of the relationship just because Elaine is wanting to go with her to Roland. And about being found out, Elaine is going to take a lot of precautions, even if she's found out, I just think it's going to be cool. We need a little emotion in the next book. And finally, what is this "male player" story??? if that's what I think it is, you may have forgotten we're talking about Elaine, the one who ran away from home at 14, the one who wanted to be a Ranger and became a Ranger in half a year, who became a Sentinel at 18. She does. many inconsequential and dangerous things, that doesn't escape Elaine's character. The only difference is that now she will take precautions and she has the ability.


@Shoto As I mentioned, Elaine should be able to disregard her feelings and choose biomantic modifications based on cold, hard logic. But her level 256 vanity skill should be screaming at her all the way through. You can't give a character a personality flaw and then ignore it whenever it becomes inconvenient. That's lazy, fanfiction-tier writing. And arguing pragmatism and survival is dumb, because she already decided to keep her height as tiny as it is. The strongest force modification would be to grow herself to at least Iona's height, with long limbs and powerful, hyper-dense musculature. And that's a decision based on vanity, she likes her stature and proportions. Clawed feet, while giving a negligible combat advantage, should similarly be disregarded for dehumanizing and ruining her good looks. Which are based on human beauty standards. Would she consider claws to be 'cool'? Maybe, but she feels the same about her girlfriend's muscles and yet doesn't want to look like her. I just want consistency. Biomantic modifications are cool, but a vanity skill should limit her options. Just like her Oath limits her combat options. Both skills give her amazing benefits in return for the restrictions. But as the companion skill increases in levels, the vanity has to get stronger. It should get harder and harder for Elaine to ignore. With her pathetic Strength, clawed feet simply don't offer enough of an advantage in combat to justify disfiguring herself. Anything she can kill with them can be killed with a few hundred mana.


@Cirvante On one level, you're saying "Hey, Elaine's vanity skill should be screaming at her to make various changes", and on the other you're saying "Elaine is making a suboptimal choice by staying at the same height" The two are kinda linked. The vanity influence isn't always going to be super obvious - when Elaine's aware of it is when she can best ignore it. This is also the early planning stages, and you haven't seen everything yet. We haven't gotten to face, skin, appearance, eye color, etc. yet. Since it wasn't clear: The clawed feet was listed as a 'maybe', Elaine hasn't made any decisions on the topic yet. Just chill a few days, THEN discuss if her vanity has an outsized impact or not. I will say, from my POV: I tried to write Elaine struggling to balance cold pragmatism with her personality and vanity. She wants to look good, but be the best possible.


One day during the bonenchanting process Elaine comes up with a funny prank. "I'm immune to fire!" Channeling her inner Sentinel Destruction, she adds a bottomless mana sink paired with a volatile Inferno rune. A trickle of mana seeps in and it begins to charge. * * * Elaine's opponent in the semifinals fractures a bone in her arm, and the enchantments on her skeleton go critical. The enormous convergence of magic gives the wizard pause. "But now we shall both surely die", said the wizard. "Lol" said the healer "Lmao". A third of the city is vaporized by the blast.


Carbon nanotubes for muscles or layering over bone? Honeycombed gel under the skin to resist impacts and the cold? Skin that photosynthesis? How about making the brain more efficient?


@Selkie I actually liked the bit about keeping her height and I pointed out that it must have been based on vanity. The non-human stuff as well. I'm not asking you to point out every time the skill influences her decisions, as she herself might not be consciously aware of it. Considering more pragmatic options like clawed feet is fine too, though I have doubts about their usefulness, but in those cases you could for example add a line about her being afraid that it might look gross or feeling conflicted. Her pragmatism warring with her vanity. Then she might consider something hidden or retractable, like the original Wolverine bone claws, to satisfy both. Lots of options there. If you had Elaine putting on a filthy, torn-up robe at this point without visible reluctance, I'd be calling it out as well. Doesn't mean she can't wear it, just that she might seriously consider going naked and cloaking herself in exploding butterflies instead. Sorry, if I came across as too harsh in my criticism. The 'fanfiction-tier writing' was referring to some other stories I'm reading, in which the authors seem to think that progression fantasy means 'progressively turning the MC into a Mary Sue'.


And then Elaine dies from the massive Oath violation. The end.


Giving herself an elven brain and central nervous system might actually be the single most powerful upgrade she could reasonably get. It forms the baseline for intelligence, thinking speed, learning, reflexes, coordination, strength, speed and more.


 Thanks for the chapter!