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Something I've seen asked a few times is to have a chapter at the start of each book quickly going over the story so far, then listing out Elaine's skills and what they do. (I can also add Auri's skills, etc.)

Is this something you all would want to see? It would end up replacing an entire chapter for the week once every 40-50 chapters. 



This feels like asking Elaine if one week out of the year she would like a report on her Mango consumption rather than a Mango. I definitely agree with others though regarding books, it would definitely be good to put them in books as i know i've come back to certain series not even when the next book came out, but potentially years later when i rediscover the series.

Gunnar Crider

I would like to petition that you ignore all the no votes please. Like this comment to petition


if it's short enough, and focused on on-ramping the coming story more than regurgitating the prior one, I'm ok w/ it. Short. Short short, and just to reload the starting pt mostly. IMHO.


A fun alternative to a short recap chapter would be to have a different character's perspective on the events that passed, like that one time with she who gazes from the moons. I'd also consider refreshers on characters we've met before if they're returning to the spotlight after a while?


I say yes, mainly because it will really help your book readers. While it may be annoying to lose a chapter every few months for your patreon subs I think it would really help your book readers.

AlliterativeArts (Eric Faust)

As a consistent reader, I'd want more real chapters. HOWEVER, for the book releases I would consider it a very good thing to do. Book readers may take time(s) off in between, either bc the next release isn't out or to read other things in the meantime. Basically, I'm saying it's probably better practice since it makes it easier for the most readers, but I'm a greedy s.o.b. sooooo~


Maybe just a list of Elaines and Auris skills and stats as a refresher. A full on “the story thus far” isn’t something I personally need.


I think it would be best for both the reader and the author to take a break and do a review session. I see many people sometimes become confused about a few skills and have a hard time following along. Also right now we are currently on a "break week", A quick rundown on where the character is and her stats helps slow down the writing a bit but make sure the author does not get lost in their own story. Someone used a mango analogy and I think it's accurate in a different way. Sometimes instead of eating a mango, you need to check on where are the pits, how many we have left, and where can we get more. "absence makes the heart grow fonder."


In the books, it is nice to have a "the story so far" preface before each books after the first one. On patreon (and RR) more content is appreciated more.


I marathoned the books on amazon so didn't really need the refresh. As long as the next arc doesn't go too fast it doesn't really throw me off. It is generally when coming back after a while and the author isn't too descriptive of the characters is when I get thrown for a loop. Like I recently picked up hell mode volume 4 and couldn't place some of the characters by their name only. It would have been nice if that author was a bit more descriptive early on. Like this person is an elven princess, or that person was the childhood friend. This person was my teacher... stuff like that rather than just names early on is a nice quality of life improvement. (my two coppers)

Quentin Long

Ideally, the books will attract new readers who are coming to each new storyline cold. A few paragraphs of "what has gone before…", no need for more than one page or so, would be courteous.