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AN: Reminder that this is Friday's chapter two days early. This chapter is significantly improved by reading it in gdocs, where it has COLOR! Enjoy!



I stretched and cracked my neck. It made an extra-satisfying pop, all possible because this was the world of my soul, and not reality. I could do things like that.

“Ok! Hit me with classes that haven’t overlapped, from strongest on down. Let’s get cracking!” I was in good cheer, having already gotten offered three black quality classes and seven varying shades of purple quality classes.

Librarian smirked, and an entire bookshelf slammed down behind her, stuffed to the point of overflowing with books.

“Challenge accepted.” She declared, and it was on.

[She Who Fights With Monsters - Void] Monsters take on all sorts of shapes and sizes. From gargantuan Formorian Queens, to the smiling man on the corner, to the tiniest parasite, there is no telling what shape a monster can take. From Formorians at the walls, to wild beasts in the forest, dinosaurs in the sky to shimagu in the brain, you fight monsters wherever you see them. You stand against the tide that would overwhelm civilization, regardless if there are people standing beside you or not, fighting for a better tomorrow for both yourself, and others. Your efforts have contributed towards two monster species becoming extinct. What will be the next feather in your cap? You will not stop, you will not hesitate to fight more monsters, wherever you see them. Careful not to become a monster yourself. Take this class, and continue to be She Who Fights With Monsters. +40 Free Stats, +15 Strength, +15 Dexterity, +30 Speed, +30 Vitality, +60 Mana, +60 Mana Regen, +60 Magic Power, +60 Magic Control per level.

“Does this come in anything besides Void?” I asked Librarian after a cursory check. Sometimes classes were like that, especially at the initial class up.

“Yup, although Void’s the strongest version. Dark’s the next best choice.”

“I am not taking a Void Mage class. Not with the potential to explode.”

“You’d probably survive it with your healing. If it ever happened.”

“First, my [Oath] would cripple, if not kill, me for the sheer collateral damage from everyone nearby who dies.That assumes I have enough mana to handle whatever the problem is! And living my life on the edge, waiting to explode, isn’t for me. It might be rare, but eternity, remember? However, I’m going to keep this one… although let’s ditch other monster-fighting classes and other Void mage classes. Also, let’s skip any other hunting-related classes.”

This classing up stuff was hard. There was just so much to check and look over!

Books practically flew under my gaze as I skimmed the introductions, making snap judgements if I should keep the book or not, and rearranging the remaining books that I was getting offered.

[Escape Artist - Mist]. [Everchild - Fossil]. [The Great Stink - Miasma]. [Slayer of Tyrants - Gravity]. [Dawn of the End - Celestial]. [Disaster Diplomat - Decay]. [Elven Courtesan - Water]. [Voice of the Downtrodden - Sound]. [Merchant of Immortality - Gemstone]. [Ambassador of Growth - Wood]. [Tree of Knowledge - Forest]. [Draconic Maid - Pyronox]. [Legacy of Sealing - Brilliance]. [Breaker of Chains - Storm]. [Herald of Draconic Fury - Sound]. [Protective Packrat - Spatial]. [Reverse Cuckoo - Ash]. [Caged Songbird - Sound]. [Glutton - Fire]. [Preener - Mirror]. [Haven of the Weary - Spatial]. [Beautician - Light]. [Shroud of Miracles - Mist]. [Elaine Sutra - Mirage]. [Legionnaire of the Ancients - Fossil]. [Town Guard - Metal]. [Provocateur - Fire]. [Discerning Cannibal - Decay]. [Living Wood Armorer - Wood]. [Fae Adventurer - Spore]. [Tunnel Dweller - Dark]. [Illusion Buster - Radiance]. [Evaporator - Steam]. [Denied by the Gods - Void]. [Heretic - Decay]. [Lady of Shadows - Dark]. [Vampiric Vestibule - Water]. [Survivor of the Black Flames - Pyronox]. [Squishy Warrior - Ooze]. [Arrogant Destroyer - Lava]. [Couatl Snackbringer - Wood]. [Fiance Annihilator - Inferno]. [Earthquake Evoker - Mountain]. [Protector of the Meek - Mountain]. [Tiding of Misfortune - Celestial]. [Senator’s Bane - Dark]. [Undying Muse - Sound]. [Escaped the Inevitable - Celestial]. [Voice of Authority - Sound]. [Finger Launcher - Poison]. [Guest of the Summer Court - Radiance]. [Mango Trapper - Wood].

Hundreds of books, each taking a few minutes of skimming before I decided if I wanted to keep them to check out later, or if I was going to ditch the idea entirely. For particularly nice classes, I elected to keep that particular type of class over all others, and asked not to see any other classes relating to that field.

I swear Librarian was having some fun. Each time I made a request, dozens of books would shimmer off the massive bookshelf behind her, and all the remaining books would slide over. Then dozens of new books snapped into existence, keeping the shelf just as full as it had been.

I cursed my own perverse sense of humor. She was me, after all, and I was getting pranked the same way I’d prank someone else.

I had a number of standouts, even among the books that I kept. Classes that were particularly exciting, or in the case of the mage classes, classes that exemplified an element particularly well, and I’d use it over other sorcery-style mage classes of the same element.

I had my list of elements I was interested in grabbing, and I quickly matched the best sorcery classes to the elements I was interested in.

Radiance - [Sunchild]

Lava  - [Earthblood Manipulator]

Storm - [Etalix’s Devoted]

Lightning - [Lightning of Galeru - Lightning]

Gravity - [Force Arcanist]

Spatial - [Seven League Ranger]

Ice - [Cryomancer]

Gemstones - [Jewel of the Ancient Hoard]

Arcanite - [Font of Mana]

Brilliance - [Kekkaishi]

Celestial - [Herald of the Ever Changing Moons - Celestial]

Mirage - [Hoard Thief - Mirage]

Mirror - [Copycat - Mirror]

Sound - [Sonic Spellweaver]

Verdant - [Witch of the Woods - Verdant]

Ooze - [Oozenomicron]

Sand - [Eternal Hourglass]

Inferno - [Phoenix Immolator - Inferno]

There were a number of classes that popped out as being particularly interesting as well. They weren’t sorcery classes, but out of the list of classes I was going through, they were strong and interesting enough to catch my attention.

Honestly, I was marking a number of classes as “acceptable”, but when push came to shove, it was the sorcery classes and the ones I found truly “interesting” along with the powerful classes that would make the final cut.

[Wandering Bard - Sound]. Providence has brought you to Pallos, filled with songs and stories of a faraway land. You’ve tirelessly played for food and lodging, securing your future with song and stories. You’ve wandered far and wide, telling tales in each place you go. You are the epitome of the [Wandering Bard]. Now take this class, and perform on new stages! +100 Free Stats, +20 Strength, +100 Dexterity, +100 Speed, +20 Vitality, +50 Mana, +50 Mana Regen, +50 Magic Power, +50 Magic Control per level.

[Stormrider - Storm]. You’ve soared through the sky, oh [Beloved of the Wind], and little in life brings you more joy than feeling the breeze through your hair as you enjoy the unlimited freedom that flying gives you. Now surf on thunderclouds! Swim through blizzards! Follow the currents of the wind, wherever they may blow you, and ride the storms of the world! +40 Free Stats, +80 Speed, +40 Mana Regen, +60 Magic Power, +60 Magic Control per level.

[Arcane Trickster - Mirror]. Trickery and stealth is part of your kit, along with a great desire to use all the magic of the world! Use this class to yoink the skills of other people you see, being able to copy them for a limited time - and even lock them out of using the skills themselves, if you have enough mana, power, and control for it! +80 Mana, +10 Mana Regen, +80 Magic Power, +80 Magic Control per level.

[Asura’s Legacy - Brilliance]. Asura’s legacy lives on within you. You have witnessed the unbridled might and fury of the former Guardian Asura, the Destroyer. You have marveled at her grace, power, beauty, and majesty. Her casting was excellent, and even to this day she would be considered a top tier wizard, if using an unusual and somewhat antiquated method. Revive her ways, and cast like none other! +20 Mana, +20 Mana Regen, +120 Magic Power, +120 Magic Control per level.

Well, I found my wizardry class if I was going to take one! It cleanly edged out almost all the other wizardry options I had, although the ‘antiquated methods’ was somewhat concerning.

That was why I was waiting a bit, and studying up before grabbing a class. I could ask someone knowledgeable about the details of wizardry I was finding inside the book, and see if it worked for me or not. Progress!

Ok, to be clear, I had probably found my wizardry class. There was a second wizardry class that was appealing.

[Nebula Starweaver - Celestial] Not only have you gazed endlessly upon the stars, wondering what it would be like to walk among them, but you are made out of stardust.  You wish to use the mystic runes to cast, taking on a legacy that you predate. Now take starlight, and weave it into runes to cast every skill under the vast skies! +50 Free Stats, +50 Mana, +50 Mana Regen, +50 Magic Power, +50 Magic Control per level.

On paper, it was weaker than [Asura’s Legacy]. But, I was going to be upgrading [The Dawn Sentinel] to a [The Mother of Modern Medicine] variant in all likelihood when I reached that class-up. My [Celestial Affinity] skill would go through the roof, and while Librarian and I couldn’t confirm it right now, I suspected I’d be getting [Celestial Spirit] as an upgrade. [Nebula Starweaver] didn’t need a second affinity skill, so I’d get to double-dip in that respect, powering up the class through a cross-class skill.

There was nothing about ‘using ancient methods’ either, implying that modern methods were perfectly valid. There wasn’t enough right now to say that one was better than the other, but if it came down to ‘pick a wizardry class’? It’d be one of those two.

[Jack of All Trades - Gemstone] You want it all! Have it all! Every skill under the sun is yours to borrow… poorly. You’ve extensively used gemstones to supplement and expand your arsenal, now expand it even further! Capture, borrow, and copy every skill you can, store it in your gems, and gain access to as many skills as you can find! +15 Strength, +15 Dexterity, +15 Speed, +15 Vitality, +15 Mana, +15 Mana Regen, +15 Magic Power, +15 Magic Control per level.

Ooooooooh. The class for doing everything! There was a subtle shade of difference between this and the wizardry class. They both claimed they could do basically everything, but the methods seemed to be different. This was another great area of research for me to look into! Figuring out what made this type of jack class different from a wizardry class, and what the pros and cons of each were. Once I knew, I could make an informed decision, instead of blindly guessing and hoping.

I was feeling quite pleased with myself.

“Ok, I think that’s enough.” I told Librarian after ditching [Civic-minded Revolutionary], a class about bringing about change… peacefully, through technically legal means. A reward for my work with Emperor Augustus, and insisting on equality.

I was fried, and the class qualities were getting lower. I didn’t see myself hitting up anything else that might be shown. I’d gotten most of the major aspects of my life in a class or two, and had endless options.

“Show me the two best [Student] classes that won’t steal [Passionate Learning] or [Immortal Recollections]. Also classes that’ll let me get the [Dabble] skill, and let me practice various things that I get taught, so I can get some practice in before picking my final choice.”

“What about [Learning Languages]?” Librarian clarified.

“Meh. It can steal that if it wants. The skill’s temporary, and I’m quickly mastering one language. Like, it’ll drop from its current level to 32, but then [Sentinel’s Superiority] is going to kick in and boost it back up to effectively level 40. Which was good enough for picking up new words and phrases quickly. And skip the classes focused on learning languages!” I quickly cried out as the books changed, then changed again after my last sentence.

I looked down at my two options, totally ready to just pick something. I had to remind myself that proper prior planning was the answer, and running out of gas at the last moment wasn’t the way to get the best class I could.

I raised my eyebrow at Librarian.

“Really?” I complained.

“Yes, really. The restriction on not absorbing [Passionate Learning] killed multiple high quality [Student] classes. There’s a light green, bordering on dark green [Love of Learning] student class, but it’ll kill our general skills. We’ve worked too hard on [Passionate Learning], and the skill’s too big of a boost, to give it up.”

I nodded my agreement.

I took a deep breath, and reminded myself that the plan was to eventually - within a year or two - ditch the class, and take my “real” final option. This was temporary.

[Disciple of Magic - Light] - Wherever you go, you study magic. Trying to learn it, absorb it. Figuring out how it works, wanting to make it your own. When you meet new people, you want to know what their skills are and how they work. You’ve found yourself in the premier place in the world to learn more magic! Take this class, and crack open the mysteries of magic, one book, one potion, one transformation, one ward and shield at a time. +5 Free Stats, +5 Strength, +5 Dexterity, +5 Speed, +5 Vitality, +10 Magic Power, +10 Magic Control, +15 Mana, +15 Mana Regen per level.

[Student of the Ages - Wood] - No matter where in the world, no matter when in the world, you seek out places of learning. No school? Raid the library. The only place is a military academy? Join the army. Traveling with new species? Get them to teach you everything they know about the world. Found yourself in a strange world? The first place you go to is a school. The School. You are a [Student of the Ages], through and through. Take this class, and learn. +5 Free Stats, +10 Dexterity, +10 Speed, +10 Vitality, +10 Magic Power, +10 Magic Control, +10 Mana, +10 Mana Regen per level.

The first class was more focused on the magical aspects of learning, and being a student. It had a strong focus on magic, learning magic, and experimenting with various types of magic. [Something Doesn’t Look Right], and various other meta-skills around [Dabble] would let me experiment with different classes more often. Included were skills that helped me with transcriptions and copying diagrams, which my brief research on wizardry suggested would be useful. I could also imagine it was useful for things like potion recipes, and I frankly lacked the world knowledge to properly guess at all the other uses such a skill could have. Endless, I imagined.

I loved magic. I hated how the System only gave me three class slots.

The second was more focused on being a student generally. A stronger focus on learning, and a whole host of secondary skills that would make being a student easier. Like [Study], and [Taking Good Notes], [Find the Reference], along with a mental calculator. The class’s [Dabble] variant was weaker.

The class stats were roughly the same, and gods, it was such a let down from the sheer power that was present in the black quality classes I had.

Six of one, a half-dozen of the other, my choices were practically the same.

I was big on magic. Big on grabbing skills and trying things out. That’s part of why the [Jack of All Trades] class was so appealing. [Disciple of Magic] was absolutely the “try lots of magic out!” class.

However, I was also going to be a student. It wasn’t like the skills in [Student of the Ages] were that much weaker, and I had infinite stats to throw at the problem. The class was also better at generally being a student.

I’d be dabbling in numerous different fields of study anyways, getting a feel for them. Likely evolving my class to something else to give it a proper shot anyways. I didn’t need to have strong magic abilities right now, I’d get them in a few weeks once I was sure what to try! I was still leaning towards the “Go biomancy, improve myself, then reset to something else” route, and both classes let me do that. Plus, going that route also let me talk with people about what I was going to take, and get a ton of advice on what route I should go. It was nice having people to directly discuss class options with, as opposed to just blindly going ahead on my own!

Although, I doubted anyone would be able to give me proper advice on the black classes.

[Student of the Ages] let me be a better student though, and I was confident in my ability to use skills to try various things out. The book was explicitly clear that I’d be able to. I hadn’t been a student, a real student, in decades, and I might as well be good at what my class wanted me to be. Frankly, it’d also help shore up my distractibility weakness better than [Disciple of Magic] would.

[Student of the Ages] please!” I grabbed the book and took it to the checkout.

“Always a pleasure. See you soon!” Librarian waved to me.

“Yeah! Can’t wait to be back!” I said as the world faded around me, and the real world came back.


Gwendolyn Simmons-LaRose

I'm just excited for her to level up her other classes! When does dawn sentinel and butterfly upgeade again? Is she really gonna have to wait for 768? Am I gonna have to wait for 768?

Erik R

I lowkey expected her to take Lady of the Dance for lvl 8-32 and Mother of Modern Medicine for lvl 32-128 to crush everyone not only with superior combat prowess, but also in raw stats in the tournaments. Thus making lots of money, probably some fancy prizes for the winners and maybe some special treatment in school.. access to secret knowledge as a reward or smth..

Erik R

Also Mother of Modern Medicine is vague enough to maybe include biomancy? She could pimp herself up with sixpack abs matching with Iona's and night vision eyes to read all the books even in the dark.

Alexey Gladkich

One cannot jump classes like that. If she picks [Lady of the Dance] she won't be able to change it into [Mother of Modern Medicine] at 32 as classes are completely different. It was explained that [Mother of Modern Medicine] has relatively weak healing. And Elaine doesn't know much biomancy. Perhaps upgrades of the class could include some after she learned biomancy.


So, I understand the reasons for the class chosen, and it’s what we were told she was going to do, and narratively, I understand the choice. But, feel like this is going to be one of those cases where she’s going to explain the full situation to someone and they’re going to look at her like she’s a complete idiot. My understanding is that when a class is capped your ‘experience’ is banked, then when you class up that experience is ‘interpreted’ through the new class, and you get levels based on how that experience applies to the chosen class. So, while I get that she can choose to reset and pick a better class later, I get the impression that she is essentially wasting 20,000 years of perfect ’Mother of Modern Medicine’ experience. I.e. I *think* shes probably about to waste her banked experience on 30-50 student/biomancer levels when it might have been able to spike her and Auri clear to the level cap as MoMM experience.


I can't wait for her primary class to upgrade. Being the author of the Medical manuscripts will guarantee a black class but I'm also curious how being on a mission for almost 25000 years will affect the Sentinel class.

Alexey Gladkich

I don't think that this is how it works. The class grabs XP from outside of her life expirience. It's an active feature. It is similar to the class having a learning/training skill. The bonuses wouldn't apply to the accumulated XP as the XP was absorbed before the skill kicked in.


Curious to see what Artemis gets for her next class. She is likely the founder of the school. arguably as important as Elaines medical work.


She's not wasting experience, since she plans to take MoMM once The Dawn Sentinel reaches level 768. Playing around with her 3rd slot while upgrading the first two to black quality asap is a pretty good strategy. She won't have to do full reset cycles and anything she learns at the school, be it biomancy or wizardry, will help her get better classes at level 32. Sure, those black and purple classes are nice, but they're 'locked in' now and will be available later. And once Auri catches up to The Dawn Sentinel, leveling will be easy.


Dodging meetings and paperwork for 24 millenia should unlock a Sentinel class based around slacking off.


Should be worth a black prestige class that levels just from the school existing.

Alexey Gladkich

@Cirvante I don't think you understood the argument. The idea is that by picking MoMM she'll instantly get like 1000+ lvls for the 20000 years of her being famous via the class. I don't think it works this way but there is logic to it.


Selki should probably clarify how the banking XP system works because it isn't clear as of now

Alexey Gladkich

I think [Paragon of Patience] grants immortality just so you could wait forever. It's probably written in the end of the book so only a patient reader would find it.


I don't think that would work as she would already need the class to bank all of that exp in the first place. No doubt spending so much time in the fae realm and everything she did since unlocking her 3rd class has accumulated a ton of general exp for that class, perhaps even enough to push her straight to level 128. But a class can't retroactively bank exp for something you did before picking it.

Alexey Gladkich

@Cirvante there is certain complication which makes the situation ambiguous. Imagine you have [Healer Apprentice] at 32. And after a long time decided to upgrade to another class with very different priorities, say [Emergency Medic]. Suppose, if the priorities weren't changed then the accumulated XP would result in 50 levels. But due to change in priorities, the same expiriences could grant the class completely different amount of XP, ranging from 5 to 100 lvls depending on the amount of emergencies. So how many levels should [Emergency Medic] get? Both answers have issues. In one case the class gets XP for stuff it doesn't care about in another the class gets XP retroactively.


Everyone who went through the fae are going to get black classes probably. Just realized Artemis and Julius have been in a relationship for 25000 years. That's gonna offer some crazy shit. They might even be able to make each other companies.

Alexey Gladkich

They surely will get much better classes and upgrades, but not necessarily get black class. Auri didn't get a black class for her second class. One of the reasons why Elaine got so many high level classes is due to her high amount of stats and achievements from before the fae realm. These matter too. Artemis surely will get an amazing class option for founding the School of Sorcery and Spellcraft - probably black. But others? Can't tell.

Erik R

I don't see why not though. The Papilion classes were pretty darn persistent, even though they had nothing to do with her classes. Also every class up she had all sorts of random classes from more physical/speedster classes to other random elemental mage classes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


[Parangon of patience] is a black class totally unrelated to her achievements before her fae time-skip, a relationship black class centered around finding one partner across space-time sound totally appropriate and absolutely awesome. Like [Lover from beyond the realms] or something


And I just recalled that there was a class in the .doc that Selky gave some time ago that wasn't mentioned just now and would have made Elaine go apeshit. I suppose that the librarian vetoed it because of the potential SAN damage but I hope that we see it when she reset her 3rd class or upgrade her first. Spoiler in case you care : (It's the class linked to finding loved ones that are dead, don't remember the name sorry)


The papillon class adapted to the class that were evolving past the level 32. [Mother of modern medecine] would not be a full writer/fame/healer class if evolving from [Sentinel Dawn] but something more involved and possibly action oriented, past classes influence the new ones


Something to consider - Auri went up 84 levels to cap at 128. I highly suspect once she classes up, she'll immediately hit 256, be able to class up once again, and hit around 400 around since she's got both her own AND Elaine's exp from the fae realm.


While that may be true, being the mother of modern medicine isn't something that would give Elaine general exp for her 3rd class. Her Oath gets exp from other people taking and leveling it, but that's it. Writing the MM and laying the foundation for modern medicine is an achievement, but until she actually takes the class, it won't be a source of exp. That's what I meant with retroactively banking exp. She had no way of doing that since only the prestige class actually gets exp by merely existing. Now, your scenario would be equivalent to taking MoMM, letting it soak up exp at level 32 and then side-grading to an unrelated class. And I have no idea whether that exp would just count as general exp or be modified by the new class. We'd have to ask Selkie.

Erik R

A more specialized version of [Mother of modern medecine] still sounds like an absolute win to me. Not to mention there's no way she'd be stuck before lv 128 and could cycle the third class back at any moment after achieving a stable footing in the world where everyone either wants to kill or enslave her (once they find out about stars never fade)

Alexey Gladkich

Papillon is a god of change. So it is more than just reasonable that it could be picked from any class. That's not the case for all classes. There are frequently options for sidelining and odd upgrades but those originate mainly from what she did during the timeframe between picking the class and its class-up. She was never offered to upgrade any class to [World Traveler].

Erik R

What do you think are the odds that the achievement that unlocked [Mother of modern medecine] would sneak it's way into every other class up until it's picked? As a bonus it'd likely be more specialized and have higher stat bonuses from lv 32-128

Alexey Gladkich

Not high. There is a variant for option for [Sentinel Dawn] but it surely isn't an option for [Butterfly Mystic]. Don't know about [Student] upgrades.

Erik R

The reason Papilion's classes didn't pop up when she chose Butterfly mystic was because she asked librarian to only show radiance classes, while Papilions classes are always mist.. When she upgraded to Ranger mage she still got offered Papilion's puppet for example (chap 115)

Alexey Gladkich

@MrGaujail well, if you count troll classes... then chances are surely higher to get one, but they won't pick such classes.


Artemis did mention getting a TON of exp for her 'Wandering' Mage class after getting back from the Fae realm.


I really like the He Who Fights Monsters reference


I get the idea behind the temporary dip into student, but it doesn’t sit well with me. Treating any of the classes as disposable like that just makes them that much less impactful. I think the whole reset mechanic was a bad idea from the start. Furthermore, the class might be temporary for Elaine, but it’s permanently a part of the story. I’m such a sucker for magic school arcs, like they’re my drug of choice, but making the character, in a world of endless wonder, take a student class to get through it? Ehhhhh

MrMegaPussyPlayer .

I'd like to make a wish to the genie. No more color coded classes. Numbers instead. From 0 for white, to (whateverTFhighnumber) for black

MrMegaPussyPlayer .

Yeah. Only thing I'm currently peeved about is that she had to ditch several black classes for that, I hope those only get better.


The colors make things easier for people who have identifying skills and suchlike and are trying to decide on tactics quickly. You look across the battlefield and see someone with a black class, you know you're in deep shit.


while student of the ages is temporary, it might impact the evolution of her other classes. So not taking the most powerful ones might cripple her in the long run. seeing as she is patient enough to not pick MoMM instantly, she should have taken the black patience job :D

Tatiana Saturno

This xp accumulation is confusing, how has Elaine accumulated any exp with Auri getting all the XP from the fae realm? If Auri decides to do the upgrades, will she automatically balance her level with Elaine, since 20k+ years of xp is insane? For now it seems that Auri is a very limiting factor for Elaine.

a passing Fnord

Rereading this section I just realized Elaine could take the celestial wizard class down the line and pull a couple of skills from the healing class (at least the shield?) then use the freed up slot to incorporate some minor Biomancy into the future Black tier healing class if it doesn't allow it already.