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AN: Usually, editing chapters makes them much longer.
This is that rare chapter where I had to take the axe to huge chunks of it, without good stuff to replace it. As a result, this chapter's shorter than normal. Sorry!

Reminder that next week there's only 1 chapter - it's my week off.



Cupping the sleepy, dazed Auri in my hand, I moved her right next to the fire.

I was going to take this slowly. Carefully.

If I was right - if Auri was a phoenix - my biggest concern was that the fire wasn’t big or hot enough. A simple wood fire, in a campsite out of the walls felt wrong. It lacked pomp. It lacked ceremony.

For a phoenix, she should be given a grand entrance to the town, a full triumph thrown for her. Put her on the highest altar in the biggest temple, then use divine flames to ignite her or something.

Well, I had to work with what I had.

The flames crackled around my hand, my healing restoring me faster than blisters and burns could manifest. Nothing was quite happening yet.

I needed to be able to pull her out in an instant if things went poorly, or if she showed signs of distress.

Except, not much was happening. The flames were just licking at her wingtip.

But… they weren’t catching on fire either. Not in the way dry feathers should be. And Auri wasn’t showing signs of distress.

So… maybe this was the right thing to do?

I moved Auri to the heart of the fire, opening my hand to better let the flames wash over her.

I frowned.

“Elaine, are you su-”

“Quiet.” I ordered Wolfy. I needed to focus.

The tips of Auri’s wings flickered, and caught. With a stiff breeze at all of our backs, the little bird’s body seemed to suck in and “inhale” the entire fireplace, all of the flames vanishing into her body.

“What the -” Wolfy swore.

I looked at Auri, still lying limply on my hand. Unmoving.


Deep within her sooty, ashen coat, I could see little embers. Tiny sparks, like a fire long burned out.

“More wood. More fire. Hurry!” I barked at Wolfy.

“This is the craziest shit.” He muttered as he sprang into action.

Good old Rangers. Throw weird stuff at us, and we’re still capable of acting.

Wolfy quickly built a second fire, Moonmoon helping by dragging sticks over. He was slowed down by needing the start from scratch, our old fire not having any burning embers to kickstart a second fire.

Puzzled, I felt the firepit.

Even the ashes were cold.

I looked down at Auri, thoughts racing.

On one hand, it seemed like she needed a lot of fire.

On the other, she seemed to be on the brink of death.

Speed or size.

Speed or size.


“Wolfy! After this fire, grab a few sticks, and start a bonfire. Large as you can manage.”

“Yes Ma’am!” He yelled back, carefully feeding his small fire, working it larger.

Black Moon started to kick smaller sticks and twigs into a pile - the bonfire’s start.

Before long, Wolfy had gotten a roaring fire going, and was busy building up the bonfire to epic proportions.

I didn’t hesitate this time. I thrust Auri into the heart of the fire. My breath caught as nothing happened.

Was I too late? Too slow? Did I screw something up? Did-

As panic was starting to set in, the flames wrapped around Auri, her tiny body absorbing them.

Almost immediately her wings caught on fire, but she wasn’t moving. The rest of her was still predominantly dull and grey, although there were more sparks and embers “deep” inside of her.

“bbrrpt.” A weak noise came from Auri, and my heart leapt into my throat.

It was working! She was doing better!

Wolfly was building up the bonfire, and I refrained from pacing. Refrained from yelling at him to hurry up - he was going as fast as he could.

I did help with some careful applications of Radiance, heating up wood, and starting small fires that grew quickly in the dry environment.

I practically stood in the fire, my healing fixing me up as quickly as I burned. I ignored the sparks that showered me, and the embers that landed on me.

Finally, I judged the fire to be large enough. I tossed Auri into the heart of the flames, believing from what I’d seen that it was the right thing to do.

The inferno raged around her for a moment, before condensing down into her tiny body.

My stomach clenched in fear as she went up like a candle, her entire body engulfed in flames.

Then the flames changed. From the bright yellow with occasional flickering orange of the campfire, the fire wrapped around Auri turned into a dozen different colors. The top of her wings turned white, followed by a blue layer, then a green layer, then finally, her ‘feathers’ morphed into a brilliant, glorious golden yellow.

Igniting her. Lightning her primordial fire.

Auri woke up, and exploded up and out of the flames with a shriek of pure joy, a jubilant cry that pierced through us all.

“BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRPTTTTT!” She triumphantly exclaimed, and she was flying.

Three weeks old and already in the air. She’d been looking hummingbird-like before, but the flames had completed her transformation and look, her wings rapidly buzzing back and forth, embers and sparks getting thrown off with every movement.

She was fire incarnate, her entire body alight.

No - she was fire and flames, a blazing beacon.

Her beak was a soft yellow, the flames impossibly solid, while the bulk of her body was coated in a ruby-red blaze. Her belly was the exception, glowing a vivid green. Her tail was a whole multitude, a luminous spectrum, defying the natural order of things as the flames started off red, then turned orange, then white, then blue at the end.

“Gods.” Wolfy whispered, Moonmoon on either side of him, looking at Auri with interest, and more than a bit of fear.

“Is that Auri?”

“Yes.” I whispered back, holding out a tentative hand towards her.

My heart was racing. I’d looked after Auri. I’d hatched her, fed her, and protected her. I’d almost screwed it up, but here she was, looking better than ever.

I didn’t think she needed me anymore.

Would she choose to stick around? Would the legendary phoenix deign to stay with a little human, in the heart of the dead zone?

Or would she fly away? Would she leave me without even a feather to remember her by?

“Brrrpt!” Auri zipped past my outstretched hand, right to my shoulder. She landed on it, perfect, like it was designed for her.

She was hot. She burned my shoulder.

I didn’t care in the slightest.

“Brrrpt! Brrrpt! Brrrrrrrrrrpt!” She nuzzled my ear and cheek from her perch, letting me know how happy she was to be there.

My heart swelled three sizes that moment, which would normally be a medical emergency.


I smiled.

“Love you too, you little troublemaker.”

The last part came out as I noticed my tunic was catching fire, and the distinct, noxious odor of burning hair was filling the air again. Wolfy was continuing to eye me, and coughed nervously.

“Sentinel. You’re on fire.”

“Yeah, I’m trying to figure out what to do about it.” I calmly replied. “Tunic’s probably a bust already, annnnnnnnnnd I don’t see my hair making it all that long.”

“Brrrrpt?” Auri sounded a little concerned, a little sad.

“Shh, no, it’s ok. You couldn’t help it.” I stroked her head gently, her body strangely solid in spite of the flames.

She still felt like feathers.


“No no, I like it! I’ve destroyed my own hair a bunch!” I tried to reassure the poor bird.

She was just a baby. Incredibly, ridiculously intelligent for a bird, apparently empathetic as hell, but still a baby. She could tell that I didn’t like my tunic and hair burning, but had no idea of the scale of the issue. She couldn’t tell if to her it was like being fed flour, a relatively minor annoyance, or like running out of mango juice, the Worst Thing Ever?

She didn’t exactly have a lot of life experience to understand the scale of, well, life.

I shucked off the burning tunic and tossed it to Wolfy, who stomped out the flames. The material was reusable, and there was little sense in letting it all burn.

“Brrpt!” Auri scolded Wolfy for his actions. Clearly, fire was sacred, and shouldn’t be extinguished.

“Now listen here you little troublemaker.” I put on my best ‘mom voice.’ “Some people don’t like their stuff burning.”


“Yes, really. Some people have nice things that they’d rather keep as they are.”

“Brrpt! Brrpt!”

“No, burning them doesn’t improve them.”

I wasn’t sure how I was understanding Auri - maybe I was making it all up? - but I felt like we were clicking. On the same wavelength.

It was good. It gave me a nice, warm, fuzzy feeling that had nothing to do with my crown of fire.

I wanted nice hair.

I gave up entirely on that dream for the foreseeable future. Auri would just burn it, and I wasn’t going to start yelling at her for wanting to cuddle with me. Not now, not when our relationship was so new and fresh.

I didn’t see a good way to put the fire out at this point, not without dunking my hair in water or something similar that could dislodge or harm Auri.

I knew nothing. I didn’t know if water was bad for her, I didn’t know if extinguishing the flames would kill her, heck, I didn’t even know if phoenixes died and were reborn, or if death was final.

… If they died and were reborn, White Dove//Black Crow was going to be so mad.

I shook my head and focused, back on the here and now.

“Wolfy, can you get my Mistweave outfit from that bag? And a jar of mango juice?”

Wolfy, bless him, jumped right into action. I reminded myself that he was a full Ranger, having passed through the same training that I had, and not only that, but he’d done a round and a half, and managed to keep himself and Moonmoon alive.

I brought the jar of mango juice up, intended to make a little funnel like before. Auri had other ideas. With a high-pitch flurry of wings, that sounded like a crackling fire, she launched herself from my shoulder, and hovered in front of the pot, greedily sucking down the ambrosia.

She drank far more than I’d believe possible - like, half her body by volume, was she burning it all up or something - then stopped. Still hovering, she nuzzled at the jar, “pushing” it towards me with her feeble strength and tiny mass.

“For me?” I asked.

“Brrrrpt!” Auri agreed.

Watching her, I carefully brought the jar of mango juice up to my lips, and took a big, obvious sip.

“Mmm! Delicious!”


“Can I know what’s going on now?” Wolfy asked.

Auri zipped back to my shoulder, and nuzzled against my cheek. I gently nuzzled her back.

“Well, I figured out what Auri was, and what she was missing.”

“No. Really?” Wolfy’s sarcasm was thick enough to spread on toast. Even Moonmoon looked unimpressed with him.

“I mean, what more do you want?”

“To know what she is, for starters. Then how you knew about her, and what she needed. Anything you can give me, really.”

Oh. Right.

Although I had said it earlier. Guess he hasn’t heard me properly.

“She’s a phoenix. A creature made of fire, powerful, and supposedly unkillable.”

Wolfy looked between me and Auri. He sighed.

“Anyone else, I’d laugh, tell them the joke was funny, but no, really, what is she. You? Her?”

He shook his head.

“Damn. That is going to give me a crazy class at 256 that I’ll have to pass on. Never thought I’d see a phoenix. It’s like a story.”

He shook his fist at the sky.

I snorted at his antics.

“Still… a phoenix. And I touched one. Wow.” Wolfy was looking a little nervous at Auri. I gave him a grin, letting him know everything was fine.

“I gotta admit, seeing you as Sentinel feels a bit weird or unfair at times.”

I nodded, not knowing where he was going with this.

“Like, we were in the same class together and everything. Then I see you standing there, on fire, and just not caring and it not affecting you at all, and I’m reminded why.”

Oh right. Yeah.

I was still somewhat on fire.

I shrugged, my hair still billowing smoke.

“Meh. This is nothing. Getting decapitated? That was a mess!”

“You WHAT!?” Wolfy shouted.


I just gave him a manic grin.



Thanks for the chapter


That end tho


But did she get levels in Fear Resistance from it? Huh? Amateur. :P


I think Elaine should give everyone of her friends a "heads up" when it comes to the crazy sh*t she was able to survive.


Thank you for that short but beautiful chapter! :3


Don't know what you cut, but the chapter was excellent


Thanks for the chapter. How will she go into any city now? :D "The flames crackled around my hand, my healing restoring me faster than blisters and burns could manifest." I thought at her vitality campfire is just a bit warm like the boiling water without the need to heal anything.


Is it only me laughing my ass of because of the last 4 lines. No reaction to standing next to a phoenix or how she got the egg of something like that in the first place, but getting told that fire don't really matter or lossing her head is a non fatal injury and that is very messy


I have been *waiting* for people back home to get a taste of how OP her heals got. Hell yeah!


That was fantastic. Also, I love how Elaine just casually started telling the "That time I was decapitated" story.


Actually, now that Auri is flying, Elaine could start making her way back to Arminium?.

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.

Gwendolyn Simmons-LaRose

I fee like those three ever burning flames from the latest interlude, yeah, Auri did it is a good theory. On another note, super excited for Elaine to do her third class up and a bunch of adventures with Auri.

Lazy Lemon

"Getting decapitated, that was a mess" god I love this comment


“Now listen here you little troublemaker.” I put on my best ‘mom voice.’ “Some people don’t like their stuff burning.” “Brrrpt?” “Yes, really. Some people have nice things that they’d rather keep as they are.” “Brrpt! Brrpt!” “No, burning them doesn’t improve them.” And here we have Eleine, destroying all belief in a little phoenix, saying that there are strange beings in the world who don't like to have their stuff covered in flames.


now I'm in that anxiety, Elaine is level 511, one more level and she gets 3rd class. But if she manages to bond with Auri, she'll have to wait for Auri to level up until she reaches level 511. Which in a way is fine, give Elaine time to level [mystical butterfly], but I also want her to release the third class. AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, I don't know what I want!!


Well... Yea hype is real but if you take into account that she leveled in the deadzone and now maybe she would level a pheonix quite a bit of time inside the deadzone until she reaches 512 as well... That will make her class a higher rank.a lot higher the Iona i guess


Oh my... Oh my! This was so precious! Thank you! Can't wait for more! It's just too exciting! <3


Yes, exactly. Iona had to take her class in a moment of desperation, and it was a little too soon. And theoretically, Remus is a safe place, at least for a while. Having Elaine stuck at level 511 for a few years should give her time to accumulate more achievements and level up her classes and skills. And Iona had help from the goddesses in her class, and Elaine is not a devotee of any god. And raising a phoenix must be quite an achievement. But for me the best would be Elaine reaches level 512, links with Auri. So Elaine takes a radiance mage class and levels it up to level 256, during that time she uses the 8 slots of the third class to improve her class skills [mystic butterfly], and when she reaches level 256 she resets the class.

Flying Goat

Great chapter! I wonder how having a flaming hummingbird roost on your shoulder compares to eating your own fingers as a way to grind healing experience.

The 49th Khan

Looks like Elaine is going to need a fire class

Alexey Gladkich

Elaine already has Radiance... should suffice for most purposes. Who'll need fire-aligned classes is Auri. Ho-oh has Inferno, Ash, and Radiance. Auri might pick the same elements.


"That is going to give me a crazy class at 256 that I’ll have to pass on. Never thought I’d see a phoenix." Why does he have to pass on? A class like "Phoenix's Nurse" is obviously out, but something similar to Dragonforged Star could give him a strong class for witnessing a Phoenix without needing seeing more to level. On the other hand... in this chapter he puts out Phoenix fire with his body. That counts toward something, right? :D


Hmm.. I read back the Radiance class up for this and a lot of those choices will be back with 200% power. Light of Truth after fighting Lun'Kat's illusions, Draconic Prophet after reporting to Sentinels about the trip... and she is not even halfway to class up


I think it is for the same reason Elaine skipped on the violet class at the start of the story : if the class level up when you take care or are in proximity of a phonix, he won't be able to level it up.


@Apoca ,but who said that wasn't wolfy?? from what i understand it was wolfy who said that, and the reason he can't take it is simple, the phoenix is ​​not his mate. He just took care of her a little bit, which might result in a class, but it's not something that suits him, nor that he can level.


Shoto has the right of it I believe. Wolfy is complaining because it would be a fire/phoenix class when he has non fire wolf companions. It'll be an amazing class that will be completely useless to him so he won't take it.


Thanks for the chapter! This was a lot of fun. I really like the hummingbird aspect. I never really considered what style of bird a phoenix could be but large burning hummingbird fits Elaine very well!


I lost my post :( I don't remember Wolfy's build if it was ever mentioned other than the wolfes and him being phisycal classer. But i am not talking about wolfy taking a Phoenix nursing class what needs a Phoenix present to level or fire companion. More like achivements like "You witnessed the true Phoenix flames, now you imitate it". Any Phoenix based fire warrior class would be special. WHen Elaine did the Radiance class-up, then the "Dragonforged star" was similar, and didn't require her to go seeking Dragons

Alexey Gladkich

@Apoca that depends on what elements he has. Having witnessed the incarnation of fire that Phoenix is, can surely boost fire related classes, especially Inferno and Ash. But does he even have such elements? Probably not... he might get some random poor class-up options similar to [World Traveller], [Formorian Slayer] and [Light of Truth] that are bad despite being powerful and having high quality. However, it might still improve his options as a general achievement. On the other hand, if he gets to third class...

AntiClimax she her

I kinda want her to take a fire mage class so she can get resistances for her hair and clothes. Otherwise, she's not going to be able to have nice things.


You are probably right, but now I really want to see Wolfy's next class-up :D

AntiClimax she her

A fire aligned class might also give her resistances to save her hair and clothes! It'd be super convenient if radiance resistance evolved to provide that, though.


@Alexey Gladkich ,Yes, you're right. But the wolfy is an archer right?? and Commander Ranger said something about him being able to let out a wolf howl, so I'm guessing his class might be sound attribute, or something wind related. Or the roar might come from his link with the wolves. But anyway, he said he won't catch it, so it shouldn't suit him. But if he releases the 3rd class, it would really be something amazing, and the 2 wolves would probably achieve the same.


I wonder if a Phoenix Flame based class has advantage over others about gaining Immortality.


@Buzz1089 ,Wolfy getting a new pack member being a fire caster would be awesome. Wolfy's leveling is slow, but he is an alpha of a pack, his power lies in his companions. If he manages to stay alive, there's a good chance he'll become a Sentinel.

Alexey Gladkich

@Shoto Wolfy isn't an archer. He is a typical melee physical classer. Wolf Howl - is done by the wolves, not him. No clue what his elements are. Good chances for some light/dark aligned elements due to the MoonMoon. Also Wood and Metal are likely - wood is helpful for a ranger in wilderness survival, while metal is good for maintaining weapons and armor. I don't think he has skills that clearly manifest his elements unlike MoonMoon. MoonMoon - one is a light wolf with blinding attacks, the other is darkness wolf that hides in shadows and attacks from behind. It is difficult to bond with multiple animals. Getting two wolves is already complicated enough.


Wolfy knows himself and his classes/elements best. If he says he thinks he'll get an amazing class option that will be useless for him, that's the most likely option. Sure, the achievement is still great and could still play a part, especially in a future 3rd class if he gets that high, but he clearly participated in the birth/beginning of a legendary fire creature and believes it won't help his current build at all.


@Alexey Gladkich ,yes, relating to various animals is really complicated. But wolves are a little different. Bluebeard said that the wolfy case was only possible because wolves naturally fall into a pack, and their link uses that. probably the wolfy skill can allow more wolves to enter, but that should depend on the skill level, and the wolf involved and the wolves the wolfy already has. It's difficult, but possible.

Alexey Gladkich

@Shoto I think you somewhat misunderstand what Bluebeard said. The idea is that creatures can bond if they are very close. Wolves, being pack animals, tend to be close to other animals in the pack. So they have personalities amicable to group bonding. From my understanding the two wolves, MoonMoon are probably from the same litter, making them siblings.

Alexey Gladkich

It should also be helpful in leveling Radiance Resistance. While it isn't straight up Radiance, various forms of fire are close relatives.


Evolving a resistance could be a really cool challenge!


Is that true though? Auri can't level yet I don't think. Just like human children I wonder if her class unlocks later. Elaine should have a bit until then to level.

Dion Crump

Sooo... a dragon would totally notice a phoenix egg missing right?


Chapter 240 - Minor Interlude - Rostellio Its worth reading, its interesting what you learn from the interlude. Rostellio says that Lun'kat let Elaine go and the Egg was fair trade for the healing.


It was relatively low level, but [Escape the Dragon's Eyes] might have played into it as well. That last little nudge she needed to let the little thief go.


Y'know do you think something cool would happen if both elaine and the phoenix simultaneously reach 512? Cause Elaine would wait at 511 with two classes while the phoenix first class would reach 511, barring of course if the phoenix has a tricky thing about recycling classes when it respawns. Because if it does.i mean when it dies than the class goes back to the last rank up level and gets higher quality and all that.with that complication i can see how elaine would level up even slower but.the quality would get even higher...imagine the skills... So back to the point.if they gain experience and both level up to 512. Would their classes mix? Merge? Some event for them? Like both being together while choosing a class at Elaine's and the pheonix soulplace? Like the library and the pheonix class choosing place mixed? And the classes as well? Could be amazing and unique. And another point of difference between Elaine and Iona. Elaine is a pioneer.THE PIONEER. She is a progenitor. Her oath gives her a bonus for paving humanity's way. She takes risks.she paves uncharted ways. She got to get a bonus for that right? RIGHT? feats of renown.feats of legend. The system knows its harder to pave uncharted risky roads.to go on a path that is non violent in a system that encourages violence?


And her curse... Another point we can look forward to. I do wonder though. sentinel Night has a curse for his immortality.and he made an oath to take advantage of the disadvantage. Do you think Elaine could take advantage of her curse like Night does? made add another condition to the oath? Use the restrictions the system enforces and get something in return? White little bird would be mad.the curse i feel... Would be be cruel. So at least... Get something? Or do you think the immortality skill is enough~ Night sure milked the curse for its benefits.


@evyatar ,what you said is very true. Elaine is a pioneer, and she represents the ultimate power of humanity. Think about it, Iona is a Valkyrie, but there were hundreds of Valkyries, and there are other groups like the Valkyries. Elaine is a Sentinel, the true elite of humanity, THE BEST HEALER OF HUMANITY. Elaine should always get a bonus on this. And Elaine getting stuck at level 511 waiting for Auri would be very interesting. first Elaine would probably have the 2 classes and almost all her skills at level 511, accumulated achievements, and for sure, a great affinity with the fire attribute. And not to mention Elaine's link to Auri. It would be nice if Auri shared her fire resistance to Elaine so Elaine wouldn't have to worry about her hair.


I remember that selkie has commented on the relationship between dove and Phoenix in a post on curses like a year ago. Looking forward to the part where dove comes for the next 'cursing' sees the auri and just groans

Alexey Gladkich

Also only Humanoids are getting cursed. So I am waiting for Auri to morph into a human.


If anything, it was the little nudge that made Elaine take something that wouldn't make Lun'kat eat her. I highly doubt that the Skill would be able to affect the Dragon itself in any way.


I don't know about the post. What IS the relationship between Dove and the phoenixes?

Alexey Gladkich

@Jeanean Dove didn't curse them because they do die. She didn't seem happy about the decision though.


I think the wording was close to "they keep dying and coming back and dove has given up on them, still technically dying."

Alexey Gladkich

She probably thought: "Eternal fire! I can eat it endlessly! Wait where is it? You told me it was eternal!?"

Stuart Thwaites

But exp sharing only starts after they become companions. Elaine hasn't looked at her notifications since Auri hatched so it's entirely posibly that hatching and nursing a phoenix is an epic enough event to put Elaine at 512
