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Hey all!

How time flies! Book 6 is just about complete! We got the last Elaine chapter last week, and now are the interlude chapters!

I tried something different this time around, getting my book ready to publish on Amazon early. The idea was, Amazon would screw with me like usual, and it'd actually launch on time.

Well, Amazon screwed with me alright. They immediately launched it with no pushback or anything, which is new.

Book 6! Now on Amazon! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09Q2SS1BT/

And of course, you're all my lovely Patrons, and it's entirely unfair for the Amazon people to get the book before you. SO! You're getting the rest of book 6 TODAY!

I will @#$% die if I give you three chapters today, then more chapters on Wednesday and Friday though. Burnout, spirals, and more poorly written arcs if that happens. Sadly, the bonus chapters you're all getting today are simply Wednesday's and Friday's chapters early.

Enjoy! I've worked hard on these three upcoming chapters! 


Matthew Lester

Thanks! Be sure and enjoy your break.


"interlude chapters"? weren't those already posted on royal road?

Avery Aderyn

Amazon is very goog at being an evil corporation, from big evils like under paying workers, to little evils like being unpredictable to indie authors.

Marius K

Three more chapters this week but Selkie has a chance to maybe die? That is a sacrifice I am willing to make /s


Dammit, my lunch break is over and work is super busy today! Well that will be perfect with a hot whiskey at home tonight!


It's something they serve in the pubs in Ireland. Obviously you don't use a great whiskey ha ha It's basically a slice of lemon with cloves, some sugar, boiling water and whiskey. Give it a try on a nice cold night!


Sounds like what's called a hot toddy in the US. Great when you have a sore throat, or it's cold outside. And no, I have no idea where that name came from; hot whiskey is more descriptive.


I could have sworn that I read this 3 yesterday afternoon.


Is there a list of the Iona chapters? I must admit I skipped them, but am interested in them now.


Chapter 100 should be the first. I think it was the last few chapters of each book afterwards.


Nooo, let my favriot author live. Im not giving up the bonus chapters of course but if it costs us Silkie the price is to high.