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The lovely Electric Heart commissioned artwork of Elaine and Iona from DreamSyndd!

Thank you!

Now I'm sharing it all with you!





Ohh there amazing, like not gonna lie, it's got to be one of the best ones so far!


I like it! But... who is iona btw? I'm reading so many novels right now that there are 4 ionas in my mind


Iona is the character from the interludes


Which one is which? Also, that’s a lovely piece of art

Lowe K. Lyesmith

They already look like really GOOD FRIENDS


Is this post hinting at a possible romantic relationship between Elaine and Iona in the future?? *shocked kittyface*

Hibou Ronchon

There's just the teeny tiny problem of Elaine being Immortal and able to make others Immortals too. Which in Iona's book is a big no-no.

Lowe K. Lyesmith

I'm a bit saddened, that she's still just "the interlude character" and that there's nothing visible that would lead to them having a play date any time soon.

Clarence Bassanini

For now. Technically, Iona knows nothing of history in comparison to someone who litteraly lived it. We suffer from a strong narrator's bias when we read her interludes. Iirc, millenia have passed since Remus fell, the Immortal wars are a thing from history and shaped her current world, but what really happened? We know not.

AntiClimax she her

Yeah, particularly given that Elaine is the Dawn Sentinel, family of Artemis, lived during the Remus Republic (which Iona romanticizes), and has a personality very similar to Lux and Iona is gonna want to protect her. Not to mention likely The Bard (unless that's Arthur now)! It will undoubtedly cause some friction, but I also doubt it will last.


idk that I'm following this, I've read up to current but is Iona's story set in the future? After the events of what's going on currently with Elaine?

Saramon H

THAT much? Do you have some quotes to back that up? Seems to me like it was more in the order of a thousand years or so

Alexey Gladkich

@SaramonH yep. The Dwarf's generation in third Iona's interlude. It was in 500s and each generation is about 50 years. Also in kindle version it was stated that it was year 29350 or so.

AntiClimax she her

As unlikely as it sounds, given the dwarven generation, on the order of 20,000+ is more than reasonable. It feels more on the order of 1000, but that's comparing it to Earth's timeline. Things probably go much slower in a world with immortals, esp when it's usual for even humans to live 200+ years with vitality. I'm curious where in the Kindle version it mentions the year, though. I can't find it.


Chapter 195, the bard says: "Dedicated to our savior, The Dusk Valkyrie! Now, I’m currently working on a song about her, which I hope to present at the grand festival celebrating the 30th millennia..." and Night, as one of the gods first viable creations stated earlier that he's been around for about 5000 years.

AntiClimax she her

@Fadzanatas thank you for the reference, though I think my Kindle copy may be different and doesn't give a date. "A song!" Rory declared, and a number of former slaves shuffled in closer, to better hear him. "Dedicated to our savior, The Dusk Valkyrie! I’m sure you’d like to hear it! Right?" He asked.


The RR version matches the kindles that does not have an date for what that is worth.

Alexey Gladkich

@Havard most likely the kindle version originally had a slightly earlier version of the chapters. Since then Selkie updated it to match RR.


I agree that the version that doesn't mention the approximate year is probably the more correct one. 24,000 years really is an enormous amount of time. The pirates ship that Iona attacked is a sailboat. Warfare is still a case of two armies meeting in a big field and having a fight with swords, spears and bows and cavalry (see the goblin battle). There are no machines. I don't think we saw any long-range communications devices. They still have castles and fortresses. Even in a world of magic and allowing for the trope of magic preventing technological development, after 24,000 years Pallos should be more advanced than we see in Iona's chapters. However, 2400 years, with a technological and societal dark age caused by the equivalent of a nuclear winter (result of the Immortal War) in that intervening time - that could make sense.

AntiClimax she her

The problem with that is the Dwarven generations. We know that the wood dwarves were at the 94th after approx 5000 years post creation, which is about 50 years a generation. So the 500th generation is around year 25,000. The metal dwarves are even worse, and would put us at 50,000. The existence of skills obviates the need for technological improvement. Long lives also tends towards less progress. Not to mention dragons (and or guardians) and immortal wars happening to reset any civilization that gets too advanced. Any number of apocalyptic events could reset the level of technology. It's believable. It feels far fetched, esp comparing to our own timeline, but is believable. I was surprised myself, thinking along your same lines, but then I did the dwarf birthday math, and have to believe the higher number. Of course the dwarves could have seriously reduced the time between generations as well, but we don't have a reason to suspect that.


Im thinking of iona as the backup plot/foreshadowing character. As soon as Elaine gets herself into an impossible conflict we get to time jump. I figure we have 2-3 levelups and a girlfriend before that happens.

Melting Sky

After 24,000 years, the level of civilization they've managed to maintain is actually crazy impressive. It's probably literally a divine miracle that it's not just a bunch of cockroaches and tardigrades fighting over the ashes.


So selkie, when are we getting the time skip to ionas time, becouse it's been heavily hinted at with the future chapters amd now the most obvious one the fay who said they "dinaly found her". The fey have been mentioned before as being outside of the system amd I think also capable of time fuckery. Didn't think she'd even get back to Palos first but she did.... I'm just curious how long she will stay there? Also kind of torn about such a massive time skip, many authors ruin the series by doing this but I have faith that you can pull it off, becouse I really love this series and wouldn't want to see it ruined. No matter what your future plans are I thank you for writing this story becouse it's amazing and have brought me alot of joy, so than you.


they are roomates!