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My eyes cracked open as I heard a soft clink next to me. I saw a hand retreating, leaving my badge with me.

From how terrible I felt, and how dark it was, it was obviously still night.

I closed my eyes and went back to sleep.


“Good morning Rangers! Up and at ‘em! Let’s go go GO! Last one out does one extra lap!”

Rude shouting, exactly like the drill instructors at Ranger Academy, woke me up like a bolt of electricity. I was scrambling out from my gigantic pile of blankets before my mind caught up with what was going on.

It was almost entirely pitch-black in the wagon. Only my increased vitality, along with my eyes being adjusted to the dark, let me see the shapes and outlines of people moving about.

Around me the rest of the Ranger team was already moving, bolting out of every exit the wagon had. Clever, since if two of them went for the same exit, they’d block each other and end up doing an extra lap.

“Ah, pardon Sentinel Dawn.” The original voice called into the wagon. “Didn’t mean to wake you. Team 11 does morning exercises, and I believed maintaining that was important. We have no issues at this time.”

“It’s fine.” My voice had that croaking ‘dear gods why am I awake’ quality, and I fixed myself up with [Sunrise].

Whoa! Yeah! That hit the spot!

The last Ranger finished exiting. I bent over, grabbed my badge, and straightened back up. My head felt weird. Not having hair was strange. Something to fix today.

I walked out the door, taking a look around.

It was sunrise.

Scratch that.

It wasn’t even dawn yet. The barest hints of light were lightening up the sky, but it’d be a stretch and a half to call it sunrise.

In front of me five Rangers in various different ideas of nightclothes were in front of a sixth, stern-looking Ranger. I suppose I couldn’t complain too much, given that my idea of night clothing was the same Mistweave dress I’d been living in.

And the most welcome sight for sore eyes - a pair of familiar wolves! Moonmoon! Which meant Wolfy was here!

I had to catch up. In a few minutes.

Or longer, depending on the leader’s plans.

“Ranger Decimus! By my reckoning you were the last one out! As such, you will be running an additional lap!”

One of the Rangers - I’d bet all my money it was Decimus, and while he was slightly familiar, I wasn’t quite able to place him this early in the morning - groaned, while everyone else ribbed him.

“We begin with a 64-count of jumping jacks! Ready? Begin!”

The Rangers all started to count in unison, performing the exercise in question. The leader was no exception, jumping in unison with the rest.

“One, two, three, ONE! One, two, three, TWO! One, two, three, THREE!”

I rolled my shoulders, stretched, and figured that while I was in so-so shape, I wasn’t in the best, post-Ranger Academy shape of my life. Julius had never done morning exercises, but whoever was the boss here wasn’t Julius.

Also, I’d just gained a stupid number of levels. Usually, the benefit from one or two levels was barely noticeable, but I’d just gotten something like a 30%-40% increase to my speed by the numbers.

I secured the egg, making sure it was at a nice, optimal temperature, then adjusted the harness some so it wouldn’t flop all over.

I got in line next to one of the Rangers, and joined in on the jumping jacks. I got a funny look from the Ranger leader, but he said nothing, continuing to call the jumping jacks.

We wrapped up in no time at all, and he paused.

“Sentinel Dawn. Do you require our services for anything?”

He was tense. An amused smile flitted across my face, as the memory of traveling with Julius and the rest when we bumped into Hunting crossed my mind. How worried we’d all been, and how nervous we were.

The Ranger Leader had a great poker face. I schooled my expression, reminding myself that here and now I was the absolute boss, and it wasn’t in good taste or leadership to poke fun at his expense. Even my happy grins were probably making him sweat buckets.

I weighed my words carefully as the rest of the Rangers were carefully not looking at me.

“Yes and no. I’ve been away from Remus for a year and a half. Found my way back yesterday. I’m in dire need of resupply and human contact. Apart from that, I suspect I’ve slipped on my physical exercise, and my physical stats have recently improved to the point where I need to re-drill everything from the ground up again.”

I thought about it a moment more.

“I’d like to join in on the exercises if it’s not too much trouble.”

He - I was going to call him Bossman, nobody could stop me - saluted back, familiar hand over heart.

“Anything you need, Sentinel. Although, I do believe you should lead…?”

I flapped a hand at him.

“You know what you’re doing and what your team’s doing. I don’t want to interfere, simply participate.”

Bossman took everything in stride. If he was a poor enough Ranger to get thrown by a Sentinel showing up wanting to get told to do push-ups, he would’ve never made it as a Ranger.

“Right! Next exercise is 64 squats! Ready, begin!”

We kept up the workout until the running portion.

“Eight laps around the city walls! Ranger Decimus! You will be running a ninth lap!” Bossman roared out.

I swear he must’ve spent a long stint as one of the Ranger Academy drill instructors, then got promoted back to field work.

“With all due respect Ranger, I believe I was the last one to morning practice.” I chimed in.

Bossman’s face puckered up.

I was kinda botching it a hair here. I was the Sentinel, I should be in charge. By having Bossman give orders, it was undermining… a crapton.

Before he could say anything, I saved him.

“Right! Ranger Decimus! You will be running the normal number of laps. Same as everyone else. Bossman, are you joining us?”

Bossman looked confused for a moment, and I heard an awkward cough beside me, and a familiar voice.

“That’d be you, Tiberius.” Wolfy’s voice was almost the same. A little more tired. A little rougher. Same Wolfy. “Ela- err - Sentinel Dawn has a habit of giving people nicknames.”

“Yeah, you’re lucky you got Bossman. I got Artillery C.” A second familiar voice added in.

“That’s Artillery Mage C.” I corrected him, and I heard some snickering. I cracked my own grin.

Bossman looked like he was eating a lemon. I was fairly certain I hadn’t taken the skill, but [A Single Flap of a Butterfly’s Wings] was in full force here.

Time to take control.

“Bossman. In your estimation, is a Ranger needed to stand by and be prepared to receive complaints?”

He thought about it a moment, then shook his head.

“No, Sentinel.”

Alrighty then. Just had one more question before I got started. Proper information was key for planning, and Port Massalix had an interesting twist to it.

Namely, that it was a port.

“When running around the city walls here, do we typically go all the way around, or bounce back?”

“Sentinel. We go all the way around, climbing over the walls where the city meets the sea. It adds an extra obstacle, and attempting to avoid the guard’s notice is an additional exercise.”

I nodded at him.

“Ranger Team 11! On Bossman, who will navigate us out of the city, so we may begin our morning run.”

I wasn’t about to try and lead us out of the city when I’d just flown over. I didn’t exactly know the streets of the area, and getting everyone lost was not a good look.

Image management. I didn’t miss it, but it was strangely nostalgic.

Bossman took the lead and we jogged out of the city, Moonmoon following us. The port was starting to come to life. The smell of fresh baking bread as we passed a bakery, the warm glow of forges coming to life near the silversmith. The guards weren’t happy to open the gates to us, especially since nobody was in their Ranger gear. We looked like a bunch of misfits, but Bossman had a few quick words with them.

Moonmoon probably helped.

We got out and paused.

“Race, or pace?” I asked.

“Whatever you want, Sentinel Dawn.” Bossman replied. Wolfy mouthed “race” at me, and I got a chance to look at everyone.

Wolfy and Artillery Mage C were both known to me. Bossman was clearly the leader, and a second experienced Ranger was with him. He was notable for his high level - a [Warrior] over 320 - and his age. He looked over 60, had completely white hair and with his level, his vitality had to be slowing his aging down significantly. If he said he was over 100, I’d believe him.

“You’re Greybeard.” I pointed to him.

He saluted, in spite of neither having a beard, nor his hair being grey.

The remaining two Rangers were familiar as well, although I’d never gotten a name. They’d been recruits at Ranger Academy, two candidates I’d taught in my classes. They hadn’t stood out in a good or a bad way, and had clearly done well enough to not only graduate, but survive until now.

I was all too aware that the squad of eight was a squad of six. Unless doctrine had changed, Moonmoon wasn’t counted. Had to make it cramped when they all needed to cram into the wagon.

Less cramped now.

“And Newbie Ranger and Newbie Mage.” I pointed to the last two, calling out their respective displayed classes.

They weren’t too pleased, but eh. They weren’t standing out, and their level was only 210ish.

“The race is nine laps for me, eight laps for the rest of you.” I burned a line in the dirt with a quick flash of Radiance. I couldn’t think of a reward or a penalty, so I did what I loved doing in situations like these - I delegated.

“Bossman will think of a reward for the winner, and a punishment for the loser.”

Newbie Mage groaned, then gave me a challenging look.

Oh no he doesn’t. I could practically read his mind.

“She’s a Healer. She’s young. She’s a girl. She’s got an extra lap. I can beat her.”

“Go!” I called out, and took off.

I didn’t start off in a flat-out sprint, oh no. I wanted to work my way up to it. I wanted to see everyone do a full lap.

I wanted everyone to watch me keep up with the fastest members of the team, then beat them.

Honestly, my only concerns were Bossman and Greybeard. If either one was a speedster, I’d be screwed. They’d be able to beat me.

Eh. If it happened I’d pull out the “I’m a healer-mage relying on raw stats on my third-lowest stat while running an extra lap.” card.

It seemed like Greybeard and Bossman had similar ideas.

To my minor surprise, Moonmoon was keeping up with us, the two wolves loping along at a casual pace. Thinking about it though, wolves were baseline much faster than humans were, so it made sense.

With competitive glances, we sped up, leaving Wolfy, Artillery Mage C, and the two Newbies in the dust.

Faster and faster we ran around the city, and rounding yet another corner, I saw the view of the ocean, sunrise skipping over the waves to turn the whole thing golden.

I slowed down a hair, letting the others overtake me.

I had no idea where on the wall the “we climb over here” section was, and I wasn’t about to start making new rules and new spots to go over.

Turned out, it was right where the ocean met the walls. The walls didn’t stop at the ocean though, they kept going some distance out, until a stout guard tower anchored the end in the harbor. Moonmoon sprinted ahead, the pair of wolves leaping into the warm waters, starting to paddle around.

“Honestly, it’s a good thing high level wolves can’t jump the city walls.” I wryly observed. Bossman gave an amused snort, then leapt onto the walls.

Somehow finding narrow cracks in the wall, places where stones weren’t perfectly aligned. Like a spider, he scuttled up the wall.

Greybeard found his own spot, and mirrored the trick, the old man betraying a surprisingly nimble streak. Decades of experience on top of sizable dexterity.

I just flew over. I wasn’t going to fly the whole way, but an obstacle was an obstacle, to be defeated by any means.


Almost any.

At Ranger Academy flat-out demolishing an obstacle was frowned on, because then the instructors would need to rebuild it, and everyone else would lose the training and opportunity provided. Here?

Yeah, if Rangers started putting holes in city walls for a morning run, we’d quickly find ourselves unwelcome. The governor couldn’t kick us out, but the guard - and half the citizens - would instantly become unhelpful.

I was probably losing points for “get over discreetly”, but eh. It was a race. At this point in my career, I didn’t consider dodging or moving around discreetly to be a high priority.

I gracefully landed on the other side, and waited with an impish smile for the two warriors to make it over. Bossman gave me an unhappy look, displeased with my sandbagging.

They didn’t say a word. They didn’t need to. The challenge was loud and clear. They landed, nearly at the same time, and took off, running through the dirty streets by the ports.

I followed them, deftly stepping over coiled rope, dodging drunken sailors, clearing out of the way of fishermen out to catch their breakfast, and getting increasingly irritated at the wolf whistles that followed behind me.

My Mistweave was great.

In Remus, it was also exotic, and I… probably looked like one of the ladies whose services were for sale.

A new tunic jumped up my to-do list. Like, third thing to-do.

Also hair.

Bossman was now outstripping Greybeard by a solid chunk, and I tapped Greybeard as I passed him, subtly hitting him with [Dance with the Heavens].

Just a quick top-up. No idea what issues he was having as he advanced in the years, or what injuries he’d gotten so far this round that didn’t have a proper healer to look at, but a quick panacea would fix them all.

The fact that he wasn’t able to keep up with Bossman told me that he was likely a spellspear, while Bossman was a double physical Classer.

I kept up with him.

He pushed himself harder, and the only reason I fell behind was dodging the occasional drunken sailor’s grubby grasp.

Ah Remus. I did not miss the harassment.

Bless Mistweave for its intangibility properties.

We made it to the next wall, where Bossman was pounding up the stairs. I could just fly over them. However, I’d then need to admit that stairs were an obstacle, and that wasn’t going to happen.

We both ignored the shouting guards, and dropped down to the ground on the other side of the wall.

“Well, I’ve got nine laps to do while you’ve got eight. Gotta go!” I leaned into it, moving from a jog, to a run, to a flat-out sprint, pushing myself as hard as I could go.

I ran and ran, reveling in the feeling. How long had it been since I just ran for the fun of it? The glorious golden run from my “escape” from Aquiliea was a treasured memory, the sheer joy and energy and excitement of movement, of freedom.

I wasn’t a young teenager anymore. Emotions didn’t have that raw, jagged edge that made them so painful and so glorious anymore. It was a different type of enjoyment, a more muted and mature pleasure in simply moving as fast as I could, running around the walls.

I managed to lap everyone except Bossman, coming in second. It might’ve been overly ambitious to think I could lap a double physical Classer.

We had some time to chat, while the rest of the Rangers ran past us, or slowed to a stop as they finished their own run.

“I thought you were a healer-mage?” The friendly competition seemed to have loosened Bossman up a bit. That, or the morning drill instructor aspect was now done, letting him be more personable.

I grinned.

“I am! Speed’s my third lowest stat.”

Bossman was likely a former drill instructor, and knew how to school his face. Still, I managed to catch raw, unfiltered surprise flash over his face before he regained control.

“Any movement skills?”

“Eeeh. Yes and no. Flight, as you saw, and an energy skill. Apart from that, raw stats.”

He gave me a disbelieving look, before his eyes widened in realization.

“You’ve got a level disguise skill!”

Oh shit. I was still wearing the Deception Ring, and I’d never changed it from 128.



Nah, I wasn’t going to tell him.

“I promise you, I don’t have a skill to hide my level.”

He looked flabbergasted as Greybeard caught up to us.

I had some mercy on the poor Bossman, who clearly wasn’t believing me. Having him walk away thinking that Sentinels casually lied about dumb stuff wasn’t a good look.

Ah well. I had to give him the short version.

“I have a powerful Inscription that’s doing it for me.” Bossman nodded knowingly.

Trying to explain the Deception Ring, how I got it, and everything it did was a bit complicated. I was going to leave it at that. Sentinels were expected to have ridiculous gear. Just look at the Pegasus. Or Magic’s gem-encrusted sash. Or Ocean’s boat made of magic wood. Or Nature’s…

Needless to say. Sentinels were practically expected to have silly gear. Thinking about Magic made me sad. I did wonder what happened to the large fortune of gems that Magic was wearing though.

“Sentinel Dawn. You are a credit to the Sentinel title.”

I was not immune to flattery.

He pursed his lips briefly, then seemed to come to a decision.

“With my apologies, Sentinel Dawn.” He said, turning to Bossman.

“Ranger Tiberius. Ranger Team 11 is yours to command as you see fit. However, I hope you go easy on…” His eyes flickered to me. “Newbie Mage. The entire contest is practically designed to cause him problems, and while I applaud your habit of morning exercise, the penalty invariably lands on his shoulders. His understanding is turning into resentment.”

Bossman got a pained look.

“I know. I see it too. But he’s the slowest one. The least fit. We are forced to go at his pace on operations, and it could - has - gotten a number of us killed. I don’t blame him for the losses, but what else am I supposed to do?”

Greybeard gave a curt nod.

“I understand your dilemma. The responsibilities of leadership. Perhaps… more creative non-punishments?”

“Any ideas?”

He jerked his head towards me.

“Well, if the idea is acceptable to Sentinel Dawn, perhaps he can spend the day assisting her, instead of any other duties?”

“I don’t need any help.” I grumped.

Greybeard got a canny, knowing grin.

“I know that. You know that. Everyone else doesn’t.

Ah. AH!

“Yeah, that should work. Just checking, does he have the keys to the coin chest?”

Bossman was real good at the sour lemon look. I rolled my eyes.

“Please, I’ve been a Ranger. I know you need the coins for the entire round. Just need a new tunic, some good Remus food, and about a week in the baths.”

Wolfy joined us, followed by Moonmoon.

“Sentinel Dawn. Naturally, our resources are at your disposal.”

“What’s going on?” Wolfy asked. I gave him a roguish grin.

“I’m looting you for all you’ve got!”




Lazy Lemon

Moore 😵 Twas an amazing chapter, can't wait for the next


So close to home!


Honestly, a dose of normal here for a couple chapters is awesome. Even if it's setting her up for it all being yanked away :)


I'm so close to deinstalling my Patreon app for a month just so I can binge read this story again

Mike G.

Fun! And hi Moonmoon!


I only wish you posted even more, so I could enjoy even more chapters 😊


I was looking forward to whatever was going to follow last chapter, and you did not disappoint! This was exactly what the doctor ordered after the elf arc.


100 chapters since she left... what a long journey. Glad she found rangers she knows right away too

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.


Wow, what an amazing chapter. I thought Maximus might have shown up, but the appearance of "wolf" and "artillery mage C" was very refreshing. The coolest thing is that Elaine's nicknames are somewhat similar to Sentinels' titles. If Lobo became a sentinel, Noite could probably give the title "Alpha", but "wolf" also fits. And Elaine at level 128 was hilarious.


"I wasn’t a young teenager anymore. Emotions didn’t have that raw, jagged edge that made them so painful and so glorious anymore." I lost track, but she is like 20, right? Maybe 21. She is jaded like she is 200 :D


I think in that chapter, it gave clues to Elaine's third grade. I know many want her to take a magic class, but is this really the best?? Is that what she wants?? I don't know if she wants to be like Destruction, amassing powerful spells and causing destruction, and the oath already gives more than enough power and magical control to heal. Elaine loves to heal and help people, that's why she is a healer. Elaine liked the glowing fire magic, she always wanted to be able to cast fireballs, now she is a radiant mage. And Elaine likes to run, she always liked to move, she always liked the feeling of freedom in it. That's why she always chased a skill to fly. Perhaps a class that combines magic combat with speed is a good combination for the third class. Elaine's speed and vitality isn't bad, in fact it's close to a 2/3 ratio with magical power and control.


Thank you!

S. Nutter

It is nice seeing Elaine relaxed again. Relaxed-ish.


I wonder how she'll do hair? Can she heal the follicles in a way that grows them or does she just need to visit her salon and have the girl who specializes in beauty stuff grow her hair back?


This was the first chapter I've felt the compulsion to immediately reread since Hunting left. Lovely work here - and very glad we are returning to the original cast.


It is nice to start to tie things back. The story has been a bit ungrounded for a while with all the world expansion stuff.

Tatiana Saturno

Amazing chapter, thank you! BTW, depending of what Elaine picks a 3rd class, they could join later, like dark and light. I don't think that a physical and magical class would be able to join. Wish that at some point Elaine would be able to make women be seen as citizens in Remus.


I’m glad that she met an understanding team that’s not trying to make things difficult for her or scared of her, although the level 128 Healer tag might have something to do with that. I wonder if they’ll find out just how OP Elaine is now?


I don't get why Elaine keeps her ring set to display 128. While she might like the anonimity, she knows from experience that it will end up with her getting into situations that will piss her off. Like well-meaning guards, sexual harrassment or people talking down to her. And then she'll be forced to reveal her Sentinel status and/or ability to modify her displayed level. Word will get around and eventually everyone will know about it. Setting her level to 250-300 would discourage a lot of unpleasant situations.


She forgot to change it back to something more reasonable, as she is Elaine, and Elaine is forgetful as hell. Which is ironic as she has the [Pristine Memories] skill lol

AntiClimax she her

I don't really get it either. I'm wondering if she doesn't just like to troll people like that. Putting it higher doesn't necessarily help out, though, and can even single her out as a target, such as with Jacqueline. It would totally go against her character, but leveling up her mage class just for the tag would simplify her life immensely. Except for getting stopped at city gates to discharge.


Downside of Pristine Memories - she has to remember to remember something.


That was great. Didn't realize I was missing Remus so much

Flying Goat

“Sentinel Dawn. You are a credit to the Sentinel title.” is apparently said by Graybeard, not Bossman, unlike all the previous not-Elaine lines, given that several lines down the "He said, turning to Bossman." indicates it wasn't said by Bossman, but this seems very unclear to me. Or maybe the “With my apologies, Sentinel Dawn.” is Graybeard's first line? Who's saying is generally confusing for those two lines. Edit: And thanks for the chapter, really enjoyed this one. Great to see Elaine back in her element.


Sentinels don't have to discharge at city gates, has been mentioned before. And I doubt her Butterfly Mystic has a chance of overtaking The Dawn Sentinel. Still, a healer at around level 300 should be left alone, you never know whether they a rocking a mage class with their massive stats. Good way to get yourself killed.

AntiClimax she her

I don't disagree, exactly, though healer mages are apparently rare in Remus iirc, and people seem to assume a lot based on that healer tag. Only reason she gets away with single healer class is Oath and Celestial combining light and dark. As far as discharging--not an issue when repping as a sentinel, but then neither is the level thing. Both are only an issue when she's going incognito. And yeah, the current level gap between the 2 is humongous, but given that [Butterfly Mystic] is a combat class, it should be easier to level, as long as she don't mind killing things. But she does. Elaine being Elaine is the biggest reason that will never happen.

Alexey Gladkich

@AntiClimax actually, almost all healers in Remus have a single class in healing. The other is [Merchant] or some other civil class depending on circumstances.

AntiClimax she her

Huh, I may need to revisit that. For some reason I thought they needed to dual class heal to be decent (stats + the right elements to not need another healer). It was stated at one point, I'll have to look it up, that healer mages are rare, though. Could be I'm remembering the context wrong. Still, people do underestimate her because of that healer tag.

Gwendolyn Simmons-LaRose

So happy to see Elaine back in Remus. It is always exciting to guess what sorta stuff will happen next in this story.

Alexey Gladkich

@AntiClimax healer-mages are rare because: why risk life if you can get rich safely in the city?

Anthony P.

Yeah, a bit unclear. I am hyped for reintroductions though. Idk why but they really get me good. DBZ probably


Pretty much. There used to be more combat healers/mages, but they carried a high chance of death. Since healing is such a lucrative business and requires a long time learning from a master, most healers will try to start their own clinic after their apprenticeship. Why risk your life when you can work and live in safety and luxury instead? Julius specifically hired a young apprentice on his last round who could heal but still needed to make a name for himself. Healers who want to heal both diseases and wounds will generally need two classes unless they go for Celestial or Mirror. The latter have to keep themselves in perfect health. Celestial can do both, but not as well as two classes. Elaine basically has an all-purpose heal for single targets and one for aoe. A Dark or Void healer on the other hand could do stuff like removing tissue, while a Light or Brilliance healer could restore it. It's been implied that magical plastic surgery is possible with high-level appearance skills affecting the outcome. So some healers might take a second healer class, or a merchant class, Caecillius had a Radiance class for cleansing or something. It's true that healers are judged by their tags, but level 300 is level 300. Just the possibility of a secondary combat class existing should give people pause. Not to mention the financial and social influence that comes with a level 300 class. People might still underestimate her, but they wouldn't try to push her around as much as they would with a level 128. Although Elaine does seem to enjoy rubbing her Sentinel badge in people's faces.

Alexey Gladkich

@Cirvante you are off on what kind of healer is needed for both diseases and wounds. Simple Water can do both. It might not restore flesh but perhaps Mist and/or Ocean can. Radiance should be almost as capable as Celestial with both restoration and destruction properties. And in general, we have little knowledge about what can advanced elements achieve in healing. We have seen some examples though: Sound, Mirror, Pyronox, Mist, and Radiance. Even though we saw some powers of these elements it wasn't really explored properly.


@Alexey Gladkich @Cirvante, When Bluebeard asked for Healer class tips for his third class, Elaine commented that Radiance could do both parts of the healing. create is to destroy. Light creates, fire destroys. But basically whatever attribute they have in their combination of light, darkness, wood and water should fit a healer. But it won't be perfect. If I'm not mistaken in Elaine's first mission, she met a healer with the attribute coral (water + wood), he could probably do everything, only weaker, and Markus had Pyronox, a combination of destruction and purification, probably the attribute Void must be the best for "destroying diseases", and there was the bard Gracia who was angry with Elaine, she had the sound attribute, huge impact area, low quality. Each attribute has its characteristics. but several can be used by healers, in my view Celestial is one of the best, is well balanced, and can do anything. But it is likely that in certain situations certain attributes are better. An Ocean attribute healer could be very powerful in the sea, just as a verdant healer could be very powerful in a forest. Imagine being able to use plants to cure people, in addition to producing medicines and potions.


@Cirvante I think with regards to her displayed level, being 280-low300s would probably be best. Before the killing of the queens she was 256 maxed, then she classed up to 300ish or so if I remember right. Over time she can slowly raise it up by a few levels when she is 'Sentinel Dawn' or just 'Elaine', but when she needs to go incognito, lower it to like 150-200 would be good, it shows she isnt too low of a level, nor too high. Would definitely be best to not let many people know she can change her level display. Alternatively, she could just set her level to black and literally no one will understand what level she is... true troll lmao. Probably anyone who identifies a lvl 4k+ creature is dead, if they arent high enough level themselves


Yes, that's my worry. Her displaying level 128, getting into a situation that pisses her off, rubbing her Sentinel status and higher level in their face and then the cat is out of the bag. People talk and Sentinels are basically celebrities in Remus. Once her ability to modify her displayed level becomes known, people will watch out for it and it stops being such an advantage. As for elements, most healers seem to focus on one thing, wound restoration or disease healing. Water might have a bit of both, but it's been mentioned that they can't learn Restoration. So Mist or Steam are unlikely to learn it as well, they have been shown as more aoe-based disease purging elements. Radiance is a good element for doing both, as is Mirror. We never found out what Markus's second class does, if I remember correctly, but he did have Light healer students, so I'm assuming something Light-based. Brilliance or Radiance perhaps. A merchant class isn't strictly necessary, a high Bartering skill could be used or they could simply hire a receptionist with the needed class for their clinic. Regarding Hunting, his best choice would be to raise a Light healer and upgrade to Celestial. He can take the Dark element from his Void class, allowing him to get higher stats. And being around Elaine and having been healed by her should give him Celestial at level 32, just like she got Void at 32 from him. I know he mentioned wanting something else, just saying it would be the optimal choice.


How long will Elaine be with this Ranger team?? I'm loving it and hope she spends some time with them. But it would be good if she sent a letter to Ranges HQ, let them know she's alive and that she has information from outside the dead zone. If everything is ok with the civil war, Night should send someone to call Elaine back, if there's still a lot of conflict, Elaine takes advantage of her moment of rest....we've reached a level where Elaine "rests" doing Ranger things. ..


Can't do "Journey and Return" without a journey! Also wanted to show Elaine being a small fish in the wider world, after becoming a big fish in a little pond.


I mean. They take Sentinels seriously. The experienced Rangers know just what a Sentinel showing up means, and usually it means a bad day. Put it another way - in the field, Elaine's their boss. You don't make life hard for your boss


Sentinels are celebrities, yes, but something I'm usually cognizant of is information spread and asymmetry. Basically, people in place X don't know Y. Arminium? Yeah, they're celebrities, but most people don't know what they look like, apart from Brawling who publicly shows off. Port Massalix? They very edge of the empire, and half cut off from normal trade because they're not on the sea? They're practically a backwater.


To be fair, "ranger things" is much much less dangerous to her than anything that she has done since the dwarves. Its normalcy and a sense of familiarity for her.


but I kind of see the 2 newbies don't understand that much. They saw Elaine at the gym, but there she was "the boring teacher who teaches a subject that few are interested in." And not like "Sentinel who can take down a city all by itself if it wants to." It would be nice if Elaine later decided to train a little and said: Elaine: Okay, let's practice you all against me, I'll only use 200k mana during the fight. Newbie mage:....I only have 25k mana....


that's true, the blue beard commented, between his shiny badge and a giant dinosaur, his blue beard is quite common, and few recognize him. It should be the same with Elaine afterwards, many will just say, "The dawn Sentinel has glowing butterfly wings", and Elaine will basically never be recognized.

Alexey Gladkich

@Shoto well, Elaine's Oath always kinda interfered with sparring. It makes difficult for her to initiate it. Though, I totally see her "Let's do some extra hard physical training! You see this huge boulder? Can you lift it? Just once, it's so heavy? Now I heal and energize you so lift it 1000 times!"


@Alexey Gladkich ,but Elaine now understands that "sparring" is a form of protection and preparation, as long as Elaine makes preparations like staying in the sunlight and leaving a good pool of mana in case someone accidentally gets beheaded, Elaine won't have any problems with the oath. I remember when Kalistos and Maximus fought in earnest and Elaine prepared to heal them immediately. would be great practice for everyone, Elaine adapts to her new physical stats, while Rangers can gain a few levels without the danger of getting hurt. Facing an opponent above level 500 should give good experience, especially for newbies....and this when Elaine became such a spartan trainer to make someone lift a stone 1000 times??

Alexey Gladkich

@Shoto she kinda understands that but is still very hesitant towards it. One thing reluctantly accepting participation and another thing ordering to do so. While training with Maximus she had those thoughts that she shouldn't be doing it. Then closer to the end of academy she said she changed her thoughts on the matter but then forfeited the first match in the tournament without attacking once. Duh. About Spartan Trainer - she mentioned once that she wanted to do it. Perhaps this is the time to start?


I'm guessing that Elaine wants to report in person rather than through a messenger. And with her current flying speed she could outpace all but the fastest of couriers. From what I understood she just wanted to catch some sleep, get new clothes, have her hair regrown and then fly to Arminium. Knowing her luck, it will not go as smoothly as that.

Alexey Gladkich

@Cirvante I do believe she wants to report in person... but it might be impossible to do in Arminium considering the state of civil war. She informed her parents and friends to move away from the capital. So what does she expects to find there? Night and Sentinels? They can meet up elsewhere if needed.


Thats why she just asks the rangers whats going on, literally the easiest way to find out if she should go or not.


She could always fly to the Ranger Academy and take the tunnel to the Sentinel HQ. No need to get involved in the war, out of sight, out of mind. But yes, pumping the Rangers for information should be something she should do, in order to get a general picture of the situation in Remus.


Actually that idea is really good too, no one will know she is back except the Sentinels and possibly if someone sees her flying onto the island... Though she is a giant butterfly at this point

Alexey Gladkich

@Cirvante I really doubt she could just fly to HQ. Imagine she flies and sees from afar two armies fighting? Or simply an army after battle with lots of wounded. What will her Oath demand? She gotta ovoid any large conflict by like 100 miles. How would she do that if she has no knowledge where the battles are?


Thank you for the chapter. I really liked this one. Refreshing. I also enjoyed seeing a little more self awareness described in Elaine's competitive run turning into a run to enjoy for its own sake.


@Alexey Gladkich ,I find it difficult to have a large scale war like 2 armies. Or involving many people.Night would not allow for much bloodshed. Each dead soldier is one less soldier to protect Remus from possible external threats, especially soldiers who survived the war against formarian ants, each surviving soldier must be around level 180 at least, many have reached 220 or 240. each of those soldiers taking the class at level 256 becomes an elite with strong classes. That healer who helped Elaine is a perfect example, he should have achieved a strong yellow class at the very least, and with the accumulated experience he should have jumped to near level 300.

Alexey Gladkich

@Shoto I think this civil war is like 4-5 armies fighting each other - or at least that's what Night expected to begin. By this time some could've been defeated and some could've merged. Unfortunately, Night explicitly stated that he, Sentinels, and Rangers intend to be completely neutral. Perhaps he'll secretly do something but it is against his policies - he told Elaine that has no proper understanding of what should a nation be doing, what's good what's bad for it. Perhaps, if one of generals goes mad and decides to genocide a whole city of civilians then Night might interfere. Though, in this case nobody will fault him for that.


Yes, but anything that directly involves civilians must have been banned, even the indirect way too, Night must not want a tyrant as emperor, so must have "unspoken rules". Most of the civil war should be something more political, alliances and agreements, something like: I have more soldiers than you, and I have a domain over a food producing town, your domain lacks resources, let's band together, and I give you good political office.

Alexey Gladkich

@Shoto say one general occupies a town. And another general wants to defeat him. Can he not siege the town? Must he patiently wait until the other general decides to leave? I don't think Night can reasonably demand something like this during civil war.


That's not true. She refused to go back into the shimagu city, despite there being plenty of wounded. The range of her Oath isn't that high. Ranger Academy is far enough away from the city.

Alexey Gladkich

@Cirvante I think you can file a complaint that she left Shimagu city too... cleanly. The 100 miles is an obvious hyperbole, but if she sees actively wounded she'll have to come.


So it would depend on her Vitality and how far she can see. Also, high Vitality isn't always active, so she's got a bit of wiggle room.


Some aspects like durability and longevity are always active. Senses and time perception only when focusing. Would be frustrating for a high-Vitality classer to percieve everything in slow motion for example.