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AN: Content Warning.


[Bullet Time]. The skill hadn’t activated since the hydra fight, and even then it had barely mattered. I was still all too familiar with the sensation of the world slowing around me, of an early indication that my life was in mortal peril.

I didn’t bother questioning the who, the why, any of it. It’d been ages since I was last attacked, but time hadn’t dulled any of my reflexes, nor had it slowed my reactions.

I was outside, on the outside of the ring that the wagons had made, looking in at some of the books for sale. There were only a few I could read, and I’d been browsing one of them, seeing if I was interested in buying it.

It was a complex political treaty, and it was as dry as it was long. Irrelevant now.

I instinctively wrapped myself in [Mantle] as I started to throw myself forward, figuring whatever was coming was trying to hit me from behind. Even if it wasn’t, movement would hopefully foul any shot. Standing still was just dumb. A moment of bullet time later - a fraction of a fraction of a second - I realized my old way of thinking was probably bad, and readjusted.

I turned my [Mantle] off, and instead wrapped it around the egg, still in its woven glass basket-sash in front of me. If I was going to be doing any tumbling and falling, I needed the egg protected. Plus, I could heal myself. The only thing I could do with a broken egg was break out a frying pan and some salt.

I started summoning [Kaleidoscope] butterflies, the tiny golden flutterings primed and ready to cause destruction and mayhem. I didn’t have a direction for them yet, but once I did?

I was stretched out, halfway through my tuck and roll when I felt cold metal violating my back. My spine was the first to go, snapped cleanly in half as the spearhead plunged into my body. I felt myself starting to collapse, my trajectory changing as I lost all sensation in the lower half of my body. My knowledge of anatomy hadn’t been weakened by losing [Medicine], and I was all too aware that it was my stomach’s turn to be perforated, every agonizing twist and muscle ripped transmitted to my mind in slow motion.

[Bullet Time]. Great for detailed, up-close analysis of how, exactly, I was being ripped apart. My least favorite aspect of the skill.

Now that a spear was piercing through me, I had a lot more information. Like the nature of the attack, and the likely proximity and direction of said attacker. I wasn’t dealing with an Aegion-style snipe, there weren’t poison gases being pumped in, there wasn’t a bird dropping out of the sky. Just a good, old-fashioned skewering.

Again. Honestly, I wanted to complain about how often I was being stabbed in the back, but it was just plain good sense. Why attack someone from the front when they can hit me in the back? Why give a warning of an attack? It didn’t benefit them. It was too much to hope that the people trying to kill me were morons.

One upside of them being smart though - they were aiming for the center of mass, and not some fancy move like a headshot - which was the only attack that actually scared me.

Another benefit of being attacked in the same way, with physical weapons? I knew how to handle it. I had training, experience, and reflexes for these types of fights. I knew what the best course of action was, and I’d practiced it endlessly.

Uncaring about any books that might end up in the line of fire, I launched my butterflies behind me, roughly along the axis of the spear that was busy going through me. I then fired a pinpoint Radiance beam behind me, aiming for what I thought might roughly be the center of mass.

The irony of aiming for the center of mass right after rolling my eyes about the attacker aiming for mine wasn’t lost on me.

As I fell, as I burned and bled, I started to turn my head. I wanted a better view of what was going on, to change my Radiance attack from “hit something” to “brain and kill.” As I was falling, I felt a cold corrosion start to spread from the attack, eating at my body, some skill working against me. I had a realization, pieces of a puzzle clicking together.

A trade caravan from up north. A surprise assassination attempt. Gnolls who didn’t want to be healed.


I finished turning, finished falling, the egg bouncing out of its pocket sash-basket, rolling safely away inside of [Mantle]. I finished feeling the cross of the boar spear slam into my back, the tip emerging from my stomach, only to promptly pin me to the ground. The one-eyed gnoll was leering at me.

His face was locked in a vicious snarl, and the muscles and technique suggested a warrior. Not that it mattered. My butterflies were swarming nearer, about to explode. I’d burned straight through his chest, hitting a lung if his anatomy was anything like a human’s. Years of training and combat experience had me reflexively beaming a ray of needle-thin Radiance through his head, aiming for a quick kill.

Then I realized - if he was being controlled by a body snatcher, couldn’t the body be controlled, even if the brain was dead?

I flipped my Radiance beam to be more like a plane, trying to burn the gnoll clean in half from his left shoulder to his right hip, figuring I’d hit whatever was inside of him and kill that as well. I spared a second smaller “slash” for his neck, figuring that decapitation was also a good move. I wasn’t sure how large a shimagu was, or where they tended to be inside of a body.

If I removed enough pieces of the body, if I sliced him into little parts? Sheer anatomy and biology would dictate that the corpse couldn’t move anymore, and I’d be safe one way or another.

I didn’t spare any mana for trying to blind him. The only skill I had for that was [Radiance Conjuration], and all of that was busy trying to cut him in half. I was feeling the loss of [Lantern] just a bit.

I didn’t have the practice of rapidly flickering my Radiance attacks like Hakka did, and I wasn’t going to start trying now. Old patterns and habits had served me well so far.

Which it was doing with remarkable effectiveness. [Solar Flare] was doing work.

The gnoll was twisting the spear, trying to rip and shred my internals, turning a localized area of me into paste. The creeping coldness was spreading, and I spared a half-thought towards it - why wasn’t my healing just destroying it?

The first wave of butterflies hit, and it was all over from there. Wave after wave of glittering explosions erupted over his body, the loudest noise that’d occurred so far.

Hang on.




I didn’t need to kill the host!

Yet, all of my training and experience had directed me elsewhere, had deeply ingrained lethal reflexes into my psyche, my habits. Someone came at me with a spear? Kill them dead, as quickly and efficiently as possible.

I was concerningly good at it.

The thought flitted through my head, right as the third wave of butterflies were exploding, each lepidopteran turning into a bright ball of Radiance.

Something gave way.

Everything happened super fast, practically on top of each other, even with [Bullet Time] speeding my perception up insane amounts.

[*ding! You have slain a [Vekrr Caravan Guard Leader] (Metal, 301)//[Hunter of the Open Plains] (Forest, 278)]

As I got the notification, he crumbled, and my Radiance “slashes” went right through him, neatly bisecting him and taking off his head.

Shit. I was totally going to get penaliz-

[Reminder: Oaths are binding. -1 to all levels]

[*ding! You have slain a [Cruel Tyrant] (Ooze, 311)//[Harbinger of Curses and Corruption] (Dark, 290)]

The words burned in my mind, the System reminder searing my brain as the pain started.

The pain inflicted by the System, the penalty for violating the oath, was full-body. It ignored pesky things like “My spine is severed and I can’t feel my legs” - the punishment didn’t care about that. It started off as full-body pain, dialed up to impossible heights, entirely bypassing [Center of the Universe].

I screamed as I jerked on the ground, acting like a fish out of water. I tried to hold my head, rub my arms, hug myself, bang on my thighs, anything, anything to get the pain to stop, to get the agony to lessen. The thought of killing myself to end the pain briefly flitted across my consciousness, but to that, I held strong. One enduring thought entered my mind, and I held onto it.

It gets better.

Dimly, as I spasmed on the ground, I was aware that I wasn’t healing. Not healing properly, at least. I had [Dance with the Heavens] on persistent casting, and in a brief moment of lucidity I tried to pulse the skill again. My mana continued to steadily trickle down. The only thing that I could tell was happening was the pool of blood - my blood - that I was lying in grew larger, as my renal artery did its best firehose impression, trying to dump the entirety of my life’s most vital fluid onto the dirt, mixing it into a disgusting mud.

Mud that I was coating myself in as I jerked in pain, hot brands pressed to my flesh. I swear I could smell myself cooking. The creeping agony of a rotting leg trickling through me, the System sadistically showing me how Lyra had felt in her last days, her last moments.

I gritted my teeth, grinding them so hard they’d break if it wasn’t for my absurd vitality and puny strength. I bore down on the problem again, focusing my healing on one small part of my injury. I could feel that section closing off, but other parts of my wound started to open up.

Then my focus was broken, as a new wave of System-inflicted torture washed over me.

The pain of my fingers being clipped off, of a cloth covering my face and water being poured over it, of losing a loved one, of my bones growing into my flesh, nails on chalkboard, terrible smells and awful visions. The System was a sadistic monster, finding dozens, hundreds of new ways to torment me with each second.

I was yelling, screaming, trying to make it stop. My cries of pain petered out as I forced more and more air out of my lungs, unable to pause long enough to draw breath.




So much blood, all of it mine.

Was this the end? Coated in filth, tortured to death by the System as I slowly bled out, my mana pool 80% full and not doing anything?

Had the System restricted my skills while I was in the penalty period?

I saw the elves finish rushing over, the entire ordeal having only been a moment.

So far.

I saw Serondes, fist coated in Lava, punching down at me. I wanted to scream, but I had no voice, my (now-ex) boyfriend trying to straight-out murder me when I was down and out. More pain, more heartache, adding into the sheer torture the System was putting me through.

A familiar crow perched on his shoulder. My mind clearing for a brief, lucid second as I gazed upon Black Crow’s visage. He was here, at the end, waiting to claim me.

Well shit.

Serondes’s punch landed, the Lava-coated fist punching straight through my shield, straight through me.

The pain lessened, as there was less of me to feel pain, and the bleeding briefly slowed down, as the heat seared and burned my insides to a crisp. The familiar smell of pork reached my nose, and with how fast it happened, I couldn’t tell if it was real, or the System taunting me, reminding me of the people I’d burned alive. Then he pulled his hand back, re-destroying me on the back stroke, and with a snap, like the world coming into focus, my insides all healed up, perfect flesh replacing my destroyed organs.

Which launched me into a whole new world of pain. I forced myself to breath, just to curl up and scream more.

And scream.



All bleeding stops, either because it’s stemmed or because a patient bleeds out.

Screaming, as it turned out, was the same. The only thing that stopped my cries of agony was my voice giving out, refusing to move.

Trying to move, adding new pain, new sensations to the ceaseless torture the System was putting me through.

When it finally ended, I found myself curled in a sobbing, miserable ball in Serondes’s arms. Tears had rolled down my face, mixed with blood and scrapes of skin and flesh where I’d clawed at myself, literally half-tearing myself to pieces to try and get the pain to stop.

Serondes was holding me close, holding me tight, his fancy outfit utterly ruined.

“Has it stopped? Is she awake? Elaine? Elaine! My gods, Elaine!” Awarthril rushed over and knelt down next to Serondes, helping lift me up.

I was wobbly on my feet, and I couldn’t support myself. Serondes and Awarthril threw one of my arms over their shoulder each, and half-carried me.

With the height difference, that had my feet dangling in the air, and after a moment they gave up, and Serondes just scooped me up.

“Elaine, come on, speak to us! Tell us something! Anything?” Awarthril was practically begging.

“She’s hurt! She just stopped being in pain. I think we should give her a minute.” Serondes bit back.

I mutely nodded, a tiny signal that I was aware, and that, like, I hadn’t gone insane from the pain. It was entirely possible.

I started to piece together my thoughts.

First, where was I?

I was… being carried by Serondes. Yeah. That was a good start.

Speaking of, Serondes was re-promoted back to boyfriend. The Lava punch had quite literally saved me. Or maybe not? I had been… bleeding. Bleeding quite badly. My injury hadn’t been healing, but the major concern was rapid blood loss leading to death. As much as I liked food, as important as I considered eating, it wasn’t super-duper-instantly critical, the same way missing my stomach, and my liver and kidney being pulped were. And the blood loss. Yeah.

Whatever had been interfering with my healing hadn’t stopped me from regenerating blood - or from throwing up a shield to try and block Serondes. Hadn’t been-

Shield. Shield had been protecting the egg.

The egg!!

“....eh…” I half gasped out, my voice failing me. I tried to wriggle free of Serondes’s grip, only failing because I was as weak as a kitten.

Awarthril was there in a flash, hovering over me like a mother hen.

“Yes Elaine? What is it?” She said, leaning over in an awkward way so her ears were near me, without goring Serondes on her magnificent horns.

I tried to swallow, half-coughed, then managed to get enough saliva to swallow and try again.

“Egg.” I whispered out.

“Egg! Serondes?” Awarthril neatly stepped back.

“I have secured the egg Elaine.” Serondes turned around, showing me a pillar of Lava where the egg was neatly nestled.

Best. Boyfriend. Ever.

“What happened?” Serondes looked down at me, care in his eyes.

I paused for a moment. I didn’t want to reveal my [Oath] contents - although they knew I had a restriction skill - but they should know what had happened.

[Oath].” I was starting to get my voice back, but I still felt like shit.

Awarthril made a pained noise, sucking in air through her teeth.

“Ooooh, those can be nasty. It’s why I never took one. Bound to the same ideals forever, and generally the same line of classes? An eternity of it? Noooooo thank you. You’re braver than I am for taking one of those.”

I was too exhausted to point out the obvious, that I had no idea that I’d be Immortal when I took the oath, that I’d been a dumb kid playing with magic for the first time.

I weakly pointed at the egg, and Serondes carried me over. I grabbed at the egg, my fingers slipping off of it.

Hang on. I was dumb. Or rather, not thinking well because of what had just happened. I pulsed [Sunrise] through myself, energizing and revitalizing myself.

Somewhat. Not everything I’d been through could just be waved off with one skill.

I reached out again, grabbing the egg firmly and cradling it near me. I slowly rolled it around, checking it over. Everything seemed fine, and I held it close, putting the heat back in, making sure it was all good with [Egg Incubation].

I wanted to put it back into the sash, but there was too much dried blood caking every inch of the flexible glass.

“Elaine, I know you’ve had a bad time of it, but can you please confirm that no other gnoll has a Shimagu? We’ve got them arranged for you.” Serondes said.

That was somewhat ominous, but I weakly nodded my assent. What else was there to do?

Serondes carried me over to where the gnolls were, and I winced slightly at the sight. All of them were on their knees, with some having a collar of hardened Lava some of their necks, connected by hard stone to similar manacles around their wrists and ankles. I could see the faint remains of burn scars, and I mentally noted that I should get some good [Cosmic Presence] levels from all this.

The rest had a mixture of manacles and Ooze binding and wrapping them up, Awarthril and Serondes having bound and chained everyone down.

Cordamo was flying in lazy circles above them, making sure nobody tried anything, while Kiyaya silently prowled behind them, occasionally making some soft growls. Aegion was a distance away, his bow out but relaxed, an arrow ready to be drawn and fired.

I wasn’t entirely sure about it, but there didn’t seem to be as many gnolls now as when we first met up with them.

The sun was cooperating, and nobody was in the shade. With a thought, I turned on [Dance with the Heavens], increasing the range with [Wheel of Sun and Moon]. I focused primarily on burn injuries, focusing on how the raw heat of Lava caused proteins to denature, on how damage propagated through tissue. I then added in killing, destroying, and removing parasites, and added in an all-purpose “heal” to the end of it, figuring I’d catch any small, lingering problems, and putting the gnolls all to perfect health as my way of apologizing for what the elves had done.

I lost around 30% of my mana. The cross-species penalty, the range they were at, the mediocre image, and most importantly, the number of gnolls needing to be healed all contributed. I didn’t get any notifications about killing Shimagu, and I felt my blood run cold.

I’d just tried to actively kill an intelligent creature that had done nothing to me. Holy. I’d just gotten so lucky. I didn’t want to imagine what would’ve happened if I’d violated [Oath] twice in a row, back to back like that. And violated it that deliberately, that badly.

I needed to do some thinking on that thought. Why had I assumed trying to heal someone else from a shimagu infestation would cause an [Oath] penalty? Was that right?

Well, I didn’t want to risk it right now.

“Done.” I croaked out. I might be strong enough to stand now, but Serondes holding me was nice. I wanted comfort.

The bindings started to crumble, the gnolls being released. They mostly stayed still, and I stopped paying attention to them.

My mind wandered back to the attack, and my inability to properly heal. Well, I had been healing, healing almost everything else besides the attack. I’d been able to heal blood loss - hence not passing out - and I’d still been able to use my skills.

Which was suggestive that there had been counter-skills at play. I replayed the incident in my mind, how my wound had kept opening, even without additional help from my assailant.

Yeah, I’d bet a bunch of rods that I’d been hit with a half-dozen curse or wound-enhancement skills, and one of them just so happened to be a healing rate-limiter, or something like that. I’d only been able to give a trickle of healing towards the injury, which had fought back against the healing by trying to open shit up more. A neat one-two punch, designed to kill the target in one blow - even if a healer got to them.

I almost had to applaud the combination. It was good. Didn’t make me any happier to have been on the receiving end of it, especially with the [Oath] penalty.

“Ok, Serondes, bring Elaine over here.” Awarthril beckoned Serondes over, and we went into the tall ferns by the side of the road.

A glorious vision awaited me. A hot bath, with a pillar of Lava keeping the entire thing hot.

“Right, we need to get you cleaned up.” Awarthril brought out soap and a brush and other implements of dirt destruction.

Bless her.

I had some serious thinking on [Oath] to do.



The system is not very smart, is it

Josh Turple

Yeah I hope she can change it the damn thing is holding her back as much as helping her.


Critically, Elaine was like "Hang on, I don't need to kill this person because he's not trying to hurt me, it's the bodyjacker that's trying to hurt me." That's where Elaine goofed basically.


Well, at least she didn't notice she walked away half naked from her body. Again.


Love the chapter. Just a small thing though. A content warning without any other information is not that helpful. Maybe you could add a small info like "extreme violence" or something similar. Also a TL;DR would be nice for those that skip the chapter because of it, something like "Shimagu attack, Elain looses 1 level because of Oath, happy end" is more than enough. But than I read the chapter so maybe someone who skipped it has more to say on that subject

Richard Merlin

I dont understand why Elaine is suddenly worrying about killing Shimagus. You quite clearly explained in earlier chapters that person is still alive and so shimagu is absolutely a parasite hurting the patient and so patient health is priority just like any other parasite infecting a person. Elaine also had weeks to think about this. It it just very unrealistic to now worry about a monster parasite like shimagu. On further thought, I dont understand why Elaine was penalized. Although she realized she did not need to kill the body, the oath allows for self-defense. just because body does mean it does not mean that the body is not still attacking Elaine. She is allowed to lethaly deafend herself.


Now we discover why I added in Mistweave to the story - Elaine's clothes are perfect!


I yo-yo on it, because my issue with content warnings are they can be a HUGE spoiler. So I waver.


It wasn't from killing the shimagu. It was from killing the gnoll, who, in Elaine's mind, was an "innocent" bystander. A large part of this is based off of how Elaine sees the world, and she sees the hijacked body as a victim, not as an assailant.


I hate that oath. It's so stupid. I always hated it. But it did make her into who she is. Kinda? Couldn't she just kill people? Ughhh.


Yeah she should just be able to knock people out by lowering their blood pressure or inducing a "petite mal" seizure as needed to disable them. Heck even just causing some inflammation around some key nerves to temporarily make them a paraplegic would do the trick. No special knowledge of a given organism is really needed to do either of those things. Anything with a nervous system, heart or brain would be effected in a similar way. Which means virtually everything out there. If she can hit them with a sword or whatever she can touch them for a split second. Especially with her speed.

Matthias Schauer

Fwiw I think the way the system decided on the penalty would be clearer if the penalty line didn't come directly after the kill notification for the Shimagu, but rather between the Gnoll notification and the Shimagu one. The way things are laid out right now makes it look like killing the Gnoll was fine and killing the Shimagu was what got her penalized, which isn't the intention afaict.


I tried to make that clear with "Everything was happening so fast", but you're right, that would be a better order. Lemme fix it


Thank you!

Kale Daley

I also hope the Oath remains as is. The fact that Elaine's perception of situations is what triggers or doesn't trigger the Oath makes it much more interesting imo. If it was simply some god or the system itself deciding it eventually we'd have a very neat box to put her in where every action would have wholy predictable outcomes. The nuance that it is her own perception of things that binds her allows for so many more interesting situations to happen. I think this perfectly fits with her character. As someone who wants to explore and learn as much as possible it allows her further avenues to grow through a better understanding of herself. It will shape the she comes to view everything while giving her an ironclad baseline to build off of. She can't lie to herself or equivocate here. The Oath is now an intrinsic part of her for both good and ill. I trust Selkie to find interesting ways leverage this going forward.


Killing Shimagus with healing magic should be fine as long as she sees the host as her patient. Dangerous parasite attacks her patient by controlling them, fair game under the 'protect her patients' clause. But I suppose she's still a bit out of it after that ordeal.


That's such rubbish though? Elaine had a smoothbrained thought at the last second while killing a being trying to kill her, and because of it the Oath shrugged and just went with that? He was actively trying to kill her, it really doesn't matter that he was being controlled. If he'd succeeded she'd be dead either way. It's objectively self-defense, being penalized for it directly goes against the wording of the Oath. She's ALLOWED to defend herself with lethal force. By this logic if someone was being manipulated into killing Elaine she couldn't defend herself from them. After all if she kills the person doing the manipulating that would solve the problem too, so by dint of inexplicable smoothbrain Elaine logic she can't hurt the guy with a spear through her spinal column. Like come on. The fact that the Gnoll didn't WANT to hurt Elaine has no bearing whatsoever on the fact of the situation, that being that his body is currently hurting Elaine. Again there's no possible argument against self-defense.


If she can rules lawyer the oath into most anything she perceives as "correct" than its not worth much of anything though and loses most if not all its meaning. Its one of the issues with contracts and such in all these stories that pops up frequently.


So, if someone went up to Elaine and said "Elaine, I am dying of being mortal, fix it", would Elaine HAVE to make them Immortal due to the Oath?


It would've been the same even if she didn't "realize" it. However, beta feedback on the chapter was "It makes it obvious what's going on by having her realize it."

AntiClimax she her

That's kinda what I was thinking, but what happens when she kills a shimagu and the patient tells her that they wanted the shimagu? It makes me think of star gate, the difference between the Tok'ra and the Goa'uld.


So, if its her who triggeres the oath and not the system, does that mean a 'perception altering skill' would actually permit her going on a killing spree without a system penalty? Because if not then this case woudnt make much sense...


I'll be frank. This is bullshit. Mind control would indicate she would get penalised if she kills someone who is being mind controlled. This parasite is controlling that person/gnoll. I don't care how. This would also indicate if someone is say controlling someone only physically through a skill then she can't kill them because the system will make her want to die. Even if she is in mortal danger. Which she was in now since she was bleeding out and not being able to heal


"I will only take up a knife to defend myself or my patient" I would be asking a refund from the system


I think its just adding drama so the oath can play a more 'active' role. I agree that suddenly adding perception into the fold isnt the greatest move, tough. Take for example soldiers who are following orders and say: Sorry, its either you or me for disobeying orders. *puff* self defense impossible.

Will C

I think the ultimate Irony could be that situations could happen where more people die due to Elaine being oath crippled that results in her balming herself resulting in a further oath crippling that could result in her still being unable to save someone causing a chain effect. It would only take a reasonable sized skirmish or battle to give it a chance.

Matthew Dennis

killing parasites should be ok as they are attacking the patient. if healing the gnoll is the objective than the parasite is at least doing massive psychological harm. Even thought the parasites are intelligent they are harmful to the host

Flying Goat

"I will only take up a knife to defend myself or my patient." - that sounds like it pretty clearly allows defending herself, regardless of the intentions of the attacker (admittedly, before that she said "I will defend the patients under my care from harm and injustice," and being body-controlled and forced to attacks someone who then kills you is an injustice, I suppose)


No, because Elaine is fine if she tries and fails. This is kosher for her.


yeah, I also thought that's the reason the oath activated, she could have hit the gnoll with healing and it would have still saved her without injurying the host.


Which unholy bastard designed the Oath penalty system, seriously


Jumping on the "being punished for self-defense is BS" bandwagon here. She was attacked, she defended herself. It makes no sense for the system to have punished her even with the "innocent host death" seeing as she had no way of knowing how to heal the host free of the parasite while she was at risk of death herself.

kfir with a כ

The oath shouldnt penalize her for killing a shkmagu by healing, because shes protecting her patient (the host) from something harming it (the shimagu)

AntiClimax she her

I kinda don't want to, but yeah. I think this falls under both a hostage situation (like with the pirates) and the "don't light yourself on fire to keep others warm), which was maybe brought up in the plague arc. Not to mention when it comes to self defense the intentions of the attacker don't matter, their actions and actual or imminent harm do.


What if it is a willing host and Elaine does not know. What happens then? Does the system decide or it is all good because she thinks it is good. Does learning the information afterward triggers the oath?


Don't quote me on this but I am pretty sure there are no skills that can alter the mind in the way you are imagining. When it comes to directly controlling others in this world I believe using them as puppets against their will is about as far as it can go. Other than that you have to go with standard fair lying, coercion. fear and other forms of less direct, not mind altering, old fashioned manipulation.


I really this and some of the other issues with her oath that are just cropping up isn't going to be some form of horrid foreshadowing. So forced control and attacking the controlled not the controller breaks the oath. Likely doesn't care about ignorance or not. Defending freedom so long as they haven't attempted to kill or harm her isn't something she can do with force. Not liking the revelations here. Someone with a lets turn back time for you skill is basically a walking hostage class on top of that.

AntiClimax she her

You know what the worst part of this chapter is? I have to wait to read the next one. Thank you for the new chapter. The argument around whether oath should have penalized her is interesting to me, and I can honestly see both sides, even if I sympathize with one more than the other!


I'd really like some clarification on how the system works. So many things are unclear, like how elaine got almost zero xp for healing the most dangerous being in existence (lun'kat the dragon) to losing a level for self defence :/. If it's actually related to elaines own perception of things, then the lun'kat heal xp makes no sence at all, so I can only assume the system has some convoluted and unkown method for calculating xp gain and loss, and as long as it remains an unkown, it's going to be very frustrating to readers.

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.

K Hilliard

Ah hah! Perhaps Elaine doesn't need an immortality curse, because she already cursed herself with her Oath? (I tend to avoid comments, so maybe someone said this before?)


Wait wasn’t the anti aging skill level 1? Did she just lose it?


I just thought of this too. It would be fun if she lost it temporarily (what she doesn't know). Wondering if the elfes would treat her differently.


Elaine gained like 40 levels while healing the dragon. She had notifications turned off and saw what her level was after she turned them back on after leaving the lair.

Gremlin Jack

What pisses me off is how shit keeps getting in between Elaine and some good books. I want some knowledge skill ranks, damnit!


I honestly don't think this violates the oath at all and it's a contradiction in the system

Mistress Araenidae

I think it's time bite something hard and get rid of Oath or at least remove it and then modify it before retaking it.


Agreed. Until the kill notification she had no way of knowing if it was a snatcher. Could have been anything. Is she supposed to heal every person who attacks her from now on before she can fire her lasers?