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Tl;dr: Only one post next week.

Hey all! 

With the end of book 5, this is a good spot for me to take a small break. I'm sorry that I didn't announce this last month, ahead of time, but this last week has utterly destroyed me. 

I know I took a "break" last month, but I haven't had a good, real break in a long time. Last month my daughter was in hospital. June's "break" was moving across the country. There was a break before then, around book 3! being completed, but that was because I'd written a 15k word Iona interlude and that had taken me a whole week to write. I was busy refilling my backlog. Before THAT was Flora getting born, and a week in hospital was technically kinda a break, but being a new parent isn't that restful. 

So yeah. My actual "rest and recharge" breaks have been few and far between, and with just how damn tired I am, I need to rest a bit to pace myself. I feel like it's been showing a bit, and the start of book 6 is a bit on the weaker, shorter side. It's not at the quality I like, which is telling me I need a break and to take a rest. Related, but usually I'm super excited to write, and this past week I just haven't been, which to me is an early warning sign of burnout. Nobody wants me to burnout.

All in all, there's only going to be one post next week, on Wednesday. Not posting at all for a week makes me paranoid, and also makes me fall off the front page of Royal Road, which makes getting back onto the front page hard. The rich get richer view-wise, and views are good. Views = readers and new readers = more patrons. 


Pretty picture! It's the current WIP for the book 6 cover! It's not done, but it'll give you all an idea of what it's going to look like. Mostly Elaine's colors getting brighter are what I bounced back to the artist. Yay artwork!

In discord, I've starting winding up some community games for people to play together. Right now we're looking at setting up a Minecraft server (once 1.18 hits in ~2 months), and a Neptune's Pride game or two. Pop on in, say hi, and join the fun!

Book 5 is on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09GTTY8G8

Book 4's Audiobook is coming out soon! I got the files from Podium recently, and they're working on the last bit of post-processing. Not up for preorder yet, but soon!

Thank you all for your understanding! Onto book 6, and beyond!

PS: Royal Road is getting cliffed SO DAMN HARD. They're getting the chapter where Elaine discovers Lun'Kat as their last chapter before my break.




Lol, poor folks on RR. The art is amazing! Enjoy your break!


Have a good break!


Nice! Chillax a bit if its even possible while raising a baby No burnout allowed as i’ve said! Waiting is a torture, but a good one because we can look forward to something good, it’s a good, yet frustrating kind of waiting…


The art is beautiful. But is it weird that I think Elaine is TOO pretty in this? And I do mean both too curvy and too clean.


yeahh, god can you imagine not getting the next chappy from there in a timely fashion? Bonkers, they will go. That said, absolutely support taking a break for realzies, 100%. Have fun and looking forward to your return properly replenished!


Have a good break!


I support the break even though I don't like it, it's better if it means better chapters later. Aslo with this artwork I would really like you to do a short pov or something of someone describing how Elaine looks now, since we haven't really had a description of her appearance in a long time, and it would help, at least help me, with the immersion when I'm completely sure of how the character looks


Take care of yourself and get some extra sleep!

Matthew Dennis

Im torn between being happy for you taking time for your self and wanting to break down in tears begging for more content


You are one of the best sequential writers that I read and I would hate for you to burn out!


Speaking of the Royal Road front page, this might be a good time for loyal readers who haven't yet posted a review to do so and keep BtDM from slipping.

Andrew Moreton

Everyone needs a holiday sometime, and time spent in a hospital is never a holiday


Wow, I guess I didn't realize how far behind Royal road was


I approve, take a break and recharge. Frequent updates mean nothing when the quality goes down and the last chapters with the elves have felt a bit lackluster. The Rostellio interlude was great though. That's the quality writing we're here for. Taking a break to avoid burnout is fine, the rate at which you write is pretty incredible. I wish George R. R. Martin and Patrick Rothfuss had even a fraction of your dedication in regards to writing every day. Maybe then we'd actually get The Winds of Winter and The Doors of Stone in this lifetime.


She has the ability to bathe and a skill that makes her prettier.


Be like pirateaba take regular breaks it's seemed to help a lot


Better to take a break than to burn out.


Go for a break whenever u feel like it u need some breathing room :3 btw that’s a beautiful picture?


Is that wing color accurate? I though they were brighter.


Poor RR people... I've never been more thankful of being a patron xD


New to Patron, When do we get book 5 epub here ?


Selkie can i have link to the discord? I wanna join your mc server :D def not a pro


Ok! You take all the time you need! Thank you so much for all your hard work! <3